My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 225: He is back! Foot injury infected, high fever persists

 Chapter 225 He is back! Foot injury infected, high fever persists

Shen Nian'an stared blankly at the phone and conveyed, "The caller said it was Qiao Liao's brother and asked us to take her downstairs now."

"We have to go down anyway, let's wake her up quickly." Shen Nian'an and others forcibly woke up Ye Weiwei.

Ye Weiwei, who was dazed by the fever, opened and closed his eyes, feeling uncomfortable all over, "I'm so hot, I want to sleep."

 “Qiao Li, you have a fever, get up quickly.”

"I have a headache, so I can't walk." She just felt exhausted, her head hurt, and she didn't have the strength to get up at all.

“But your brother called, and the teacher also said that we should take you downstairs. You have a fever.”

 “” She opened her mouth with difficulty and forced herself to open her eyes.

Seeing her reaction, her roommate helped her downstairs.

The dormitory aunt has been woken up and is standing at the dormitory door waiting for them to come down.

Shen Nian'an and others supported Ye Weiwei when they saw a tall figure at the last staircase.

 “Is it that person?”

 “What if it’s not the case?”

The roommates hesitated at the door until the slender figure hidden in the darkness kept approaching and gradually became clear.

He walked step by step, and his handsome and extraordinary appearance was the first intuitive impression that several people had on him.


He said an inexplicable thank you, and his deep magnetic voice almost captured them.

 Fortunately, Shen Nian'an was very vigilant and refused to let him go directly. He looked at him questioningly, "You, are you Qiao Lian's brother?"

"I am."

Shen Nian'an thought that the two brothers and sisters had different names, so it shouldn't be wrong, but she still shook Qiao Ling awake and said, "Qiao Ling, look quickly to see if this is your brother."

Ye Weiwei, who was unconscious, opened her eyes. The images in her mind gathered in front of her eyes. She opened Shen Nian'an's eyes and stumbled into Ye Xichen's arms, "Brother..."

 At that moment, she held on tightly.

By chance, the teacher also called to inquire about the situation, and Shen Nian'an and the others also happened to check Ye Xichen's identity.

Ye Xichen didn't say anything. After expressing his gratitude, he picked up Ye Weiwei and left quickly.

The roommate sighed, “I didn’t expect Qiao Lian’s brother to be so handsome!”

“Yes, and he came faster than the teacher. Looking at his anxious look, you can tell that he is worried about Qiao Lian.”

 “I hope Qiao Lian is okay.”

 The roommates exchanged words with each other, and were finally driven back to the dormitory by the dormitory aunt.

Ye Xichen made a "big fuss" at Gu Chengxi's private residence in the middle of the night.

Gu Chengxi’s private residence is comparable to a small clinic, and has more advanced equipment than the clinic.

Just when Gu Chengxi saw Ye Xichen, he almost thought he had seen a ghost!

 “Why are you back?”

"Don't talk nonsense, let her take a look first, she has a serious fever."

“You have a cold and a fever that makes you feel like you’re going to die?” Gu Chengxi was dissatisfied with being woken up in the middle of the night.

But when he touched Ye Youyi’s forehead, the scorching temperature calmed him down.

Gu Chengxi said with a serious look: "Carry her into my consulting room."

While examining her, Gu Chengxi found an injury on Ye Wei's foot.

 “What’s wrong with this foot?”

“I don’t know yet.” Ye Xichen frowned, unable to answer Gu Chengxi for a moment.

 He couldn't help but rush back after hearing Ye Weiwei's cough. He didn't know that she had been hurt so much at school!

Gu Chengxi’s expression was solemn, “She probably caught a cold due to coldness in her body, and the wound on her foot was infected with bacteria and inflamed, which aggravated the fever.”

“It’s a bit dangerous if her fever doesn’t go down tonight.”

  Thanks to "Moran Xiya" for the reward~

Question 3: Name the various names that Ye Xichen calls Ye Youwei in the article. Whoever answers the most will be ranked first. If the number of answers is the same, it depends on the time. Two lucky readers will also be selected (for example, Ye Youwei, Xiaolingdang, etc.)

Please leave a separate post in the book review area and rush to answer



 (End of this chapter)

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