My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 240: Grandma, my name is Qiao Ling

Chapter 240 Grandma, my name is Qiao Ling

Mrs. Qiao felt that she was destined to Ye Weiyi, and suddenly asked: "Little girl, what is your name?"

Ye Weiwei was stunned for a moment, and replied in a crisp voice: "My name is Qiao Li."


Mrs. Qiao had a flash of deep meaning in her eyes.

This girl also has a father who died long ago, and her surname is also Qiao.

 But now that Pei Yichen left temporarily, Mrs. Qiao was a little excited. Could her granddaughter be this child?

Mrs. Qiao couldn't wait to ask: "Are you a student of this school?"

Ye Weiwei slowly shook his head, "No, why do you ask?"

“Oh, I saw you sitting at the entrance of the college, so I thought you were.”

Ye Weiwei smiled slightly and explained: "I used to go to school here, but I'm in my first year of high school now, so I'm not here. I'm waiting for my friends."

Mrs. Qiao secretly thought it was a pity.

 In fact, she has a good impression of this little girl. She is pitiful and innocent, has a nice voice, and has a good personality and politeness.

Mrs. Qiao thought that her granddaughter should be like this, or even better!

Ye Weiwei saw Mrs. Qiao sitting there alone and took the initiative to talk to her. Ye Weiwei wondered if this old lady was lonely?

 In fact, she had a good impression of this old lady.

Ye Weiwei put her cell phone back into her school bag, looked for a topic and asked, "Grandma, what are you doing sitting here alone?"

 “Me, I’m here to wait for my granddaughter.”

Ye Weiwei blinked and reminded the old man, "get out of class should be over now. Grandma, you should ask."

At this point in time, all the students were gone. It was just some students in Gong Qianli’s class who were unlucky enough to stay in the classroom because they couldn’t solve the questions.

"Me, my granddaughter's class hasn't finished yet. She seems to be doing some test questions." Of course, Pei Yichen told the old lady this news.

Pei Yichen just went to keep an eye on Li Moer. If Li Moer came out, he would naturally rush to notify the old lady as soon as possible.

“Test questions? So does my friend who has to wait. It’s so pitiful that he has to do the test questions in the last class.”

“Little girl, won’t the friend you are waiting for be in the third grade of junior high school?”

 “Yes, Class 1, Grade 3.”

Mrs. Qiao was happy when she heard this, "It seems that we are really destined. My granddaughter is also in the first grade of junior high school."

"Eh." Ye Weiwei also felt strange and asked casually: "Is that so? Grandma, what is your granddaughter's name?"

 She has been in that class for a year and a half, so if she is someone in the class, she must know him.

 “Her name is Ye…”


Just when Mrs. Qiao was about to say the words "Ye Mo'er", Pei Yichen came back.

 What I just said was interrupted.

Pei Yichen lowered his head and spoke softly in Mrs. Qiao's ear.

Mrs. Qiao looked obviously moved, "Okay, okay, you're about to come out, right?"


 “Let’s go, let’s go there.”

Mrs. Qiao stood up from the couch, and Pei Yichen walked with her.

Mrs. Qiao took two steps and remembered the little girl who was still waiting. She turned around and said hello to her, "The person I'm waiting for has arrived. Goodbye, little girl."

Ye Weiwei actually didn't hear anything clearly just now, and just waved goodbye, "Goodbye, grandma."

Pei Yichen, who still didn't know what happened, turned back curiously. It happened that at this time, he was the only one who lowered his head and couldn't see clearly.

Li Moer and her friends walked out of the school gate. The girls in school uniforms looked so young and beautiful.

Pei Yichen and Mrs. Qiao pointed to Li Mo'er's position, "Madam, look, she is a shorter girl with a single ponytail."

  Thanks to "I'm hard to coax" for the reward~

Today is Monday, all the data are rising very slowly, including Qiubo recommendation votes and comments, as well as rewards from wealthy people.

There are already more than 400 rewards in the reward building. Please pay attention. There are physical gifts on the 520th floor.



 (End of this chapter)

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