My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 242: Her eyebrows are similar to my son's

Chapter 242 Her eyebrows are similar to my son’s

 Pei Yichen and Mrs. Qiao were not far away from Li Moer. Mrs. Qiao looked uncontrollably excited.

For some reason, Mrs. Qiao thought of her granddaughter, and the face of "Qiao Liao" came to mind.

I always felt that the look between her eyebrows was somewhat similar to the son in her memory.

Perhaps it was because Li Moer never looked back that Mrs. Qiao only saw the side profile and could not describe her specific appearance.

 Looking from the side, the figure is small.

 But Mrs. Qiao thought to herself: My lady must be well-behaved.

Originally, Li Mo'er and Ye Weiwei were about the same height, and Ye Weiwei was one or two centimeters taller than Li Moer. Unexpectedly, during the year when he skipped a grade from the second to the third grade of junior high school, Li Moer suddenly grew to 1.6 meters, and Li Moer is now 1.6 meters tall. He is only 1.56 meters tall.

"Yi Chen, let's go to the front and have a look." Mrs. Qiao was obviously not satisfied with just looking at the back.

Pei Yichen helped her speed up.

At this time, a gorgeous car stopped next to Li Moer. Li Moer opened the door and got into the car.

Pei Yichen and Mrs. Qiao vaguely saw a woman dressed as a noble lady sitting in the front row of the car.

Pei Yichen whispered in Mrs. Qiao's ear: "Madam, that should be Mrs. Yejia."

 After the car door is closed, the car turns around and leaves.

Although Mrs. Qiao was reluctant to leave, she also sighed: "I came to pick her up from school in person. It seems that the Ye family is really good to her."

"Madam, let's go back first. If you want to see it, I will arrange a time for you next time."

"All right."

Pei Yichen picked up the car.

 They also drove along the road leaving the school.

Old Mrs. Qiao saw two young girls standing on the roadside through the window card.

This is not a scene worth paying attention to, but one of them is the little girl she just met and whom she liked very much - Qiao Li.

 The roadside.

After Gong Qianli told Ye Weiyi with certainty that Xu Tangxi was her love rival, she comforted her by saying, "But that's all Xu Tangxi's wishful thinking. Brother Chen won't like her."

Ye Yiwei's expression was no longer as fearless as before, and she suddenly became alarmed, "Xu Tangxi, did you get to play with Brother Chen and the others just because of games?"

“Nangong Luo said this, they just get together to play games.”

“Liuli, do you know how to play?”

 When asked about the game, Gong Qianli shook her head helplessly, "I can't do it. I'm relatively weak. Do you want to play?"

 “I want to learn more.” Ye Xichen knows it, and she wants to learn it, maybe in this way she can get closer to him.

 “Ask Brother Chen to take care of you.”

“Brother Chen is very busy, and I don’t want to disturb him with this little thing.” Speaking of which, Ye Weiyi still feels a little inferior.

 She has nothing, and is not particularly powerful in any aspect.

Gong Qianli was also very considerate. He didn't hear her disappointed tone for a moment and gave her a recommendation, "Then look for Nangong Luo. He has a lot of fun every day and he has a lot of time."

Nangong Luo is a second-generation rich man who eats, drinks and has fun all day long. Although he is not a prodigal, he does not live a rigorous life like Ye Xichen.

Nangong Luo’s learning is always half-baked, but in terms of mathematics, his sensitivity to numbers is beyond ordinary people’s!

Gong Qianli, who is very poor at mathematics, once commented: Nangong Luo is a mathematics geek!

 Ye only laughed out loud with a "puff".

Suddenly a car stopped next to me.

The car window opened, and Mrs. Qiao turned to greet Qiao Lian, "Little girl, we meet again."


Ye Weiyi was slightly surprised.

How about Mrs. Qiao invite them to get in the car and give them a ride?



 (End of this chapter)

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