My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 294: Ye Xichen, I like you

Chapter 294 Ye Xichen, I like you

"Ye Xichen!" Ye Weiwei clenched his fingers. At that moment, countless scenes of the two of them living together flashed through his mind. The anxiety and panic all turned into four pure and serious words...

"I like you."

 At the end of the confession, the voice was so quiet that it was almost inaudible.

 But Ye Xichen already knew.

 Some words don’t need to be said clearly, he already knows them.

 But...he couldn't agree.

Ye Xichen stepped closer to her, and the two of them were almost touching each other.

 The gentle palms rubbed the top of her head, and it was that familiar and reassuring feeling again.

His expression remained unchanged, but his voice became a little warmer, "Don't think so wildly.

Ye Weiwei bit her lip, with mixed emotions in her eyes. She stepped back from him and moved away step by step, "You don't have to deal with me!"

 “I won’t give up anyway!” She stubbornly expressed her firm attitude to him without crying or fussing.

Ye Xichen strode towards her with a calm expression, "Little Bell! You probably need to calm down."

Ye Weiwei backed away and shook his head, "I'm very awake."


She turned to leave and almost bumped into someone carrying large equipment from the opposite side.

 Fortunately, Ye Xichen reacted quickly and held her waist to pull her away, thus avoiding disaster.

The two staff members who were carrying the equipment apologized to her. Ye Weiwei was still in shock and said a few words of apology.

 She took a deep breath to adjust her mood, and the feeling of her heartbeat speeding up was really exciting.

Ye Xichen no longer had a calm expression, but he frowned deeply and scolded dissatisfiedly, "Little Lingdang, you never know how to take good care of yourself!"

 Finally heard the true words with emotional fluctuations.

Not only was Ye Weiwei not afraid, but she smiled without any grudge, "Then take care of me. Didn't you say I can rely on you?"

“…” Ye Xichen never thought that one day he would be driven into silence by Ye Weiyi.

Su Che saw this "accident" that almost happened from a distance and came over to say hello with a pink cup.

“Brother Chen, what a coincidence, who is this?”

Su Che had lunch and went downstairs to go to the Internet cafe. He happened to see these two people and couldn't help but come over.

To put it bluntly, Su Che was very curious about "Ye Xichen's sister" after listening to Xu Tangxi's words.

Before Ye Xichen could introduce him, Ye Weiyi stood up and said, "Hello, my name is Qiao Li, and I am Ye Xichen's friend."

Su Che's eyes twitched, "Friend? Not my sister?"

 “What sister?”

“Oh, oh, I mean you two look quite similar to each other. I thought you were brother and sister.” Su Che believed Xu Tangxi’s words and did not dare to reveal his identity.

The only retort is, "They are not brothers and sisters."

Su Che sneered. Seeing something was wrong, he immediately rubbed oil on his soles and ran away.

Yeye Weiwei stared at the pink cup in his hand and took a few more glances.

It was finally quiet again, and Ye Weiwei no longer dwelled on the previous topic, "I will take good care of myself, and you should get well soon."

 She also said: “I will go back now.”

“But don’t think that I am angry or angry with you, I really want to tell you!”

While he was not prepared, Ye Weiwei suddenly stepped onto the flower bed next to him, reached out and hooked his neck, and kissed him quickly on the cheek with lightning speed.

The corners of her small mouth were slightly raised, the dimples on her cheeks appeared sweetly, and her eyes were filled with determination, "Ye Xichen, I promised that I will definitely come here to meet you in three years!"

Su Che, who had just fallen back, stood behind, dumbfounded!

Thank you to Qibao for the rewards from "One Life Aixi Yisheng, Yi Ge Xiaoxi, Yang Laoda, I wish I had you, I can't coax you"~

La la la, I agree to your confession ~ Little Bell has changed and will not be as weak as before

Today is Monday, the recommendation votes have been recalculated, and there is still candy if it reaches 1,000!



 (End of this chapter)

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