My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 977: Cat bites

Chapter 977 Cat bites

Yu Anran stayed at home for a short time. When she heard that someone was visiting, she had to go down to meet the guest.

But I didn’t expect that it was Xiao He.

 “What are you doing here?”

With no parents present, Yu Anran was not polite when speaking to Xiao He.

Xiao He always had a smile on his face, as if he was very approachable and friendly, "I heard from Aunt Yu that you were sick and came here to see you."

"You're not a doctor, it's useless to come here." Yu Anran was very venomous when he became indifferent, and he didn't care about Xiao He coming to visit at all.

But Xiao He was determined to show his presence in front of her, pretending not to hear the pushy meaning in Yu Anran's words, and asked: "Who said that only doctors can visit patients, not relatives, friends, etc.? "

"Thank you, but I don't have the energy to receive guests today. You can go."

"Nonsense, of course the patient does not need to meet the guest specially, An Ran. I just hope that we can get along more and understand each other better. Why are you so indifferent and rejecting people thousands of miles away without giving them any chance."

 “That’s the kind of person I am.”

 They both looked at each other.

They stared for a while, each thinking.

The phone in Yu Anran's hand rang. When he turned it over, he saw that it was Bei Ye.

Although Kitano often sends her messages or stays to guard her when she gets home, he usually doesn't call her at this time.

Yu Anran turned around and entered a room holding her cell phone.


"Of course, are you feeling unwell again?" Kitano asked the question straight to the point, his tone sounding a little urgent.

Yu Anran did not deny it, but what she wanted to know was, "How did you know?"

 “I calculated the time, it’s almost these days.”

“You’ve just calculated the time, so you won’t be able to greet me at this exact time, right?”

“Okay, I admit that someone told me that you did not go to work today, and you did not participate in the board of directors of your company.”

Bei Ye learned his lesson and honestly explained what he had done before.

After all, it is really difficult to lie in front of Yu Anran. She can find loopholes in your words, no, maybe even one word, to get to the bottom of the problem.

 Yu Anran, a person who is so serious about his work, was unable to attend the board of directors. It seems that something was holding him back.

 That’s why he called me.

 But Yu Anran seemed unhappy after hearing this, "Find someone to monitor me."

When Bei Ye heard this, he stamped his feet anxiously and wished he could straighten out his tongue and do it all over again.

“But don’t get me wrong, I just care about you, and I’m already at your door.”

"What did you say?"

"I'm at the Yu family villa, outside." Beiye repeated it again so that she could really hear it clearly.

Yu Anran let out a long sigh.

Did these two people make an appointment to gather at her house to fight?

Yu Anran stood at the door, opened a gap and glanced at Xiao He who was standing in the living room.


Caught off guard and heard a scream, Yu Anran hurriedly opened the door and walked out.

"What’s wrong with you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao He was seen waving away a cat, his right hand covering the back of his left hand, his expression a bit ferocious.

“Meow, meow, meow~” the cat that was thrown to the ground meowed, sounding a little pitiful.

 “Butler, butler!”

Yu Anran reacted very quickly and summoned the housekeeper and the family doctor.

 The cat rubbed against her feet, and Yu Anran bent down to pick the cat up.

“That cat bites people, An Ran, please put it down quickly.”

 (End of this chapter)

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