My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 99: Time and space paradox, I created the world of martial arts?

What a special thing for me!

The overwhelming one-meter yuan is printed with my missing person notice, and on it is my fingerprint...

Fu Qingjun was dumbfounded.


"If your Excellency likes it, then I'll give it to you." Professor Nasika looked at Fu Qingjun with rapt attention, thinking he liked the bill.

"Thank you." Fu Qingjun looked uneasy.

"Everyone has a good journey."

After sending these people away, Fu Qingjun felt extremely heavy.

He left this living room, took care of some of the clutter in the gang, went straight home without stopping, went upstairs, and closed the door of the room.

He took out the ink for the pen, pressed a handprint on the paper, and then began to compare the entire banknote.

Right index finger.

Fu Qingjun came to a conclusion.

Almost a perfect match.

"Universe Wanted?" His mind was blank.

If it was only a suspicion before, then it is completely certain now that he sent Jiaxia to the distant prehistoric ancient times.

call! !

Shocked, he picked up the pen and paper and began to organize his thoughts.

"Before it was speculation. Now that evidence has indeed been obtained, it is still extremely terrifying physical evidence. I have left fingerprints hundreds of thousands of years ago!"

"Jiaxia traveled back to ancient times, and is still the American continent under her feet."

"Even, his goal is to travel through time, and it is very likely that the location will not change, that is, the location under my feet in Duguan Town hundreds of thousands of years ago!"

"On Earth, the ancestors of the human ape-man have millions of years of history. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, it should have been the era of the ape-man, a wild land and lush forest. He established civilization on the American land.

"The Anunnaki who descended from the sky was affectionately called by the prehistoric apes, ant friends."

Fu Qingjun kept organizing his thoughts.

The native Indians of the American continent, and even the Hopi tribe with the most complete heritage, clearly record those stories.

Because of this, they got the civilized power that Jiaxia belonged to, and became extremely powerful, brave and good at fighting.

In modern times, after the discovery of the New World in the Kingdom of Hawkes, it changed the fate of the Indians being colonized, and they were already extremely powerful, so the butterfly effect was born...

Without being colonized, the free country whose history was built on colonization was not born.

"chain reaction."

Fu Qingjun couldn't help thinking, "Perhaps, the civilization of this world is exactly the same as the civilized era of the earth! And my butterfly effect sent Jiaxia home, which led to this special World War II era."

All kinds of chain reactions, without a free country, there is a devil world of martial arts muscles everywhere.

At the same time, the three gods descended to the present.

He looked at where the table was once:

Who knows that the pot of sunflowers on the desk in the window is the truth of the myth?

The so-called three outer gods of the universe are nothing more than the indescribable evil seen by this pile of near-sighted ants sitting at the desk?

Even Fu Qingjun had to sigh, "More likely, this is the same earth! It's just that I changed everything and thought it was parallel time and space!"

But what happened to that ruin?

Is real.

As for the time paradox?

He couldn't figure it out.

"It should still be a parallel universe. Perhaps this parallel universe was the same at the beginning. It was caused by my changes." Fu Qingjun tapped the tip of the pen.

"But, time is paradox...?" He thought for a while, but couldn't understand. After all, he is not a professional, but an ordinary high school student.

Converging emotions, after all, I suddenly felt that the world was quite dangerous.

He is the most wanted criminal in history.

"From now on, I won't be able to press my finger." He didn't bother to pay attention to so much, his eyes lowered, and he should just do what he should.

On the other side, the era of the Fourth Realm is starting again.

Empress Lianna, has been away all day...

Still staying overnight in the mist, in a convenience store, but also suffered a lot of attacks.

"The ant advance team." There is a weird feeling in his heart, and how is it a bit like the kind of placement and exploration game that he has played before, the traveling frog?

Fu Qingjun looked at the night banquet of the gods and devils, "Well, it's time to comfort Udula. By the way, let her be my research deputy and help me create a new race to build a new world sandbox!"

Creating, evolving, and transforming species are not what Fu Qingjun is good at.

His goal is to get other people to help, after all, this is a profound knowledge.

But now, Fu Qingjun intends to create a species that only he can create, because this requires the knowledge of programmers.

Probably, the smartphone family?

"Mechanical snail." He took a deep breath, "Sure enough, seventeen years of love, you can't just forget it. I feel itchy again and want to program."

After dinner.

Fu Qingjun still got the supper.

At night, the surrounding area was dim and pitch black.

There is a stone road at the foot, facing the darkness, Udula and Qin Hong have experienced a long-lost meeting.

For more than a week, Qin Hong had been chased by the angels, but he hadn't researched a new race, but he had vaguely thought about it.

Electric eel!

Electric down those angels in the sky.

Regardless of how this stronger species came out, how to deal with it, first live to the second life night banquet.

It’s just that the recent newcomer seems to be troubled by something and has been depressed...

The two walked out facing the black mist.

"Praise the nameless god!"

"Praise the nameless god!"

In the mist, the two met and bowed to salute, the dull hair on top of their heads slowly swaying.

They generally don't talk about things in reality, so as not to expose their true identities, but they talk about each other daily, and their experiences in species transformation.

"Your species is about to be born, right?" Yudura said.

"It's still far away, and I have encountered many problems." Qin Hong did not even reveal what kind of species it was, because once it may appear in a certain era, the other party is likely to be aware of his identity.

It She doesn't even dare to relax at all.


Suddenly, a figure walked slowly in the distance.

"Senior!" Qin Hong bowed his head and saluted quickly.

"Master!" Udula burst into tears, and the facts he encountered were miserable.

Fu Qingjun nodded, with a cold expression, and said: "Udura, what you experience is something the strong need to experience. No suffering can not give birth to brilliance... You can rest assured, come with me, this time I want to evolve a special species, and you will act as an assistant next to me."

Yudura nodded, "Yes, Master."

She slowly followed.

Qin Hong watched from behind, with a look of envy, "It's great to have seniors with them, even if they encounter difficulties, they are also inspired...Even the seniors comforted her, staying by her side, teaching knowledge, and alleviating the unhappiness in her heart. "

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