My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 101: The ancient ship recognizes the owner, the mysterious cabin space

The so-called chip comes from silicon.

Silicon is extremely abundant on the earth, which is just sand and stones.

There is no need for chemical reactions, but by physical purification, high-purity polysilicon can be obtained.

The snail shell is formed by swallowing soil or eating limestone... Now it is worth trying to let snails eat sand instead of replenishing snail shells.

"The purity of silicon needs to be 99.9%, and the ability of biological purification of minerals, needless to say... the trace elements in our body are not randomly obtained."

"And a top chip is only the size of a fingernail, it can have several kilometers of wires and tens of millions of transistors, it can be described as the world's most precise engraving."

"However, every cell produced by biology exceeds the precision of 10,000 chips combined...just one of the DNA sequences is smashed."

Regarding accuracy, there is no problem.

Life is a miracle of "precision carving".

In short, Yudura, the originator of the snail man, came out, if he can’t succeed...

Then there is really no way.

"Building Huaxia Core starts with me."

Fu Qingjun feels that the potential of his hair is endless, and the snail chip is also possible.

After the night, in the night feast of the gods and devils, Yudura was mustered and very passionate.

And her transformation is actually a single content: changing the material of the snail shell.

Soon, there was some progress.

"I caught the thread!" she exclaimed.


The next morning, Fu Qingjun still got up and stretched.

Cool! !

A smile came up at the corner of his mouth.

In two days, ant wine took shape!

In three days, the watch assembly line took shape!

In half a month, start manufacturing your own chips!

This is just a few months. These three assembly lines are clearly ancient, medieval, and modern. How can they be such a master?

The history of human development was completed in the blink of an eye.

"If it's normal, if I do it this way, two months, it will come to an end soon, right?"

He smiled somewhat triumphantly.

Get up and brush your teeth, put on black silk muscles, put on clothes, and put on high-soled shoes.


The whole person gradually swelled and swelled, and instantly turned into a tall and mighty handsome young man.

Every time he saw those and TV series, he felt outrageous.

The protagonist inside has the ability and hasn't developed, so he goes everywhere and provokes enemies, pretending to be slapped in the face, and doesn't know how to reach the supernatural power before going out of the mountain.

There are even various dragging rhythms, which obviously have a better way to take off instantly, but they turn a blind eye, fish frantically, and take detours in novice costumes everywhere.

"Sure enough, it's not logical at all. Real people in my reality are different."

Fu Qingjun stretched his waist and vomited. He walked out the door with a serious face and went out for breakfast. "In theory, making chips is the fastest development for me at the moment, and the possibility of taking off in an instant."

The chip is the core.

The entire modern high-tech human empire is all based on chips, that is, integrated circuits.

Snail is just an attempt...

If it succeeds, it may be based on the five-thousand-year scientific foundation of mankind, and some kind of...mechanical wizard civilization that will be subverted in an instant will be born.

The level of development of this civilization far exceeds that of primitive tribes!

After all, the era of the Jiaxia tribe will not be discussed. The witch civilization is also extremely primitive and bloody. It has no technical content at all. It is madly born, born, born... using racial superiority to carry out species mutation, and the survival of the fittest.

But how can there be any foundation?

Fu Qingjun shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Even though it is born and sacred, it is not possible to have the foundation, the time is too short."

In the Jiaxia tribe era, it was so violent that it was actually a small muscular tribe in the countryside, very barbaric.

In the Age of Witch Angels, Professor Narcica and others were stunned. In fact, although there is a modern social system brought by Qin Hong, it is a group of wildly born, born, and born queens. Using Darwin's theory of evolution, they are doing the most primitive The species optimization, the survival of the fittest.

These two civilizations. There is no background.

There is almost no accumulation that belongs to them.

Can it be called "civilized"?

Fu Qingjun doesn't think so.

In fact, he knows what species to create, which has the greatest value.

The mechanical snail will be the first true civilization with deep roots.

"If it is possible, I might soon surpass the original mechanical civilization of the earth..." Fu Qingjun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, but his expression gradually became gloomy and solemn.

"But on the other side, what is going on."

"It stands to reason that it was originally not the central area of ​​the nuclear explosion. Evacuation is indeed necessary... but it has been so quiet and the weird white fog has been shrouded in it, as if no living people were seen."

People, where did they go?

The more time passed, the more outrageous he felt.

Until now, he has a deep sense of an unknown crisis in his heart, so he tried his best to find a way to strengthen his strength at all costs.

Soon, Fu Qingjun got up to business and re-studied the mysterious ancient ship.

The previous parallel world tunnel was only the size of an ant, but now it has the size of a fist, and with the maintenance of its mental power, the tunnel is more stable.

"Put in the ancient ship and try again."

Fu Qingjun has been thinking about it, but now his soul has swelled many times, and he plans to try to insert the ancient ship again.


A strand of hair slowly pierced into it, like a peristaltic blood vessel, continuously transporting large amounts of energy.

The ancient ship is like a bottomless pit, sucking everything crazily.

"There's a play!"

Fu Qingjun became excited and vaguely felt something.

With the continuous transportation of souls, the entire ancient ship seemed to be gradually filled by Fu Qingjun, a certain abnormality appeared, and a certain kind of mind link was established.

The whole ship suddenly became transparent and penetrated into Fu Qingjun's mind.

"What's this? It's in my head? I finally confessed to the lord with the blood?" Fu Qingjun was startled for a few seconds.

Before he had time to hesitate, a row of information gradually appeared before his eyes:

Host Realm: The Fifth Realm

Time Sail: Defective

Space anchor: locked

Immortal Ship: Idle


Looking at this row of messages, Fu Qingjun was silent for a few seconds.

"Hahahaha! I finally sprayed it all over! It became my color!"

Fu Qingjun's head was empty and his energy was completely exhausted, but he became ecstatic, "Cut, I can only struggle for half a month, and I will be conquered!"

My own mind is not the same.

The upper limit of the blue bar of the brain has been madly rising, is it a joke?

Fifth Realm...

In other words, my actual soul strength has reached the fifth realm?

Although his actual cultivation base is very weak, it is not impossible!

Because his soul had already reached the fourth realm before, the creatures inserted were equivalent to the descendants of the fourth realm, the heirs of God, and only had seven times the time somatosensory characteristics.

Now, after eating the destruction of the biological civilization of the fourth realm, he directly broke through the fifth realm!

So, can I initially let this ancient ship recognize the owner?

This ancient ship was very mysterious, and it was only in the fifth realm to recognize the Lord.

Fu Qingjun was unable to complain, "Maybe I am the fifth most watery realm? Before, I didn't even know the strength of my soul as the fourth realm..."

He looked solemn, and studied this piece of information:

"The time sail, the function is understandable! It is the sail that was broken to Jiaxia and returned to the past!"

"Space anchors are the anchors dropped by this ship to hold up another parallel world and build a space tunnel."

As for the immortal ship, in idle?

When Fu Qingjun's heart moved, he could understand the other two abilities, and this?


Cabin space?

Fu Qingjun seemed to have thought of something, silently sensing the hull, and sure enough, a blank space was found in it.

"The cabin here, I'm afraid that before, I took the whole room here and stayed for 17 years... before sailing to this parallel universe!"

In other words, it is the place where people live.

Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "At least there is nothing wrong with a piece of space. If I don't take a boat in it, can I use it as a space ring now? Can I store stuff?"

He is very active in thinking.

Fu Qingjun threw in the hair from a place, and stuffed some messy things in it, and found that it was feasible.

The messy room was cleaned up all at once.

But think about it, such a powerful ancient ship, the function of a space ring is simply commonplace.

In the future, if you do this, you will be able to travel far.

He has not dared to leave the room too far, at best it is 100 meters, the mental power can rock the hair of the room, after all, there are too many secrets in the room.

"So, can living creatures work?"

Fu Qingjun thought for a while, and lost an ant in.

I found the ant stopped moving suddenly, like a statue.

"The immortal ship, that is to say, in it, normal time is static, so it is called immortal?" Fu Qingjun could only guess secretly when he saw it.

It's a good freezer.

At the very least, don't worry about the preservation of snail noodles in the future.

"Wait, since time is still, how can I be in it and live for seventeen years in one'moment'?" Fu Qingjun thought of something again.

He thought for a while and tried to inject mental energy into the hull.

After all, in his understanding, there is nothing that can't be solved by plugging in the hair.


Accompanied by the injection of their own mental power.

The entire hull space, like a car slowly moving, starts to accelerate along the track of! !

Inside the space, that ant moved wildly, moved, crawled, and then died of old age...

Fu Qingjun's pupils dilated instantly.

Can mental power push time forward?

Fu Qingjun was taken aback and tried to put the newly cultivated watch assembly line into it.

The mental power in my mind slowly poured in.


Time is fast.

The ant assembly line moved wildly, a large number of clocks and watches began to be manufactured, and the clocks began to pile up quickly.

"I'm developed!"

Fu Qingjun suddenly laughed heartily.

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