My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 105: Desire God, Predecessor

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Eighth year.

The entire mechanical dynasty is turning fast.

They began to study the fluctuations of the soul, analyze the sympathy of the soul, continue to study the soul of the snail powerhouse in the third realm, and begin to analyze the original origin of life.

The soul structure of life was gradually discovered by them.

"My King!"

A Minister of Machinery moved forward and said loudly: "According to analysis, the so-called cohesive spirit of living beings is essentially a condensed seed, which is a kind of soul seed that enhances the quality of the soul."

In their scientific analysis, the spirit of spirit is essentially a soul seed, which can increase the energy level of the soul after being condensed.

He said again: "The so-called martial arts spirit, in our opinion, is divided into individual spirit and group spirit."

"Oh?" Hong Qi asked lightly.

"Individual courage is the cohesion of the individual... Group cohesion is the cohesion of the group." The mechanical minister said loudly: "The group courage is divided into two types, the emperor courage and the spirit courage."

"In the record, we initially thought that this was a change of state of mind. We need to spend our lives as an emperor and a god. With this state of mind, we can break through the fourth realm. In fact, it is not."

"We found that we actually need to be the emperor and **** of life, and continue to accept the courageous worship, sympathy, and belief of countless other common people, strong men, and great masters, so that we can unite..."

The crowd listened with breathlessness.

It turns out that the life that seems to be a human emperor and a **** is to gain the courage and sympathy of other people, to worship...

"There is a way that the sword's edge is sharpened, and countless other existing worships can be condensed!"

"According to our research, there are a thousand great masters who worship, devout and serve faithfully, and constantly exercise them to condense the emperor's spirit... the domineering aura of the emperor of the world!"

"It is conservatively estimated that we need more than 100,000 third-level grand masters, as well as countless common people's pilgrimages, and soul communication, to gather in the dark to form a spirit of god!"

Hong Qi sat on a high place, his expression drooping, and said, "That's it!"

Suddenly Hongqi shouted, looking down at the people below.

"We believe in materialism and logic. I say something so mysterious and mysterious. It's simply weird. How can it be just the state of mind? That's how it is!"

"That is to say, even if you are a human emperor and have 100,000 great masters worshipped, coupled with the courage and sympathy of countless sentient beings, you can naturally break through the fourth realm without claiming to be a god!"

"The so-called spirit of God is a lie!"

But the next second, his expression suddenly changed, and he retorted his words:

"However, if there are 100,000 great masters to worship, I am afraid that the entire population will practice, and the population will be at least hundreds of millions of people... With such a high level of faith, sentient beings worship one after another..."

"It must be the emperor who possesses great merits in the race. This kind of existence, he is not a god, and among the people, the prestige is already the existence of the true god!"

"However, since the thousand great masters of our race worshipped and reached the threshold of the emperor's spirit, why didn't I break through?" Hong Qi wondered.

"Because your majesty is fair, selfless, indifferent, and rational, so he cannot condense the emperor's courage." The machinery minister slowly said.

Hongqi was inexplicable, "Why?"

"Throughout our entire civilization, the entire race, they all have the same courage, just like a single person."

In this scene, the Minister of Machinery’s voice was also extremely cold, and then he said, "Our spirits are all very unified, like a clone of a model, all indifferent, fair, and absolutely rational..."

"In other words, we are divine creatures, without a'heart'."

"We don't understand the seven emotions and six desires, there is no love, no impulse, no desire, absolute logic, absolute rationality, and are not even real people, so we can't unite the imperial spirit."

Hongqi was silent.

That is to say, unless they are irrational and learn impulse, fraud, lies, joy, happiness... to become real life, otherwise they will never be able to break through.

"If you want to become a god, first transform the mortal."

As soon as this sentence fell, the entire mechanical dynasty boiled.


Hearing their analysis, Fu Qingjun suddenly realized.

"Group spirit..."

"All beings interact with each other..."

Before the other races, it was very vague, that is, they broke through the fourth realm abruptly.

Now that they explain the principles of the entire realm, they can clearly understand the truth in the fourth realm!

"If this is the case, in fact, there are two ways to break through the fourth realm."

Fu Qingjun's expression drooped.

Because I used another method to break through.

"They absorb the worship and belief of sentient beings, and use the spirit of sentient beings to temper their own spirit like a sledgehammer. They belong to... merit and sanctification!"

"And I, I don't believe in ghosts, don't believe in people, don't even prove who I am in my heart, don't talk about martial arts, and use my own brute force to break through. Doesn't it belong to fleshly sanctification?"

Fu Qingjun's heart shuddered.

However, my own way is bound to be extremely difficult.

His own soul is thousands of times....It is almost impossible for others to accumulate thousands of times the soul!

"What a mechanical civilization, absolutely rational!"

Fu Qingjun admired, and he was hearty, and the fourth realm, which had always been meaningless, was finally clear!

In my own reality, by constantly overthrowing civilization and rebuilding, I have deduced to this level so quickly, it seems that the Fourth Realm civilization is not far from my real.


at this time.

Nine years have passed in the entire space.

At that time, Fu Qingjun had 17 years of it, but it was far worse than their experience.

Before, they were all barbaric tribes, like beasts, but now they have finally developed an accumulation.

"If the population is like this, then I won't be able to break through." Hongqi is very lonely. This snail claims to be king in the room. "Only the current situation can be used to develop the basic science of civilizations everywhere!"

"Magic pattern technology" began to develop.

As magic mechanics, they studied their own brain circuits, began to cross computer software program programming, studied their own host hardware structure, and tried to improve.

This behavior is equivalent to human body modification technology, transforming their body structure and brain circuits.

But soon discovered that with their current technical level, although the human body modification technology has strengthened their abilities and various aspects, various diseases will appear.

Cerebral palsy, various side effects, extremely poor stability, rapid breathing, a large number of cases, this human body modification technology was quickly stopped by the mechanical dynasty.

Laws began to be established and began to prohibit body modification techniques.

The tenth year.

They began to develop electrocardiographic induction technology, using electromagnetic waves for remote consciousness communication. At the same time, research and use circuits to carry the entire mental power.

They even began to disassemble the phone and study its structure, but soon stopped the movement in their hands because they found it useless.

The chips and structures of mobile phones are pitifully rough compared to the precision of their casings.

"Stupid Earth programmers are simply too weak."

The Android system, Apple system, and even others have been thoroughly researched by them and replaced by their more advanced brain snail system program.

Eleventh year.

"I, want to build a world!"

"The world is small, but my family has a big heart!"

This snail, Hong Qi holding a data scepter granted by Fu Qingjun, wearing a crown, sitting on the throne, spoke lightly.

Online games have begun to develop rapidly.

The telepathy is completely mature and begins to build a huge spiritual network.

They built a huge virtual world in it, used their own AI algorithm, created countless NPCs, and lived in it.

They call this... "The Wizard's Net".

They are a committee of a thousand people, in which they continue to live, but this is not a virtual space, but a desktop computer game, similar to virtual life, the Elder Scrolls, and other sandbox games.

The real world is completely immersive and brings the soul into the soul. The algorithms and computing power required are too large. At best, they produce excellent electronic online games.

Hongqi, once again leading the entire civilization era, loaded countless excellent electronic games on their computer desktops, which were developed and optimized based on human computer games.

Magic, Xianxia, ​​Zhanqi, RPG...

Countless snails have developed huge intelligence in it!


Every mechanic is a **** in a virtual world, and Hong Qi is the **** among the gods.

They learned Chinese in this computer city, and at the same time learned the wizard language. It is not difficult to use two languages ​​as official languages.

The magic net world is unprecedentedly prosperous and civilized!

"Three thousand world!"

Their powerful race, with only a thousand people, began to pay attention to spiritual culture.

Develop music, novels, and art among the various cultures of human development.

It's just a pity that their novels seem to be daily, without any waves, and the art is also completely realistic, just a real camera, without any emotions.

"Is there really no way for this family to break through the fourth stage?" Seeing this, Fu Qingjun could only smile.

If you stop at the third stage forever, then this self-created race is incomplete.

"No, there is still a possibility of breakthrough!"

Suddenly, Fu Qingjun thought of something, and was silent for a moment, and he began to find a bookstore in the ruins, and kept searching on a bookshelf.

"Sure enough, there are so many, no matter what, I can only help you here. As for whether I can succeed or not, I don't know what to do."

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