My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 110: The cause of the end, the original sin of mankind

The Mayan prophecy is extremely famous.

According to the records left by the Maya, it means that our world once had five cycles of destruction and rebirth, and each century is called the solar period.

According to the Mayan prophecy, we human beings are the civilization of the Fifth Solar Age, which went to destruction in 2012, that is, eight years ago.

At that time, she was still a high school student, and she was still very interested in this aspect, even the whole society at that time dared to be interested. Another famous director made a disaster film, which flooded the entire earth.

厽厼. I still remember the predicted doomsday. There were a lot of riots, parties, and carnivals in various places. There were also many zero-dollar shopping incidents in the lighthouse country. Of course, she and her friends also spent the carnival party together.

So, even if she didn't understand mythology and history at all, she knew about Maya civilization and Quetzalcoatl in order to brag with her friends.

Now she was at a loss.

Is it possible that the end of 2021 is the reverse. After all, with the current situation, the Qixi Festival on August 20th will change drastically. Maybe it will be the end of the New Year in a few months.

Can't this monstrous white mist be caused by the date of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl?

When her mind was blank, Fu Qingjun also looked down at this room from a "God's perspective", looking at this modern room full of curiosity and kindness.

"Leaving for seventeen days, living in a parallel universe, as the head of a martial arts school, my demon country civilization exploration team, searching among the ruins, finally saw the first living person!"

"However, he was too thin to imagine, like a person trapped in a cave-in."

His eyes turned, and there was a mess around him.

The room in the original cute house is full of rubbish, stench, and packaging bags.

Fortunately, there was a power outage for seventeen days, but the water was still available as usual.

Those monsters don't seem to know how to attack water pipes. At least the room can still go to the toilet and receive water normally, otherwise the demon world will be ecstatic about the geographical environment here.

But even so, the environment is too dirty and messy.

At the same time, the combat effectiveness of this female survivor is too bad, right?

It seems that he was bitten by some mutant cockroaches. The wound was constantly bleeding and worsening. The face was already purulent. Half of his face looked extremely scary. If he didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid I won't live for a few days.

Even Fu Qingjun sighed with emotion. The Doomsday movie hasn't been watched less, but the disaster in the Doomsday is really terrible when it really happened.

But it is also a pity that I can't help too much, I can only see one save one, and the other parallel universe. The hole is too small to pass people at all, and I can only bring people to the survivor camp that I established.

Although, this doomsday sanctuary is a bit special...

Even the parties of these survivors may not be able to discover that this is a doomsday sanctuary built by a human with a little special hair.

Thought it was a...prehistoric mythical epic extraordinary civilization!


At this moment.

Nibbling books at home. "Ah! Maya civilization, great flood?"

In the foul-smelling room, Tang Meng's voice bumped, put down the electric mosquito swatter in his hand, and looked at the feather snake **** floating in mid-air in front of him and the tiny mosquitoes on it.

"Yes, the flood destroyed all beings."

Lianna watched the other party stop the terrifying thunder stick that could kill countless great masters, and said soothingly: "Stupid prehistoric humans, we are from the Mayan civilization, and we are the survivors of this civilization on the run!"


Tang Meng was shocked and speechless.

Take a closer look.

A beautiful angel wearing black armor and holding a spear.

"My mother!" She took a few steps back in fright. Seeing the mysterious creatures that are only in the fairy tales, appeared in front of her alive, the shock in her heart could no longer be said.

This is the first to see a talking intelligent creature besides humans.

"No, the man behind the doomsday, right?" She was both alert and surprised, looking at these strange intruders.

Her reaction and calmness are already higher than that of most human beings. Normal people are afraid that they can no longer think when seeing this scene.

But looking down, the mosquitoes that had attacked him also stopped flapping their wings, and stopped on the ground, which turned out to be angels.

This is so special!

She was dumbfounded. After a few seconds, she tried to press down on the vigilance and panic in her heart, "However, there is nothing wrong with the feathered snake god, a snake with wings, who claims to be a Mayan civilization."

However, she is beautiful and elegant, and she is the angel of purity and kindness in the myth, which really made her reduce a lot of defenses.

What's more, in her situation, she has almost no strength to resist.

"Prehistoric humans, your place is too dirty and messy."

Lianna frowned, looked around, with a look of disgust, "It is about to be filled with the depraved atmosphere of the demon world, which is uncomfortable. You will come with us to the temporary stronghold of our escape."

Temporary gathering place for your escape?

In other words, they are also on the run?

Tang Meng was secretly vigilant, thinking that this was an important piece of information.

Perhaps, the other party is also in a deep and fiery state like theirs, the remains of mysterious apocalyptic monsters covered in mist, such as mutant cockroaches, mutant mice...

Are we in the same camp of survivors?

"Okay, I'll accompany you." She hesitated and agreed. She knew that every step she made might affect her death, but she was never hesitating.

She quickly took a cell phone with no electricity, followed directly out of the room, and went downstairs in the mist.

Ta Ta Ta.

Walking on the fog-shrouded street, it was extremely silent and weird.

In the depths of the fog with extremely low visibility, there seemed to be a cry of a monster, not like a roar of ancient beasts of humans.

"Sure enough, they are not afraid of those things, they can take me out to protect my safety." Tang Meng secretly said in his heart, it seems that they are not malicious, but they still remain vigilant.

She knows the ugliness of human nature.

I have seen a lot of doomsday movies. Women like myself are more vulnerable to abuse. Although they are older saints, their faces have been disfigured because of wound infections...

She didn't meet other human beings in front of her, but she also felt that when she encountered this strange subminiature Mayan civilization in front of her, she also felt...needs to be extremely vigilant.

Soon, she came to a small shop, looked at the dazzling array of commodities and food, regardless of her injuries, began to tear open the packaging bag, picked up a bottle of mineral water, and swallowed.

Woo woo woo.

She couldn't help sobbing.

She didn't want to cry, but once her tight nerves relaxed and she ate the sweet and delicious food, she couldn't help her tears streaming down.

I am very blessed.

I am so happy.

For the first time, she felt happiness was so simple. The bread in a few shops was the best food she had eaten in her life, and her taste buds burst out instantly.

It eased for a while.

"Please tell me why this world has become like this!" Tang Meng stood up and began to ask with a firm expression.

"Why does this world become like this, don't you know?" Lianna sneered, this person didn't even know about the flood?

Lianna originally thought that this golden behemoth, as a prehistoric creature in mythology, must have witnessed the war of destruction: Jiaxia's destruction of the world.厽厼

She even participated in it as a **** or a demon, fighting **** the earth, waving the current thunder mace towards the **** in the sky.

"Be responsible."

Lianna warned the other party and whispered softly: "Wrong is not terrible. What's terrible is unrepentance and arrogance. This is the reason for your destruction."

Tang Meng was dumbfounded.

According to the other's tone, should I know?

She began to think about it carefully. Combined with the previous news, the clues were calm, but she couldn't think of it.

Wait, the Mayan civilization is not our human beings. What she said we know, may mean that some high-level humanity knows this matter and knows the truth of the end.

The previous nuclear bomb is evidence.

They must have noticed the abnormality earlier than society, and then dropped the nuclear bomb in an attempt to stop the disaster from erupting.

"But I just don't know, maybe some high-level existence knows it."

Tang Meng's voice was a little choked, "I'm just a bottom of society. Although I seem to be a bit older, to be honest, I haven't officially become independent yet and go out to earn a living."

"But really?" Lianna frowned.

"I didn't lie to you," Tang Meng said, "When I reacted, countless people died... Our home was also destroyed, and I was trapped. Others didn't know where they went or whether they survived. What is it, who is behind the scenes..."

After all, these seventeen days have lived like a nightmare.

The doomsday broke out suddenly.

Everything turned into ruins, shrouded in a mysterious white mist.

She hopes that someone can tell her the truth and the inside story of this end of the world. This is a request from a survivor and the most intuitive first reaction.

Lianna shook her head and looked at her expression, maybe she didn't know.

According to the war recorded by the gods and demons, the siege of Jiaxia was only known to a small number of top gods and demons, and the people at the bottom could only take it passively.

However, it is worthy of the prehistoric age of gods and demons!

"It's so terrifying, UU reading just this one who has not yet officially fought, has such a terrible fighting power." She suddenly felt very sad that a wrong civilization leader would destroy her own civilization.

Then, let me tell her.

Tell you what your faults are!

Repent, prehistoric humans!

After all, Lianna is a benevolent and holy king, a great emperor of martial arts, and said indifferently: "It's all because of your wicked sins, destroying the world!"

Tang Meng was solemn, his mind was blank.

"I haven't found it yet!"

Lianna pointed to everything in the mist outside the canteen, the tall buildings in the sky, and the street full of billboards, and said loudly:

"You! Very greedy! You! Let the world be full of fraud, evil, and injustice! Even trying to swing a knife at God! ... God decided to send a great flood and make this land... into ruins."

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