My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 112: Human independence

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Soon, a huge human who was wounded by bone scraping and repaired his muscles stood up.

Her face had been disfigured for most of the time, but now she was covered by countless new "muscles" and turned into a dignified human.

Tang Meng took a picture in the mirror, and the disfigured one returned to his original state. He couldn't help but touch it, "What kind of technique is this!"

"This is a witch's method, covering the flesh and blood with parasites, and the interface merges with your flesh and blood, and becomes one." Liana said with a calm expression.

But Tang Meng soon discovered that he couldn't control this part of the muscles, and even a mouth revealed the bones of flesh and blood, like a skeleton.

"You are not a wizard, and you cannot control the movement of this part of the muscles... But if you become a wizard, you can control it." Lianna said: "You are not a child of God, so the body speed is only one-seventh of ours. One.... So, we might try to transform you into an heir of God."

Tang Meng was surprised.

In other words, the speed of your body sense becomes seven times stronger?


Wait, the life span is also seven times faster!

However, in such troubled times, this is actually a good thing.

Because the cockroaches and mice are so fast that they can't keep up with them, they are bound to die.

"I accept," she said decisively.

If you can cultivate, your life will be prolonged, or maybe you can live longer.

"Then, let's try to transform your bloodline." Lianna didn't know if she could succeed, smiled and said: "By the way, our family, now has a population of 70 million!"

"Seventy million?" Tang Meng was stunned.

After all, Fu Qingjun has cultivated mechanical snails in the past few days, and they have reproduced crazily again. As long as they are uncontrolled, the queen's natural disasters can be imagined at a speed.

Of course, the reproductive ability of the angel species is extremely low, and they are all ordinary wingless ordinary human species.

But for Lianna, time is very tight, and the number of the bottom of civilization can be increased, but she needs a large number of masters to make her break through the fourth divine realm!

Her life span, I don't know if it can be sustained.

"Our reproduction speed is not fast."

Lianna looked far away,

"We have to speed up our departure from this land. Under our feet, there are countless tunnels of the Demon Realm. They are afraid that they are already billions, and they will soon be able to recognize our existence again."


Tang Meng seemed to have fallen into the magical world.

No wonder, the number of underground Xiaoqiang has been missing so much recently, is it possible that Chengdu was caught by them as a mount?

If I knew it, I went out looking for food.

She was thinking about it.

"It's okay, they have evil undead beasts, we have you, Golden Beamon!" countless witches said solemnly, thinking that this giant beast was worried.

Damn it?

Tang Meng was completely shocked!

Me and the cockroach, are you both regarded as repressive weapons of war?



"Well, this survivor, entering my doomsday shelter camp, is also going to work." Fu Qingjun looked calm when he saw this scene.

Deduction era, extraordinary sand table...

But if there is no ability, forget it.

As for Lianna, who wants to transform Tang Meng into her own soul family, dye her own color, and have seven times the speed... She doesn't care.

It is enough to inject her soul secretly, after all, now it is injected, no hair pin is needed, and you can input it in a space.

And like Udula, plug her dumb hair?

The survivor who was rescued casually does not have the qualifications yet!

It can only exist as one of ordinary people on the earth.

Not everyone can be bald.

"However, I got off the survivor, and I knew a lot of information. What happened after I left is roughly clear." Fu Qingjun knew some things, but most of them were still unknown.

"Well, the times are breaking out. I will first expand my extraordinary world sandbox and occupy more area."

The fourth realm is already on the right track.

"The stage has been completely set up. The rest of the development is up to you." Fu Qingjun went back to sleep. He felt that not only this building, the entire residential area, plus a few streets outside, would be completely degraded. For the sand table!

See what kind of sparks this giant human can ignite in this world.


time flies.

The family of angels rule over the earth.

Tang Meng, a human being, also survived in Fu Qingjun’s camp for survivors, eating and drinking.

She found that after she had entered seven times the speed, it was really amazing.

The falling speed of water droplets has slowed down...

The falling speed of the paper can be seen clearly.

"I'm just a little superman." Tang Meng kept wondering, is this the blood of God?


Super dynamic vision.

It is said that the cat’s neural reflexes and movements are fast, but am I faster now?

And she was in a state of cracking and burning, and she was cultivating extremely fast, feeling that she could cultivate to become a witch, and she was overjoyed.

However, as a Titan, the people of the entire land were seen in her eyes.

"Is it the development of an extraordinary civilization? Very interesting."

"According to the description, the creatures they don't practice can only live for more than a day... To them, isn't it a super longevity species that can live a few years ago?"

She was completely shocked by these Mayan civilizations.

The entire store, a circle of shops nearby, and even the streets outside, are totally different.

As if it had been weathered in an instant for more than ten years, there were no signs of human beings, only the outline of a square house was left, with a large number of ultra-small buildings piled in the center.

Even if one day is used as seven days, it won't be so fierce, right?

Many times, Tang Meng wanted to ask: Is Maya civilization a bee or an ant? Then you can build a house! !

She suddenly felt that she didn't have to go to work to think about the troubles of employment, and it was extremely interesting to live in this extraordinary world of villains.

"I can't die yet!"

At this time, in an ultra-small glass exquisite palace, the angelic empress Lianna continued to grow old, her expression withered, and she even chose to retreat and sleep in order to extend her life.

"Even if there is a clan of civilized angels and golden behemoths, as a super long-lived species, they can bless our race forever in the future. They have not cultivated yet and cannot be regarded as combat power."

Finally, the ordinary human races on the ground multiplied rapidly, and finally 10,000 great masters appeared.

On this day, the wind is surging and the vitality is violent.

"I am in the realm of God!"

A loud voice rang from the glass palace deep in the convenience store, and laughed loudly: "In the world, it is hard to have an opponent!"

Lianna was on the verge of death and broke through, only to feel that the front suddenly opened up.

How terrifying is her talent?

In the same realm, Udula and Grace are far from her opponents, the martial emperor.

It was just the spirit of a restricted **** that was crushed.

Now, he not only feels that he can break through, but he also feels that he has a wealth of background, accumulated and developed, and will soon enter the middle of the gods from the early stage of the gods!

"My King!"

A witch exclaimed excitedly: "In this world, Grace is no longer your opponent. We can counterattack the Demon Realm and regain everything!"

Lianna shook her head and said, "Although I can win Grace, she has passed on the blood of God, the demon clan, and there are too many who have broken through the ordinary fourth level... like our third level masters, they are the first There are countless four realms. If I were to besiege me, I would be hard to beat with four hands. I can only endure it."

The fourth realm is a threshold, either there is no or there are countless!

The Demon Realm is still a problem in my heart.

The Devil is the same as them.

Fallen angels, with low fertility rates, can only serve as the ruling class. Most of them are demonic wingless humans with extremely high fertility rates. They reproduce as the bottom layer and spread all over the ground.

"But there is no need to be nervous, I will pass down the blood of the gods, so that you can also break through quickly." She said.

Suddenly, a small voice came.

The underground entrance was slowly pried open, and a demonized human race ran out of it.

"not good!"

Lianna nailed the demon with a spear, and said solemnly: "Did the demon world's sphere of influence have reached our feet? We have been discovered by them, and we must continue to move forward!"

At this time, a witch next to him couldn't help but said: "His Royal Highness, the people of the Demon Realm are more than hundreds of millions? They extend in all directions, and Manyan is in the entire underground world. There should be no reaction if there is one missing."

The relocation of the site is a huge amount of engineering.

Lianna shook her head, "They are now, I'm afraid they have established a magic net, the wizard system is highly developed, and the information of the entire demon world has been opened up. This huge **** space must have sent the message back."

They can only start the migration.

However, there are too many targets, hundreds of millions of people are difficult to move, and the possibility of being pursued is extremely high.

"We have to go into battle lightly and abandon most of the human races." Lianna said: "This is a last resort. For the continuation of the race, we can only bear the humiliation."

She plans to take all the angel species and leave with the 10,000 celebrity masters.

At this time, the human race leader was furious. This was a male leader and couldn't help but said: "Emperor Lianna, are you going to abandon our hundreds of millions of human races?"

From ancient times to the present, the female emperor has always been in power, but there has never been a male.

But now, in order to cultivate a large number of grandmasters and allow herself to break through the gods, Lianna naturally has to cultivate a large number of human races.

However, the scarcity of snails and the trapping of the ancestor Yudura made the cultivation of the witch system extremely difficult. Therefore, if you did not cultivate the wizard line, naturally you could only cultivate the martial arts line.

As for martial arts, it is naturally best to have a strong male, so she bred human males.

As for the subversion of the rule of the human female emperor?

What does this have to do with her?

She is not human!

Even looking forward to the human race in the earth, it is more convenient to rule by yourself, after all, the angel species, not as powerful as the demon species, can still rule the earth human race perfectly.

She chose to nurture the rise of human men, naturally due to various forces and political factors.

"It can only be abandoned like this."

Lianna looked at the celebrity male leader calmly and said: "If we don't leave, we will die."

The leader of the human race was completely furious, "You nurture us, but you see that we are huge in number, and 10,000 great masters can appear to help you enter the realm... Then, when we have no use value, kick us away."

Lianna was silent.

"We want to stay." The Terran leader said.

"We want to stay!"

The grandmaster of 10,000 celebrities is also righteous.

Lianna was silent for a moment and said: "In this case, we will clean up. I have blessed your earth human race, continue to multiply, invest resources, and teach martial arts... You have also produced 10,000 masters, and civilization is far prosperous. Seed from our angels."

Lianna called Tang Meng, "Let's go!"

Tang Meng hesitated.

This is a human-looking race, or an oriental face. I don’t know who the ancestors were...very intimate, but I don’t know how to say it.

She could only leave with Lianna.

The only tens of thousands of angel species, and a few female human queens, lay on Tang Meng's hair and left quickly.

Lianna didn't care.

As long as there is still human fire in hand, as long as a lot of time and resources are spent, another 10,000 great masters can be cultivated... How can she not know the other side's independent and careful thinking?

However, she also let the other party leave, because the 10,000 masters are very powerful and time is urgent, it is impossible to entangle them more, and must retreat.

"I enter the fourth divine realm, and I will bestow divine blood on all tribesmen!"

Lianna stood on the hair of a giant Bemong, "We, will rebuild the angel civilization, on the top of the Golden Bemeng Mountain in Wanzhang High School, and once again overlook the world!"

The other side.

Tens of thousands of celebrity leaders were silent on the ground.

"When will our human race rise?" a strong and tall man smiled bitterly.

Another strong grandmaster said: " development of the times, from ancient times to the present, various races have ruled the roost one after another, ushering in a glorious era... Only our human race has been living at the bottom. , As the coolie with the strongest reproduction ability, it is constantly ruled."

"There are always people who rise up."

A loyal grandmaster said, "Before this, we led the earth human race, went to things, and walked each side... lest the Demon Realm would chase us, it’s not unreasonable that Emperor Lianna let us go easily, and used us as decoys. Thoughts."

They are 10,000 Great Masters, it's not that they haven't thought about giving birth to a fourth stage.

It's just that this can't be born in quantity. Only when other masters truly worship this emperor, breathe and converge into a torrent, can they nurture the spirit of God.

"Each of them carry their own clan, and run their own things." They began to execute.

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