My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 114: Doomsday status quo

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"Sure enough, I can surf the Internet." She researched it, and suddenly became ecstatic, "Thank Hormons!"

She thought for a while, and went directly to the previous prophecy forum.

She glanced at the entire forum, panicking.

"The prophecy emperor has not appeared since then."

At the end of Chinese Valentine's Day, no one took the prophesying appearance seriously, and there were even three sand sculptures ridiculing them. As a result, things came true and everyone was silent.

Now, after more than ten days of fleeing, they are still waiting for the mysterious prophet to repost in the forum.

Of course, the top of the forum is the official doomsday survival manual.

Tang Meng clicked and took a look.

1. Prerequisites for living: The residential house is airtight, and the air circulation needs to be discharged into the high air to prevent the entry of cockroaches and insects.

2. Insects have a keen sense of smell, and any human odor when they go out will be tracked to the home. At present, only full-body protective clothing and an oxygen tank are available, and they are not exposed to breathing, so they can barely stay safe when going out.

3. Combat and protection: Only wearing thick cotton clothes, calm human children can kill a large number of mutant cockroaches. Rats are recommended to be modified with iron armor, which can also be killed without injury... See cats and dogs, and even large animals, please Must escape, human nerve speed is difficult to fight with cold weapons.

4. Security and communication: all major satellite phones, electricity and network fees, are all used unconditionally. It is recommended to move to a large shelter with maintenance power and network.

5. Large-scale shelters: It is recommended to build power plants and water power plants to maintain major facilities. Two or three large-scale shelters form a triangle to prevent individual fall. Other camps can be rescued, even cleaned, and counterattacked.


Tang Meng looked at it and summed it up extremely finely.

She also saw various doomsday hypotheses.

Some conspiracy theorists say: All human leaders have long known that the doomsday has erupted, and the leakage of research taboo drugs in the laboratory has led to biological mutation. Nuclear bombs have been thrown all over the world, hoping to stop it, but they can’t stop it, which leads to everything.

Some biologists said: It may be that the earth's climate and environment have changed, and some kind of ecological drastic changes have occurred, which caused the mutant earth to re-enter the biological explosion century. Now, like the Cambrian explosion, it re-enters the insect age.

"Well, it seems that it is impossible for human society to collapse in more than ten days." Tang Meng took a deep breath and continued to look through the forum.

The other side.

Fu Qingjun is in the gang, clearing the books for this week,

"This era of World War II is too outrageous. There are wars everywhere. I open a watch shop and want to mess with me."

"However, the people in the gang have almost developed. Little Horn and Bai Yu, the two of them, are about to break through the Great Master in the near future."

He shook his head and was busy with extremely realistic things. Business development has not been very smooth in recent days.

He put down the ledger and pressed his temple, "I just threw the mechanical snail in. I don't know what happened to the system chip? If it is possible, I can start to consider opening another production line..."

He kept thinking.

At this time, he promoted several iterations of the demonic civilization, from the most primitive ordinary insect to an extraordinary race, and it has completely risen.

It is also gratifying to have your own doomsday sanctuary upgraded from a residential building to a community.

He suddenly moved his brows and said in surprise: "Huh? Tang Meng, this human survivor brought back has something, so smart, he thought of satellite phones."

He saw the golden behemoth crouching and holding the phone.

In this way, isn't it your own refuge, and it can also be connected to the Internet, and like other refuges, it is connected to other gathering places?

Fu Qingjun also became curious.

Although my own doomsday refuge... is somewhat special.

But networking is also a good thing.

After all, the ruins of the earth on the opposite side of the tunnel are very dangerous for the doomsday, and it is almost impossible to travel far. He is naturally very curious about the information outside the doomsday.

At this time, Tang Meng was still looking around, exchanging information:

"Our Pingcheng base area has successfully maintained basic electricity, water facilities, and the satellite telephone network is barely connected.... Welcome everyone to come and take refuge!"

"We in Yunshan City urgently need a batch of medical supplies... urgently need medical personnel. There are a large number of residents who were bitten by mutant rats."

"The doomsday is only seventeen days old, and the visibility is extremely low. We tried to transport supplies by helicopter and approached other gathering places, but we were attacked by mutant birds."

"It's useless. We have tried many times. Unless a completely enclosed underground tunnel is built to isolate the smell, otherwise the remote gathering places have become isolated islands."

"According to the survey, the mutant animals are gradually becoming stronger in the fog, and have reached three times the speed of human beings, and human beings are being eliminated by nature!"


Countless posts are relayed here for serious exchanges.

Tang Meng was able to understand the situation, "It seems that the situation is exactly the same as I thought. It is not that bad. It has only been eighteen days. It is incredible that our strongest infrastructure will collapse so soon.

But on the foreigner's side, it looks more miserable.

At the same time, fortunately, those mutant cockroaches and other animals have no wisdom and don't know how to damage network cables and underground cables, so this doomsday is not that difficult.

However, there are still many places that have fallen, and even the organization of the crowd cannot be done. However, according to statistics, the large number of casualties is basically in the rural areas, almost completely wiped out.

Wild cats and wild dogs in the countryside, and even various forest animals and birds, have turned the countryside into the most dangerous area.

Although, in the survivor camp they are now building, people go crazy every night and turn into hideous monsters, but after several riots, they barely found a way to patrol at night.

Of course, someone got a satellite phone and spoke on the forum:

"Who will save me? My best friend and I were trapped in the villa at home. The hero came to save us. We are willing to offer a reward of ten million."

Below are two photos of beautiful women, Bai Fumei, especially showing long legs.

"Satellite phones can be used at home." Tang Meng also sighed. Although satellite phones have become popular in the past few years, they are not something ordinary people can get. If they are not in an accident, they will surely ask for help.

Although the beauty is good, it is not worth it to catch your life.

Of course, some people complained: "The survival crisis was finally solved, but it was so boring that it became a dead house and couldn't go out at all."

This kind of obvious is that you don't know the blessing in the blessing.

Of course, there are also some well-known people who are speaking, some of the strange people of the prophet emperor.

Blood Knight: "I'm working on mutating cockroaches and studying serum. Individuals have a lot of research on blood. I suggest that everyone study together and establish projects. If we can do the same, won't we become Superman?"

Mediterranean Barber: "According to my guess, all animals such as cockroaches, mice, etc.... are getting faster, and they have some kind of mutation in the fog."

"It is unrealistic to return to the original world and slow them down. Our only solution is to be as fast as them... In this way, our speed will return to the species balance at the beginning, which is equivalent to nothing. occur."

Tang Meng nodded, this is a very good idea.

She and Jian are in the past: "If it is really what you guessed, we will indeed return to balance theoretically and return to the previous world, but it is only relative."

"If the human reaction and physical fitness are three times faster, wouldn't it be Little Superman? If it really reverts to the peaceful era, will bullets, guns, and projections be weakened by us? We are already a Little Superman society?"

Tang Meng continued to watch, they said very insightful.

Many netizens also spoke:

"We humans, if we can survive this crisis, our entire civilization may be ascending and become a higher civilization!"

"High-dimensional civilization?"

"Our civilization, ascend?"

Many people are discussing.

Among the messy posts, Tang Meng thought for a while, and still posted a post:

[I met the Mayan civilization! 】

Click to open the post:

"People who suffered in the end of the do you want to know the truth about the outbreak of the end of the world?"

"This is God's punishment for us in the great flood!"

Countless screenshots are attached below.

A city of angels, and a feathered snake **** who can quickly grow bigger and swallow clouds.

Regardless of whether the post was swiped or not, she directly began to research and publish her experiences and experiences in the past few days with pictures and texts.

"Ah this?"

People in the shelter, keep watching.

At first I thought it was a CG animation. Many people thought it was a movie, but gradually discovered that it was extremely real and had all sorts of weirdness, which surprised everyone.

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