My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 124: Long prehistory, the possible truth of human beings' ancient times!

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She squatted in front of the city, and after photographing the ground for a while, she turned and left.

In the city, all the witches were surprised.

"Is this the prehistoric world-class mythological species?"

"She is holding that square artifact, what is it?"

"It is said to be a magic net-like structure that can connect to other prehistoric longevity species besides the void of other universes!"

"Meaning, there is more than one giant like this?"

"It is said to be an ethnic group, not many in number, distributed throughout the vast world, longevity and immortality, our civilization currently has only one...others are too far away."

Countless people discussed it, and this scene was shocking.

Mythical species! There are such huge creatures in this world.

Fu Qingjun's face turned dark.

In the spirit of humanitarianism, I took you in my survivor camp, and as a result, you blended in so quickly?

As Golden Beamon, a behemoth of war, living in this extraordinary world, and still beginning to accept disciples?

Fu Qingjun laughed and laughed.

However, there are so many races that she can make trouble, and look for Lianna.

For his own refuge, he also had to find a direction to upgrade his civilization. Since Grace's fall, he has felt a strong sense of crisis.



Giant morning and evening garden.

This is just a small room of ten square meters, with a dazzling array of shooting equipment, solar chargers, various power banks, and various clothes placed in the closet.

Of course, there are microscopes and various equipment.

She found a laboratory in a university and got a lot of things.

In terms of research, this witch civilization is still far inferior to the accumulation of the earth, because although they can learn human knowledge, they can only learn in a community after they are disconnected from the Internet.

The knowledge in the community is basic high school biology and even other basic subjects.

From this point, humans still have the advantage, but if the other party finds the information of the advanced top laboratory, they will soon be able to learn from the past.

It is only a matter of time before modern humans will be squeezed dry sooner or later.

"Shock! Monster, the truth about slimes! 》

Since Tang Meng posted this post in the Doomsday Forum a day ago, it was instantly topped.

On the Internet, there are still hot discussions:

"Slimes! That's how it is!"

"The myths and legends are true. Everyone says they are fictitious. In fact, there are slimes on our earth, and they are's just called...mites by modern humans. "

Slime, a monster in ancient mythology.

Modern humans have generally seen it in novels and online games, but they never imagined that the truth exists, and it has long been like a fairy tale, as low-level monsters everywhere.

A slime grassland has long been spread across our sheets.

"My dignified slime is called a bug? (shocked

"For them, it is a slime the size of a puppy, but for us it is a worm. We should have thought of it long ago..."

Everyone was awe-inspiring.

According to this deduction, in a certain ancient earth era, there was indeed a certain ultra-small mythical civilization era.

They are as small as ants, live on the earth, and have broken through the fourth realm...

The legend they left behind, at this time various beasts are being confirmed.

Slime is a mite.

"The western giant dragon may be a canine animal and the ancestor of a dog millions of years ago!"

"That giant beast gluttonous, isn't it a cow?"

Everyone talked and thought.

Someone also said: "Not necessarily. They may have lived in the era of dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years ago. They are one of the intelligent civilizations that evolved from insects. Those monsters may refer to the dinosaurs at that time."

"However, modern birds, many insects, and dinosaurs have their ancestors..."

"I think it may not be hundreds of millions of years ago, maybe millions of years ago, when the dinosaurs became extinct, and there were mammoths..."

Many people study and feel that the truth about the history of the earth’s myth has been revealed.

Prehistoric civilization.

Perhaps, our modern human thinking and vision were limited from the beginning.

Before, scientists used normal human body shapes to measure prehistoric civilization, but they never thought...They were not human at all, and even their body shapes were very different.

If it is based on human standards, physiological structure, social structure... to measure other possible intelligent species, aliens, it is simply the greatest stupidity!

And who said that we humans must be weak?

Perhaps, we are in the ancient civilization, a huge longevity species that has been mythological.

We think we are very small, but in fact, we are the largest as intelligent creatures!

We think that our life span is short, but in fact we are longevity species for prehistoric civilization!

She spoke with Jian in the past:

"Perhaps, the ancestors of mankind at that time, a few million years ago, the furry orangutan ape was called by prehistoric civilization, the exterminating ape, the golden beimeng, the titan giant, these indomitable witches..."

"We once left a footprint as a giant in their mythology!"

"As a mythological species of giants, we who are enslaved by them, we are stronger than other mythological species of giant dragons and divine dragons!"

"At that time, as long-lived war beasts, we watched the changes of civilizations and guarded the kings in myths from generation to generation. We were the beasts of the town!

Countless dead houses were shocked, sitting in front of the computer dumbfounded.

It turns out that we humans on earth are especially ancient species that are more powerful than giant dragons?

"Gradually, their civilization was destroyed. One of our apes ancestors gradually evolved into humans, possessed true wisdom, and opened up the fifth solar age civilization."

"Now they are back."

"So they called us again...Golden Beamon, a behemoth of war."

"More likely, Golden Bimeng, this is the name of the Mayan civilization."

"In Eastern mythology, we are called... the Zuwu clan."

"Gonggong, Kuafu, and it are said that they are all huge and plush. They may be our ancestors of mankind, and were the war beasts of the time."

"Kuafu, walk day by day, and finally fell down, his walking stick turned into a peach forest, and his body turned into Kuafu Mountain."


It turned out so.

In the shelter, many people looked at the computer forum with shocked faces, only feeling the truth of history. With the drastic changes of the doomsday, the prelude to civilization is gradually opened.

Fu Qingjun thoughtfully, "The analysis is very reasonable."

After all, I want to save people.

Later, when I built another camp for survivors, I set up an ant demon kingdom, a sand table of oriental mythology,

If you meet other survivors, call you ancestral witches and enter my shelter as a giant protection, then there is nothing wrong with it...

Fu Qingjun observed in secret.

I feel that I am really working hard to save the human beings on the earth.

Is it possible that he is the savior of the world?

Fu Qingjun complained to himself, and walked step by step, his breath gradually swelled and entered the ancient palace.

No family member dared to stop himself.

They all felt a huge and terrifying aura, surpassing all the coercion of existence, so that all the witch guards did not dare to move.

On the throne, Lianna felt the presence of that existence, still a familiar breath, she couldn't help but sighed: "After countless centuries, our civilization has exploded too much chaos. Perhaps in your eyes, it's just a time for sleepless sleep. Right?"

Lianna's expression was a bit complicated, she muttered to herself, and stood up to welcome the master who was once Udula, "Senior, it's been a long time."

"Yes." Fu Qingjun smiled.

Lianna looked at the angel in front of her and said, "You asked me to save the giant species of the prehistoric flood, but now are you here to see her?"

"Not only to see her, but also to see you." Fu Qingjun looked serious.

Lianna nodded, "Udura, as your disciple, it's been too long since I saw her."

She is not as unfeeling as Lianna said, she takes care of her more than anyone else, and sees her every night.

But Fu Qingjun just smiled and replied, "This is her catastrophe, others don't need to be disturbed, she can only spend it by herself."

Lianna thoughtfully.

She soon took Fu Qingjun to the Giant Chaoxi Garden.

Riding on a huge feather snake god, Lianna suddenly remembered something and said: "Do you want to reveal your history to her? You do not belong to this space and time, you have traveled through time, and come from a certain future time and space. This era of the Sixth Solar Age."

Lianna had a deep question from beginning to end.

This one exists from other time and space. Is he trying to change a certain historical tragedy?

We are all figures in history, everything has already disappeared in the past time and space?

Is our future doomed?

Does this existence already know his destiny?

It's like knowing Grace.

And she has been guessing over the years, and she has become more aware that her master, the first generation of Angel Emperor, did not come from this time and space, but also came from the practice of "Nibiru" to change the destiny of history...

She has hinted countless times that she is from a certain distance, this is the prehistoric flood years, and the first time she has been in such close contact with this period of time.

"You, are you from Nibiru too? Are you from the sky?" Lianna finally said the question.

"Nibiru? That place, in every age and epoch, in every civilization of the earth, has various names, hidden in the interlayer of time and space and dimensions."

Fu Qingjun smiled faintly: "But in a certain era, it was indeed called Nibiru."

"I know what you are thinking, whether your destiny is changing, and what we are going to do... You don't need to think too much, if you can't change, we won't come."

Fu Qingjun smiled and looked at Lianna, "We just hope that the tragedy will be changed. All the outstanding people in history are beyond time...because there are too many enemies and too terrifying. Up."

Too many enemies, too scary?

Lianna only felt a huge horror, the hair horrified.

Even in the distant future, civilization has fallen into a huge crisis, so certain powerful beings are trying to reverse time and save our civilization?

And turn the time around!

Even time can be reversed, but it cannot defeat such an enemy. What a terrifying existence is that...

"As for the prehistoric life before the flood, it's okay to tell her that we are from other time and space." Fu Qingjun laughed softly: "There are many things that are far less rigid than you imagined."

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