My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 128: You are smart

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"These few, the younger generation does not have any powerful young male masters. You have a chance to become the head of the family." Bai Yu said with a smile and pointed to the black and white photos of the girls.


Fu Qingjun glanced at him.

I didn't expect that you, an honest physician and martial artist, would be such a person.

"I will consider it."

Fu Qingjun was only vague.

"You have to think about it, the eldest brother is not too young, he has broken through the great master, Yuanyang has a perfect body, and can already marry a wife and have children." Bai Yu said.

Am I still young?

This looks like a devil with vicissitudes of life, all inflated...

While he was eating, he felt that the world was still very realistic.

There is no bullying, pretending to be a slap in the face. He has done so many things, obviously there is a big secret, but the first reaction of people is to find a marriage with him.

This has formed a strict promotion system. If it is a genius who emerges normally, it will basically be absorbed by various families and supplemented with new blood...

And geniuses also rise up and even merge into each other's family. After all, it is impossible to have no backing behind.

If you are talented enough, you can directly become the next-generation head of the family and lead the glory, and even let you marry more than a dozen girls in the family to improve and optimize your family pedigree.

Martial arts family, family members, why are all descendants almost all geniuses?

It is the result of continuously replenishing new blood and optimization from generation to generation!

Even some of the offspring were born as half-muscle-weight masters, similar to the inheritance of the blood of gods, and their cultivation speed is super fast...

As I said before:

People in the martial arts of the aristocratic family have a different body structure from ordinary people.

It is a human subspecies.

They are powerful, horrifying muscles, and extremely high physical quality. Their martial arts are suitable for this kind of creature cultivation. Other ordinary people who practice cultivation will get confused and destroy themselves.

It's just that they didn't enter the fourth realm, and how to optimize the offspring of the third realm would not be too exaggerated.

"The world is really wonderful."

While eating, Fu Qingjun sorted out the logic of the martial arts arena, feeling that the previously cryptic things were clear.

According to normal logic, I did find a backer for a family member, to integrate into it, to marry Bai Fumei, to reach the pinnacle of life, and both parties would make a fortune together.

But he is different.

"Reliance? No need."

After he finished his meal, he returned to the room and rearranged his thoughts, "The watch assembly line, and the ant wine assembly line, have actually been merged, in the inner space of that ship."

After all, 10 billion ants are too much dead now, and Fu Qingjun feels that he can't handle it, and enough alcohol is enough.

Now, the two lines merge together.

Ant craftsmen, in that cabin, are constantly making watches.

And their old death, iteration, the corpse will turn into ant wine.

Two production lines are perfectly integrated.

He felt that he had such a genius.

"There is a third production line left-the snail chip production line." Fu Qingjun secretly said in his heart: "Although I made this one by myself, it also stocks a lot of goods, but it is not easy to sell."

It is not a product of the times, and even the earth on the other side will be shocked.

A nano host the size of a snail shell, an electronic AI assistant brain...

To be honest, you still have to save it to see where it will be used in the future.

"At least, I have a game to play now." A pendant hung on Fu Qingjun's ear, and a virtual desktop bounced out.

"The game is being loaded—"

The civilization of the mechanical snail has studied too many 3A game masterpieces before, and their civilization is used to pass the time, but now Fu Qingjun can also enjoy it.

This is a new type of mobile phone, which makes him have a lot of fun.

Although saving the world is important, proper gaming leisure is also very important. After all, I have done everything I can, and I can only play games while watching the development of the times.

"Don't worry, let's play tonight's Night Banquet of Gods and Demons."


The other side.


Tang Meng in the room looked at her hair style, and she wanted to cry without tears.

Can you still meet people with this hairstyle?

However, what happened before her was too important, and after hesitating, she decided to announce it.


A single screenshot caused a huge storm on the Internet.

All the people in the survivor’s camp and building were shocked.

Originally, the end of the world is an extremely serious matter. Everyone is trying to survive the doomsday. Life is very difficult, and there are explosions of insects everywhere, but in front of...


A squirt of salt soda came out.

"For our mood, gave us a small fresh haircut? (stunned

"Sister, the hair made by Mr. Tony, this hairstyle is very difficult, the dull hair in the middle was not shaved together, but a circle around it, you have to be very careful to do it. (Admiration

"Are you...shave your invention?"

"The latest Mediterranean hairy hairstyle?"

"I am also Mediterranean. I feel a little fresh when I see this hairstyle. I also put a hair in the middle. My brother who is in high school said that I am a lot more handsome (like


A group of sand sculptures!

Tang Meng was suddenly mad.

In the past month, these people, although various insects and cockroaches have become more and more mutated, most of them have built shelters, and live in them with relative peace of mind. They fight a dozen invading cockroaches and mice every day.

In the shelter, I was really idle, so I made fun of myself?

Tang Meng took a breath, eased his mood, and told everyone on the Internet what had happened today.

Suddenly, everyone stayed.

The amount of information that this brings is too large.

Is there a powerful existence, traveling through time and space, coming from the future, and returning to the time of the great flood when this disaster broke out?

And this kind of existence actually brought her into the teacher's sect and accepted her as an apprentice?

The more terrifying news is that this hairstyle is a gift from the gods and demons, and he lays a family seal on the heads of creatures.

This is enough to think carefully.

They also thought about why human hairstyles have always had an extremely unique unsolved mystery: hair loss with special hairstyles.

Hair loss is nothing special, it is actually common to many people.

However, there are two types of hair loss. One is uniform hair loss. This is very normal. Irregular lifestyles can lead to thinning of the hair and a relatively large amount of hair loss.

The other one is not uniform, but only the circle in the center is removed.

This particular shape itself is very strange, and it's all inherited in the same vein.

Inherited from the ancient ancestors of mankind for thousands of years, the portraits of each dynasty can be studied.

But this is very bizarre.

At this time, an expert in genetics stood up and said: "Be clear that all human physical characteristics have evolved in a long history."

"We evolved the eyebrows to prevent rain from entering the eyes."

"Some people have armpit hair because they need to dissipate heat and reduce friction."

"But, in the long history of human evolution, what is the reason that the center of the human head is bald? This is not good for humans."

"I can't think of any link of evolution that would allow humans to cause this kind of inheritance-Mediterranean hairstyle, and a high concentration of genetic phenomenon, one family by one family."

"Perhaps, it can only be caused by aliens, artificially inherited dominant features caused by higher civilizations."


This kind of evolution was unnatural in the natural survival of ancient humans... After all, it is right to think about it, either all or not, but why is it so unified?

Maybe it really is?

Tang Meng: "Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely dig out the truth. UU Reading"

Everyone was completely silent, feeling a cloud of doubt enveloped.

"If it is true, the ancient ancestors once made deals with gods and demons, and you are a disciple like Tang Meng... Then the inheritance of descendants can also be explained."

"Extremely smart, maybe so. Damn it! If I had such a big chance, it's just a mere hair. Excuse me, if I shave my head into a bald hairstyle like yours, can I be as smart as you? (expected

Tang Meng was silent for a moment, "You are artificially made, it has no effect, you can only call yourself smart."

Everyone was shocked and suddenly realized.

Tang Meng spoke on the Internet for a while, took a deep breath to sort out his emotions, and began to enter the night banquet of the gods and demons.


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