My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 130: Create Oriental Mythological Sand Table

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The two earths are different in time and space.

This parallel earth where Fu Qingjun lives at this time is really an ancient god, an ancient splendid prehistoric myth hundreds of thousands of years ago!

Because that was Jiaxia who was sent back by herself!

"Perhaps, this is the same earth."

"It's just that I sent Jiaxia back, which resulted in an earth with real ancient myths, and a real earth without myths."

"So time and space split, and two earths in parallel universes appeared!"

Fu Qingjun was somewhat shocked.

I created ancient myths.

I created the human origin of the earth!

"What's more interesting is that I opened two tunnels parallel to the human beings on the earth, but because of Jiaxia's crossing, they took Jiaxia as the time coordinate. One earth is considered prehistoric and the other is considered to be hundreds of thousands of years later ."

Thus, a funny picture appeared.

Earth: Shocked! Am I a prehistoric earth?

Another earth: shock! You were me more than 100,000 years ago?

The humans on both sides of the earth are stunned by each other, it's so funny.

Fu Qingjun felt that things had gone outrageously.

But there are really no flaws.

Because it can't be seen, the two are parallel to the earth.

Look at the cosmic astrology, determine the year?

Don't be funny.

In the parallel universe, the astrology of the two earths is just similar, the stars in the sky are somewhat different, but they are not exactly the same.

What's more, for hundreds of thousands of years, for the stars in the unit of tens of millions or hundreds of millions, you can't see the small displacement at all.

What about the use of carbon fourteen dating methods?

For example, you measure the age of the extinction of the dinosaurs, and I measure the age of the extinction of the dinosaurs.

It's impossible.

Similarly, in parallel universes, the years of dinosaur extinction cannot be exactly the same.

By measuring the lifespan of the earth on both sides?

Even more unreliable.

According to human calculations, the earth’s life span of about 4.6 billion years is a vague unit, how can it be possible to calculate an accurate number of hundreds of thousands?

"For the entire universe and even the planet, hundreds of thousands of years are too small to find a way to distinguish."

Fu Qingjun shook his head, "You have to prove these two earths. There is really not much evidence before. The only way is archaeology."

The civilizational relics of the earth hundreds of thousands of years ago were discovered by the earth hundreds of thousands of years later...

And archaeology.

Fu Qingjun's face was weird, they were the past and the present confirmed through archaeology.

"Forget it, I can't wash it by jumping into the Yellow River... but it doesn't matter, is it so important?" Fu Qingjun doesn't care, can't he jump out and wash himself, right?

Doesn't you expose your own existence?

Fu Qingjun thought a lot, and soon didn't care about it anymore.

For him, the most important thing is to change the destiny of the earth, create an extraordinary civilized world, deduce the future cultivation system, and resist the enemy.

"Brother, you have a big appetite again." The little speaker said vaguely while eating at the dinner table.

"Do you know the four ways of eating?" Fu Qingjun cast a glance at her, holding the chopsticks gracefully.

"Big brother, teach me." Little Horn was taken aback, excited.

Bai Yu, Li Mo, and Qin Hong next to him were speechless. The eldest brother really spoiled the trumpet.


Night Banquet of Gods and Demons.

After a few days, the two people talked more and more happily, only feeling that they hated each other late.

The two of them couldn't help shouting at the same time: "Praise the nameless **** in the void! The two people of time and space who have been separated by hundreds of thousands of years have met here like a miracle!"

Praising the gods at every turn is not only the mysterious power of the night feast of the gods and demons, but also the creation of life and travel through time and space... but also their only bond.

When talking about excitement or shock, the two girlfriends shouted together "Praise the nameless **** in the void".

All in all, they spontaneously marched toward the steadfast believers, and they were very impressed by the monks' postures who would say "Amitabha Buddha" at every turn.

In short, just happy and happy.

I feel that my destiny has escaped from the boundless life of the times, and this hairstyle is beginning to be proud of it. The last sentence is really fragrant...Of course, I still have to wear a small cap, so that outsiders cannot see my "holy posture".

At this time, Tang Meng thought for a while, still intending to reveal some valuable information, "The civilization of the Taoist is the fourth need to worship yourself as a god, all living beings will worship, sharpen your spirit and make breakthroughs."


Qin Hong was also extremely surprised when he heard the breakthrough method of the fourth realm.

After all, for the warriors who were imprisoned by the first three realms, there was no way to break through the fourth realm in their worldview, and it was natural to be extremely surprised when they were suddenly told how to break through if nothing had happened.

"I really don't know about it."

Qin Hong said: "Our civilization and martial arts are in an era that is about to come to an end. Although the martial artist is still evenly matched with the combat power of the machine, the training speed of the martial artist is too slow... People have quick guns and mortals can also be killed for decades. Powerful warrior."

When Tang Meng heard it, she felt the same way.

After all, they were in the World War II era, similar to their situation at the time.

We also had Sun Lutang, Ye Wen, and Huo Yuanjia at the time, facing the confrontation with guns...

It's just that our martial arts inheritance and development are not as strong as theirs, that is, the bright energy, the dark energy, and the energizing... They all exercise muscles. Our martial artist is the highest, that is, the muscle weight is great.

At that time, it was natural that the martial arts that could not fight firearms and decayed and decayed fell.

"You have three realms in martial arts, and you can resist, but it is estimated that it will decline." Tang Meng felt that their civilization is similar to their own historical trajectory, but they persisted a little longer.

Tang Meng kindly reminded: "Maybe, in your era, some people archeologically knew the breakthrough methods in history. If you have the opportunity, you can explore it... After all, people's word of mouth can be lost, but buried The documents under history have always been there."

Qin Hong thoughtfully.

"Try hard." Tang Meng said.

"Work hard!" Qin Hong also said.

The two encouraged each other a bit and started to do business again.

Tang Meng felt that he was still in a good mood, although there was still a big mountain pressed against his head.

Although, the current human society has basically stabilized after a month.

After all, human beings are still the most adaptable animals on the planet. They build shelters and buildings. With experience and precautions, those bugs are not invincible.

However, in the future, after all the infrastructure of mankind is damaged, it will be completely impossible to hide, and the number of opponents is still increasing rapidly.

"I have to find a way to work hard."

These days, although she has been studying the structure and research and development of species with major research institutes, it is not without progress.

"I want to create an oriental mythical civilization!"

"A civilization of a Taoist!" She looked at the semi-finished product in front of her with a solemn expression, "Since Eastern civilization has not yet recovered, it is up to us descendants to recover the ancient mythology!"

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