My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 133: Humans and Demons 3

"Such a river and lake?" Bai Yu lost his voice for a moment.

The arena is gone.

What a heavy word this is.

However, Brother Fu has been working hard in secret, and he has a more ambitious ideal:

Since the martial arts arena is gone, then replace it with the martial arts arena!

An era of heroic mythology...

Bai Yu thought about the records of the ancient strange and strange novels: the sword immortal in Shu, killing people with sword, slaying demons and killing demons, flying with sword, walking on the horizon...

What kind of romance and feelings is this?

Just think about it.

"Does such a world really exist?" Bai Yu asked.

"Who knows?" Fu Qingjun just smiled.

-Next to him, Qin Hong smiled, knowing that it might exist.

Because she has personally experienced the angel dynasty, knowing that the mythology is nothing more than excessive beautification, and the so-called angels are just birdmen with wings.

Fourth Realm...

It seems that I really can't touch that level.

Sure enough, what the newcomer said was not wrong. In reality, there must be someone who knows "the civilization of the Taoist". For example, Professor Nasika may know it through archaeology.

For example, the Fu Gang leader in front of him may know the ancient survivors who have passed through the fourth realm in their ancestors.

At the dinner table, Qin Hong smiled and said softly: "Perhaps there really existed such histories in ancient times."

However, is it really going to appear in this era?

Perhaps, he will become a witness to the revival of the myth.


The other side.

The generation of Demon Lord Grace who suppressed the world has fallen, and the times have gradually become chaotic again.

Lianna of the Angel Empire directly broke through the middle of the fourth realm, and civilization ushered in a new era.

Hidden in the dark, Hong Qi, who was tricked and killed by Grace once, survived through the "upload of consciousness data" and was also brewing secretly.

Even the world thought he was dead.

Only Lianna and Grace at the time knew that he was still alive in secret, even hiding in a human race outside, wearing a snail hair crown, and secretly controlling a human king.

The New Year of the Mayan Empire.

"The angel dynasty is rebuilt, and the heavens will go hand in hand with the demons!"

On this day, Lianna, under the blessing of that terrifying speed, and the spirit of the gods gathered by countless common people, quickly broke into the fourth realm high-level again.

Lianna directly informed the Demon Realm that she wanted to recruit the heroes of the world to take refuge in and challenge the Demon Realm.

Once, this ancient emperor turned the tide, suppressed countless dark restricted areas, blessed the endless years of life, benevolent and virtuous, and people from all over the world gathered to respond.

Many ordinary human races, mechanical species, who took refuge in the devil world, took refuge in and joined the angel dynasty.

"Let's rebuild the Mayan calendar."

"Using the human calendar, recounting the dynasty year, not counting the first life of a creature, but counting the Mayan periodic calendar in years."

Lianna has accumulated coercion for a long time.

She is more convincing than the new demon lord, the brutal and ruthless Demon Realm, such a co-lord of the world.

The Mayan calendar is three years.

Emperor Lianna set up a war post and challenged the contemporary demon alone.

The demon master responded to the challenge, but was defeated by Lianna.

After that, Lianna was besieged by a large number of powerful people in the Demon Realm before vomiting blood and retreating.

"The Devildom, the general trend is gone!"

"The new demon master junior in the Demon Realm, of course, has amazing aptitude, and was chosen, but he has never experienced a blood-stained age, being surrounded by stars, man-made gods...far from being the heroes of the older generation!"

"The demon Lord Grace has fallen, and there is no one in the contemporary dynasty."


The Mayan dynasty hurriedly rushed into the Tower of Babel and all the high towers.

The demon world began to retreat in large numbers, and retreated back to the underground demon world.

"Devil, there is no one."

Emperor Lianna sighed when she saw this scene.

That junior, who has not experienced any training, is no better than the old people who have spurred ages in their blood...

Perhaps, this time I suffered a big loss, bear the humiliation, and can kill it again, right?

After all, qualifications are indeed extraordinary.

Lianna didn't go hunting down, knowing that the Demon Realm was their base camp, and it would be difficult to please the pursuit of victory, but she said: "At this point, the God Realm is re-established!"

She began to re-plan the land.

"The world is re-divided into the God Realm, Demon Realm, and Mortal Realm."

"The realm of the gods lives in the tower of the sky and rules the common people of the earth."

"The Demon Realm, living in the abyss of the earth, has countless monsters living."

"The mortal realm... will be the place where the former Maya clan lived and lived seven times faster."

Every time Grace made a breakthrough, she used the Great Purge plan to directly kill the common people, and then reproduce the **** blood race by herself.

But Lianna, she couldn't be so cruel.

After breaking through, she can only divide her races and let the original seven-times speed races live on the earth and call them the mortal world.

Although, their flow rate is still very slow, and without the inheritance of God's blood, it is difficult to break through the fourth realm.

It can only be said to be the eliminated race.

However, Emperor Lianna still gave enough hope, "Although there is no fourth realm in this land, the ancestor **** can still be born... In the mortal world, a new **** can be born!"

She is bold and big-minded.

Each one is an ancestor god, which means a civilization of a Taoist who tolerates the birth of an ancestor **** who goes hand in hand with herself.

"The ancestor god, once proving the Dao from the mortal world, he can enter our **** realm and establish a Daoist **** system."

She spoke lightly.

At this point, the world has begun to mature completely.

The gods and demons are civilized and live fast.

The mortal world, inhabited by mortals, is completely inconsistent with the time flow of the gods and demons.

"It's a pity, Udula, was taken into the demon world." Lianna thought of her former best friend and couldn't help sighing.



Udula walked in a garden.

"My first reincarnation, has fallen..."

"Sure enough, in that environment, being imprisoned by that vicious little wizard, I have no chance to come back." Yudura smiled bitterly, "I can only re-evolve the species and wait for the next life to be reborn."

She feels very unfortunate.

Being suppressed in reality, the offspring became food for witches to start cultivation, and during the reincarnation of the other side, they were also turned into dishes.

But she also felt very lucky.

"Because of Grace, how can I not think of it?"

Udula sighed, looking at the tombstone in front of him, sitting in a chair drinking wine, with a complicated expression: "I am still in the early stage of the fourth stage, and I am determined not to let me enter the middle stage. Time goes very slowly on me."

Grace is too smart.

I know better than anyone that I, the first ancestor of a witch, must never die of old age.

She seems to imprison herself, but in fact she does not allow herself to break through. She must not go ahead of civilization and use her life to open the way.

"You stepped into it, and forced Lianna and Hongqi to step into it, making them become a civilization of Taoists, and the ages overlapped crazily...Finally, waiting for them to find the fifth realm at that terrifying speed Only by the way I can make a safe breakthrough."

Why doesn't she know?

Grace is a proud man.

He is extremely cruel, extremely cold-blooded, and extremely complicated person.

She is a ruthless person who kills all over the world for the development of civilization.

She continued her life in this way, not for herself, but for civilization, because she was the cornerstone of the entire Mayan civilization....

-Yudura, the ancestor of the witch.

What a heavy name for a god.

"The devil has retreated, Lianna re-rules the era, and has returned to the time of the original martial arts emperor... She also stepped into that path after all."

Yudura looked complicated.

Lianna will also become a civilized hero, a martyr, and die of old age in front of her...

It's not just her.

Even those younger generations, outstanding people, heroes, will go forward and succeed, and make a way forward...

"I created this witch civilization, but I never thought it would become like this. I was defeated by posterity, imprisoned by them, and they used their lives to stand in front of me..." she thought somewhat self-deprecatingly.

And I can't do anything.

She could only helplessly be imprisoned, watching everything, following the path left by the cold-blooded, sharp, and ferocious Kinglord, and was forced to move forward.

The Demon Lord who suppressed the world, his desire for control was strong to the limit, even after he died, he still controlled everything in the era, and the situation was as she expected.

It really is to calculate the common people before death, and calculate the future generations after death.

"Perhaps this is the civilization of the Taoist, the fourth and death, bright as fireworks." In front of Grace's tombstone, Udula raised his head and drank, as if he saw the gravity and cruelty of a civilization.

The civilizations of Taoist hearers in the world have been overlapping.

Only the eternal truth of the world has always been there and has not changed.

"A century has I always feel very at a loss." She whispered: "Grace, I am abandoned by the times. Everyone is singing and roaring, but I am in front of the mirror. See the world."

"Is this what you did for me?"

"Your arrogant friendship?" Her mood suddenly became quiet.

Beside, a fourth-level black angel whispered: "His Royal Highness, the time is up."

Yudura stood up in front of the tombstone and offered a bunch of flowers.

Before she left, she still stared at the tombstone seriously, at the statue in front of the tombstone:

The beautiful and tall woman of the black winged angel, holding a copy of "The Code of Darkness and Eternal Night" in her hand, her face is majestic, with the spirit of a lion and a tiger, and she is full of wealth.

"I still hate you so much."

She paused, turned and left,

"You are an unforgivable, unforgivable villain."

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