My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 142: The myth of the old days revives and the Great Xia Dynasty returns

On the moon, everyone was sluggish.

Prehistoric ruins.

It is truly an ancient ruin hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is hard to speak of the sense of the torrent of years when it appears in front of you.

"According to records, Yin died three thousand years ago."

Taitian clan, standing on the back of the moon, facing the loneliness and desolation of the universe, stroking the bronze stele, and said: "Great Xia Yin Shang, Xia is in front of Yin Shang."

He naturally read the classics of the great witch world,

Even some scientific and firearms materials have been read.

"The current era is the Yin Ruins. After the Yin and Shang dynasties, the entire land has never been unified again."

At this time, an ancestor **** said: "Even the records of the Yin and Shang dynasties three thousand years ago are incomplete... let alone Daxia before the Shang? That is very mysterious."

No one knows how long the Daxia Dynasty ruled the world.

Another ancestor **** said: "But it is obvious that it was a mythical ancient dynasty. At that time, the small humans had not yet been extinct. They built a heavenly palace on the moon and an all-seeing eye. Heavenly Court monitors the entire mortal world."

Another person said: "The All-Seeing and All-Knowing Eye is also recorded in the New World of the West. They call it the Eye of God, the Eye of Hormones, and it is even now engraved on paper money."

"The God of the West refers to the God Miró of the Great Summer Palace?"

They keep guessing.

The powerful in the third realm still belong to the martial arts category, and it is difficult to cross continents.

If it is the existence of the fourth realm, it will not be an obstacle between the continents of the entire earth.

Then, it is easy for people who hear Tao to be civilized and build a country across continents.

"The Daxia Dynasty at that time designated all the continents of the earth as Fanbangs, which belonged to the country, which was also a matter of course."

"Ancient myth records-Xiafen is Kyushu!"

"But, when we look at it from a height, the earth has only eight continents."

"Under our feet, isn't it a continent?"

"You mean?"

"This is the legendary ninth state!"

They are constantly trying to figure out the ancient history, as if seeing the vague process of history, there is a strong sense of heaviness in their hearts.

In the ancient Chinese civilization, I am afraid that the Great Xia Dynasty is the origin!

That mysterious big Shamir God. Everything was created, and the land of Kyushu was born!

At that time, the Xia Dynasty was in its heyday, and I don’t know how many years he ruled the world.

That dynasty ruled the entire earth.

Every native of Kyushu left various names for that era.

In the new world under our feet, the native Indians are one of the Kyushus. They call the gods who descended from the sky... ant friends, Anunnaki.

But in fact, the reality of the Daxia Dynasty may not have been long since, after all, it was the civilization of the Taoist, and it may have perished in a hundred years.

The Yin and Shang dynasties of the Great Xia Dynasty and the subsequent Yin and Shang dynasties do not know whether the fourth realm exists or not.

However, when the Yin and Shang dynasties were destroyed, and even now after three thousand years, there must have been no fourth realm, capable of suppressing the world, so it has always been the Yin Ruins.

The ruins of the ancient Yin Shang Dynasty.

"The times are declining. As the Emperor Wa said, we are recovering again."

At this moment, these ancestor gods looked at each other and were completely affirmed.

"Perhaps, Emperor Wa allowed us to go to the moon because he knew that there were ancient ruins here. Let us see the truth and witness the history of our predecessors." Taitianshi said.

Many people hold their breath.

They saw this moment, the years of ancient knowledge of myths, and a complete revival.

"The traces of the Great Xia Dynasty are very vague, but they really existed... that era needs to be studied, but we should indeed rise up." An ancestor **** said:

"The era returns and the development of Dadao civilization."


The journey to the moon gave all the ancestor gods a lot of restlessness.

On the other side, in the manor of Dashan.

The other ancestor gods all went to the main body, but Tang Meng's main body stayed here, and accompanied them to the moon through remote sensing of a mechanical snail shell.

"The monuments on the moon are so vast. The Ninth State is there." Tang Meng, a little Taisui girl, bounced and said.

Fu Qingjun was actually dumbfounded.

This earth was really crooked by myself to the point where I didn't know where it was... Jiaxia really created everything in ancient times.

Or even created the existence of the Xia Dynasty?

Perhaps I should have thought from the beginning that before the Yin and Shang Dynasties, it was the Xia Dynasty....People say that Huaxia came from the Xia Dynasty... and Jiaxia, who named her new dynasty after half of her name.

The Xia Dynasty is also an era in mythology, and many characters have appeared, and Dayu was a person from that era.

"But it must be so." Fu Qingjun frowned: "At that time, Jiaxia was already in the fourth realm, and the fourth realm was able to leave the earth... He traveled back to prehistoric times and would definitely try to leave. The universe, reach the moon."

After all, biological exploration is very powerful.

Grace is like this, even the ancestor gods of the tribes in front of him, they all want to explore the sky, and Jiaxia explores the moon, of course...

"History is inevitable." Fu Qingjun said softly.

"So, as a descendant of the contemporary Nuwa, do you want to revive the Xia Dynasty?" Tang Meng said at this time: "Shang Dynasty, naturally, there is no revival. After all, they once offended the Nuwa empress and wrote lewd poems."

Fu Qingjun stayed for a while.

"Even, the Shang Dynasty turned into the Yin Ruins, maybe it was your ancestors, did you destroy them?" Tang Meng looked excited, as if seeing the historical truth of the Yin Ruins' destruction for three thousand years.

Fu Qingjun's face turned black.

Why is your brain so big?

But speaking of it, it seems to be able to connect in series.

Naturally, Fu Qingjun would not admit or deny this. He just said: "I don't know about this. Maybe the ancestors had it. As a living soil, don't you know these things about your ancestors?"

Tang Meng smiled awkwardly, learning not to admit or deny, "I don't remember too much either."

Both are playing the ball.

Fu Qingjun is too lazy to care about her, this person thinks about what she has or not all day long, can't our earth be saved?

However, for the development of this kind of civilization, he feels that since Jiaxia really existed, then with lessons learned, his ant civilization should be able to work on the earth here...

After all, those are real history, not fiction!

Even the true high-levels of the major dynasties, the descendants of the royal family of the kingdoms, may also record some ancient historical texts, and the water in this world is still very deep.

"Jiaxia, maybe it broke some obstacles for me in this world." Fu Qingjun squinted, just as he was planning to do something.

Suddenly there was movement under the mountain.

"We secretly went to the address of the master's seclusion, and came to visit the master." A woman's voice came.

"If we do this, the master might be very angry, right?"

"We will say hello from a If we don't see us, we will leave immediately."

"Yes, after all, the master is kind to us, we have to report it."

Under Li Mo's leadership, there were seven beautiful young girls in their teens, Yingying Yanyan, lively and romantic, slowly climbing up the mountain, but for a moment, they were shocked.

"This is?" There are small tribes, streets, and people all over the mountains.

Among them, there is also a small tribal human, who looks fierce, tall, and draped in animal skins. He looked at them and said: "You have the breath of the ancestor Wa, are you also a prehistoric witch?"

"My king, may plan to rebuild the mythical Great Xia Dynasty and establish the Primordial Immortal Court, your ancient witch clan from outside? Sure enough, your body is vast, and you can pull the mountain and river!"

? ? ?

Li Mo and others looked dumbfounded.

Are we struggling?

They touched their little arms and legs.

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