My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 147: Frighten urine, the world is my ancestor?

Qin Hong touched the dull hair on the top of his head, feeling inexplicable.

Three generations of his ancestors were poor peasants.

My sister and myself grew up so big that they didn't even have a relationship with landlords and nobles.

Otherwise, how could you want to go to a nightclub to sell yourself before?

She looked at the two people and knew that avoiding was not a problem, so she went to the cafeteria of Miao Chuntang to talk with them.

[Not actively eating, brain problems]

[Wu takes food as the sky]

Looking at the few large Chinese calligraphy writing dragons and phoenixes on the wall in the dining hall, Jiang Yu and the two were shocked.

"This is the style of Miao Chuntang, Fu Gangzhu? This is indeed... bold."

After all, driven by Fu Qingjun, the corporate culture has been formed, and the dining hall has been regarded as one of the most important places.

The helper leads by example, eating at two o'clock every day for five hours.

The two sat down and ordered some food.

"Do you have any evidence?" Qin Hong asked.

"Your appearance." Jiang Yu said: "Your appearance is the orthodox appearance of the Yin and Shang imperial clan... and the ancestors of the Yin and Shang imperial clan came from a royal clan in Daxia."

"It just looks alike." Qin Hong denied. After all, this is far-fetched. He looks like a royal family, so he came to admit his relatives?

"It doesn't look alike, but it looks too alike!"

Jiang Yu said: "Furthermore, according to our investigation, your martial arts cultivation has suddenly risen recently. It is said that you have awakened the memory of some ancestors? This is obviously due to the inheritance of the blood of the royal family. Immortals have appeared."

Qin Hong suddenly hesitated.

It is not accidental that I awakened the memory of "past life" because of an adventure.

However, looks....

Speaking of which, this is indeed a huge doubt in her mind.

At that time, she returned to the Maya civilization, and when she saw the ancient Maya clan, she felt that their faces were exactly the same as her own!

Even his apprentice Lianna... is almost the same as a gene cloned from his own.

She guessed at the time that Lianna was her ancient ancestor!

And now, the face of the Yin Shang imperial family is similar to his own?

Another one?

Her mind was full of paste.

Could it be that Yin and Shang were also the same ancestor?

Everyone is the same mother?

All human beings in the world, Mayan civilization and Daxia civilization, are all the same human ancestor?

She touched the dull hair on the top of her head in awe.

"It seems that my appearance is back to my ancestors!"

At the same time, she also instantly understood why that ancient **** and demon was looking for a deal with herself instead of other people.

Because I am special! !

With the appearance of the first generation of human ancestors, he was found by that ancient **** and demon, and he was able to enter the night banquet of gods and demon, and imprinted the **** and demon on his head.

"So, is it such a causal relationship?" She gradually became clear in her heart, and said lightly: "Then it makes sense to say that she is the emperor of the Yin and Shang Dynasty."

He looked like a human ancestor, and he might also have some royal bloodlines, resurrecting in his body.

Qin Hong nodded, revealed the mystery in his heart, and said to Jiang Yu calmly: "No wonder there are so many martial arts memories in my mind. It turns out that my ancestor was the royal family."

Jiang Yu also laughed, not knowing that Qin Hong was thinking a lot, but he just felt that the other party accepted it faster than expected.

And soon, the message that Qin Hong was the imperial family of Yin and Shang Dynasty gradually spread among the gang leaders.



"I'll just say, that stupid hair jumps and jumps, it's not easy!"

The news was so big that it exploded among the muscular guys in the cafeteria.

Although it is now the Yin Ruins, the Yin-Shang Dynasty is destroyed, and only the blood of the royal family is left, but it is still one of the largest families in that piece of land, with great influence.

Princess in trouble...

Everyone knows that Qin Hong has reached the sky in one step.

At this time, the second master Bai Yu was surprised when he heard it, "Is it possible that we are here where luck gathers? There was Li Mo from the gang before, and he entered the ancient fairy gate. Afterwards, there was Qin Hong. It was discovered that it was from the Yin Shang imperial family princess."

"There are immortals and princesses..." Bai Yu secretly said to Fu Qingjun, "When is it our turn?"

Bai Yu felt a little outrageous.

Fu Qingjun calmly patted him on the shoulder, and whispered with some guilty conscience: "I am also very confused at this point, perhaps, it's just a coincidence."

A few days passed.

The news of Princess Yin Shang only circulated within the gang, but it didn't take long.

After all, three thousand years have passed.

When that dynasty collapsed, everyone was very vague about the former majesty of Yin and Shang, but now it just feels like someone next to him won the lottery, with a look of envy.

There is no royal reverence.

Although Qin Hong was protected by the two of them, it was very inconvenient, and she was delayed a lot of time for secret research.

However, there are gradually results.

"I'm stuck in the second life of the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons. It's been too long. I must succeed!"

Qin Hong took a deep breath, "Since I can't transfer to the second life, I figured out a way to pass through the land of Shushan in the fairy gate, and first accumulate."

After all, she had been to a small civilization before, and now she wants to go again, which is also expected.

She kept studying the hair on the top of her head and fully understood the effect, "I secretly cut a piece, just one millimeter is enough, plug it on the other's head, and it can remotely rock the stick."

She is also an individual talent, and even figured out Fu Qingjun's mutated hair characteristics.

After all, there is a piece of Fu Qingjun's hair that can naturally possess the powers in it. For example, her hair also has the power to control this dull hair, like a bamboo dragonfly, which rotates flexibly on the top of the head.

"Just wait for the next time Li Mo writes. I will send a vellus hair and let her stick it on the head of a little life... Li Mo is a very clever person. Although she doubts, she will definitely follow suit. ."


Li Mo's next letter is coming.

She continued to elaborate on the whole reckless experience over the past few years:

In the monster mountain range and the ancient sect holy land, which strong person has fallen, and which Tianjiao chief has set foot on the fairy road under a group of sect guards that failed in the past, and will push the geniuses of the major sects. ...

The heritage of the times is getting deeper and deeper.

"This time, I wrote back and forth."

After everyone had read it, Qin Hong conveniently put a small envelope in the big envelope and mailed it back.


The other side.

Li Mo, an ancestor witch, was already a second-level senior.

"Soon, it will be called the Great Perfection Realm and enter the third realm."

Li Mo sighed. He was already a giant spirit **** on Nüwa Immortal Mountain, slow, majestic, and towering like a mountain. He practiced every day and stood guard in front of the mountain gate.

Countless fairy bones, immortals in ancient Han clothes, riding on the fairy beasts, carrying hands on their backs, flying through the sky, passing by the gates,

"Is this the prehistoric great witch clan?"

"It's like a giant mountain statue statue! So slow."

"Heh! The great witch clan has fallen, the number is scarce, and the world doesn't respect them and doesn't regard them as gods, how can you break through the fourth realm?"

"We normally need 10,000 great masters to condense the spirit of the gods, and they...their souls are tens of thousands of times larger than ours. I am afraid that it will take billions of great masters to help their souls transform. Break into the fourth realm."

Everyone is very curious about these giant species.


Li Mo felt very powerless and was seen as a monkey every day.

Over the years, her mental power has been huge after her cultivation has progressed. Their speech speed before 36 times sounded garbled, but now they can barely hear it, although they can't keep up with their movements.

"Mortals of all races on the earth have risen, but our great witch clan is sparsely populated. It is difficult to find a form of survival and cannot find a way to break through the fourth realm." She sighed.

In this fairy gate, there are high and low status, but his status is embarrassing.

Although the life span is long, looking at the era of mortals fighting for hegemony, birth, old age, sickness and death...

Although the status is lofty, there is no one to provoke the guardian of the immortal gate, just need peace of mind to practice...

However, there is still some unwillingness in my heart!

Often used as labor, the slow mountain giant carries a sandbag, moves slowly, and is watched by people.

After a while, she finished her work, changed another person to stand guard, returned to the house, and found that Miao Chuntang's letter had been sent back.

"Leader, Bai Yu, still cares about me."

There was a soft flash in her eyes. After all, she had entered the fairy gate. In her heart, she was still concerned about the gang in the world, the tall and handsome man who had confessed to herself.

After reading the reply, she saw the small bag in the envelope. It was Qin Hong's letter:

"When I entered the gang before, I said that my shooting from the sky was a memory of awakening ancient times, but it actually came from the memory of a great witch."

"I vaguely remember some secret techniques, which can also velvety hair to transform people, and practice the external incarnation...There is a vellus hair attached to it. If you find a way to insert it on a newborn baby, I can come in and help you."

After reading it, Li Mo looked weird.

Although there were doubts in his heart, he still followed Qin Hong's words.

While guarding her post, she secretly went to the foot of the mountain to observe in a farmer's village.

She knows,

This savage land is full of hair and drinking blood, and even some mortals in towns have a very difficult life. They often abandon babies and leave them outside the city.

After all, they are terrible in giving birth, it is a super natural disaster, and it is natural that they can't afford to have too many births.

Sure enough, she waited for an abandoned baby and tied a vellus hair on top of a baby's head.

Suddenly, a strange scene happened.

The sparse hair on the top of this baby's head quickly shed its central circle, leaving only a dull hair in the center.

"Ah this?"

Li Mo was a little surprised, but secretly said in his heart: "I can't bring her back to the mountain, otherwise I will be spotted. I will find a few kind people I know to help raise her up."

She lives here and still knows some mortals.


time flies,

Qin Hong gradually opened his eyes.

"Finally, have you come in?"

She took a deep breath, and her soul was continuously transported across this side. It took a full hour before she controlled her consciousness.

However, this whole hour is already a day and a half for the world inside.

And the creatures in this world are as terrifying as the Mayan civilization. They grow very fast, and they grow up to adults at a visible speed. One hour is equivalent to six or seven years old.

There was a voice from the side.

"Oh, this baby is more than seven years old and can't speak yet, like a cerebral palsy." A woman said.

"Don't worry, the giant spirit **** in the sky, sending this boy baby must have a profound meaning." Another honest man's voice came.

Qin Hong gradually opened his eyes.

A sharp and fierce intent flashed in her eyes. This was her nature to push the hero horizontally at the time, which had been hidden before.

Am I finally here in the second life?

She controlled the child to stand The appearance gradually changed, and it was actually changing towards Qin Hong's appearance.

In the distance, the parents also found out and exclaimed, "The child has stood up! His appearance..."

The surrounding villagers, honest and honest, came to watch.

"This... incredible!! It is the appearance of a woman created by the first generation of Wazu!"

"It turned out to be the appearance of returning to the ancestors!"

"This is born and sacred! I only speak at the age of seven or eight, and it's amazing to spit out when I open my mouth!" Constantly exclaimed.

The people around looked at this scene as if they saw a miracle.

Qin Hong looked dazed, she looked at her Qin Hong's appearance at the water tank next to her, "It turns out that not only the Mayan civilization, but also the Daxia civilization, even Nuwa created human beings, the first generation of human beings also looked like Qin Hong?"

Are all my ancestors in the world? ?

Her mind was suddenly blank.

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