My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 153: Bluestone Town joined, Mo Luo came to the world

Everyone looked at the ancient Buddha with golden light behind.

There was a shock in his mind.

She was numb all over.

"The Great World-Honored Bodhisattva who saves suffering, are you here to save us mortals?"

Suddenly, an old man who believed in Buddhism knelt down first, with a fanatical expression, and he accepted this vision in an instant.

"Buddha crosses the common people."

Li Mo, the appointed spokesperson of the two realms of Buddhism and Taoism in the sky, transmitted common Mahayana Buddhism, with a natural expression of calmness, "The gods of hundreds of thousands of years ago have revived and saved this era of war in World War II."

"You earth witch race, you don't know the truth anymore, there is no one in the world before."

Li Mo's mouth is full of flowers, and the Buddha's voice is bursting.

Wearing a golden robe, he began to preach on the spot.

The prehistoric war of the gods caused the world to collapse and the earth and human races were extinct. In the end, only the giants and gods were left. Then time flew by. The witches gradually thought of themselves. Nowadays, there are Nuwas who create human beings. , Become a giant spirit species...

Qingshi Town was quiet, with only a group of hundreds of villagers kneeling on the ground.



Half a day later.

All the people know the truth.

Looking at those small humans, those real mortals, living and dying...

This made them have to believe in the ancient myth that subverted the worldview.

These ordinary people, who seem to be ordinary people, turned out to be an ancient tribal witch in ancient mythology?

"There is no one in the world. People are dead. So, we giants and witches become mortals?" A teacher could not help but be surprised.

"The world's suffering is a great relief. Today, my Buddha is compassionate, saving the common people from hardship, and seeing the truth of the world."

Li Mo said: "Here, an ancient great witch tribe will be formed, all of which are giants of longevity. You have the opportunity to get longevity, and you have the opportunity to ask about immortal fate!"

"Here, you can enter my Buddhism practice, become the true body of the Buddha, and reincarnate in the world."

"You can also enter the door and become a giant spirit god."

The villagers were overjoyed when they heard this.

Naturally, we must seize this huge opportunity.

In the blink of an eye, this bluestone town accepted the shaved and turned into a bald head, with a dull hair in the center, swaying with the wind, like the open and wise weeds, very slutty and unruly love freedom.

The elderly, children, and women all have this hairstyle.

"If you practice long, you can naturally turn into Buddha's hair." Li Mo warned seriously.

These townsfolk found that their speed had become ten times faster, and they had truly become a giant, with countless common people appearing at their feet.

time flies.

The entire Qingshi Town gradually stabilized.

Become a big witch tribe of villagers at the foot of Shu Mountain.

After all, these are mortals.

There are no outstanding characters, and the villagers have a low level of education, believe in ghosts and gods, and are relatively superstitious. Naturally, they accepted it in an instant and can easily win it.

Buddhism also soared into the Moon Palace.

At this point, the two ancient systems of Buddhism, Taoism, and Taoism in the heavens stand up, and the earth immortal begins to practice.

More than ten years.

Buddhism and Taoism are booming.

However, Qin Hong, who was busy developing Qingshi Town, didn't notice a certain ancient tomb at this time.

Lines of scarlet ancient coffins, countless corpses of ruthless people with murderous intent, seemed to have some strange appearances.

With courage and sympathy, a consciousness gradually sprouted.

"who am I?"

"Am I Buddha Shitian?"

"No, I'm his fading spirit, I'm... a demon!"

Buddhism repairs dull hair, which can insert dull hair and reincarnate into various species, and there is no restriction on species reincarnation.

But what Qin Hong inserted was a very special Tai Sui soil creature!

Flat worms, every cell can store memory, differentiation, "mitosis"... this is the origin of the external incarnation of Taoist cultivation.

These corpses of the Tai Sui of one life, every cell, unexpectedly stored their own surviving soul and consciousness, and the incomplete souls of a hundred generations gathered together to form a new courageous creature.


"Mo Luo?"

Fu Qingjun was the first to notice.

He studied it carefully, and found that this was not a creature, but a monster of incomplete spirit, or even a ghost?

Have even ghosts with no entities appeared?

Fu Qingjun had never seen a creature in this form, studied it carefully, and did not interfere much.

After all, the era develops by itself.

I don't know what it will look like.

"Repay the expectation." After Fu Qingjun had finished eating, he looked at the time, and he turned his attention to the other side of the earth. Naturally, he was not looking at the Mayan civilization.

The Mayan civilization is developing steadily in the fog, and there hasn't been much disturbance in these years.

What he wants to see is the human beings in the survivor camps in major cities on the earth, and see how they evaluate their own great demon country, and the myth has revived.

Soon, Fu Qingjun saw the thread that Tang Meng had just posted on a mess of survivalist forum posts and was put on top.

"My Journey to Another World: The Great Adventure of Bluestone Town"

Fu Qingjun's eyelids twitched.

Good guy...

At this time, Tang Meng had already practiced some mature mental techniques, and could even combine the mechanical snails to input the images in his mind, gather them into pictures, and upload them on the Internet.

Screenshot of Qingshi Town,

Screenshots of Daimao villagers,

Picture after picture was posted.

"I lost it!"

"I lost it!"

"I lost it!"

"I lost it!"

Netizens are shocked!

Feel too scary!

Has this hairstyle been popular?

If you have a bald head alone, you can still accept it, but there is a dull hair in the center of the bald head, which is too curious, isn't it?

She and Jian are in the past: "Teacher Tang, what happened to God? Is the whole world over there suffering from the disaster? (Lastly

Blood Knight: "Isn't this the standard hairstyle for believing in the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons? Tang Meng, you had this hairstyle before, now why do they have any of them now?"

Mediterranean Barber: "Fuck! This ID of mine is a big prophecy! Isn't I the master of all baldness? After all, I often teach programmers, they are all this hairstyle, maybe I will receive it. Disciple! (funny

Everyone talked a lot.

In fact, UU reading www. The second pinned post on the forum is:

[In the process of saving the earth, the Mayan civilization is still 165 kilometers away from the goal. 】

The Mayan civilization is constantly expanding. At the suggestion of Tang Meng, a super-flying force of 300 million people will be dispatched to traverse countless dark restricted areas and approach the nearest survivor camp hundreds of kilometers away.

This is already the biggest thing.

But at the moment, it was covered by a new big event.

Tang Meng, as always, used a relaxed tone to ease everyone's emotions:

"Hello everyone, this is Tang Meng. Someone asked Teacher Tang, what happened?"

"Let me tell me that I have encountered many terrible things, and even in that future era, I encountered the existence of a suspected Buddha, Sakyamuni!"

"It is Him, spread everywhere, and the villagers in a town have been transformed into a real Buddha of Buddhism, sitting on a high place, and beginning to reincarnate."

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