My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 155: I, Li Jihao, finally stood up

Fu Qingjun looked helpless to complain.

This well-known professor of history is still very famous. He is a rigorous old scholar. He even appeared on many history programs and has profound professional knowledge.


Brother, don't be led by these netizens.

But this thing is indeed... a coincidence.

It made him feel a little bit that Buddhism is his own dull hair style.

"They discuss it, but they can ignore it."

He squinted his eyes and looked to the other side, "Bluestone Town is the main goal. After all, this is the current top priority and the window of civilization to the outside world."

Fu Qingjun knows the priority of weighing these things.

Although he hides his identity in Duguan Town, it is also time for the world to come into contact with prehistoric myths. After all, the Jiaxia era is real.

This planet really has a history of prehistoric, ultra-small ant civilization!


Qingshi Town.

As a big town of ancestors and witches, it gradually gained a pivotal position.

However, there is also a train stop in Qingshi Town, and passengers will stop here from time to time.

All the townspeople practiced Buddhism, and the speed is ten times faster.

However, in front of these slow-moving outsiders, these villagers have to pretend to be slow.

Not used to it at first.

However, as they practice martial arts, they can perfectly control their bodies, and gradually adapt for a period of time, and most people can't see abnormalities.

at this time,

Under the tree, two villagers are playing chess at the head of the village.

"It's hard to imagine that the immortals in the fourth realm possess such great power. Unfortunately, we Buddhas, after being reincarnated, are just little novice monks, struggling to move forward." An old teacher was bitter.

"In this life, the mortal earth, that little Yuntian gate, there is a wizard that sweeps the world, and the world’s great immortal gates are shaking. There is such a worldly enchanting demon in this world. Maybe he can set foot on the road of the emperor, and finally the road will ascend and enter In the heavenly palace." Another fat old man with a big belly is also playing chess.

These villagers have mediocre qualifications.

Even if you become a great witch, it is very difficult to cultivate to the first and second levels.

After all, since people who are truly qualified have already practiced martial arts, how can they shrink in this left-behind village and become the old, weak, sick and disabled?

Among the 800 ordinary villagers, one who can cultivate to the third level is not bad!

As a result, they can only witness the rise of each and every mythical age, and the arrogance of the gods.

In Qingshi Town, as a longevity species, you can see the changes in the world.

However, there is also a huge fortune.

"In the old days, Nuwa created a man and lived in seclusion on the Nüwa Mountain. I once wanted to visit, but I couldn't help it," said an old chess player.

"Hey, how can we mortals see the existence of saints who create all spirits and reshape the world?" said the scholar: "We are still reincarnated obediently, and reincarnated for the first time into common people."

"Those immortal gates of the earth are all on guard against the reincarnation of the Buddha. It is difficult for us to worship." The old man playing chess said: "We must check the top of our head to see if there is any Suhui from the previous life. "

Next to him, Li Jihao, who got off the train and put on a windbreaker and passed by secretly, was shocked when he heard this scene.

What strange content are these two old people talking about playing chess?

Their dark curly hair lying on their foreheads, they seem to be...

Two Buddhas!

Especially the fat old man, naive, with the hairstyle, vaguely gave him a feeling of Maitreya Buddha.

"Swindling tricks in the world? Are these two dreaming lunatics? Or is there really a fairy in the myth, living in seclusion here to play chess?"

Li Jihao squinted his eyes and kept observing.

Before he was the deputy gang leader of the Shidaohui, he was injured by the mechanical martial artist of the Oudi Kingdom. He went to Miao Chuntang to look for Physician Bai Yu before he saved his life.

However, the sequelae are too great.

After allowing him to cultivate for a month, he didn't get any relief, even his bladder burst, and he even had to squat down when going to the toilet.

"It may be two liars."

Li Jihao hesitated in his heart, and secretly said, "However, looking at their movements, there are some peculiarities...seems to be converging on purpose."

As a martial arts expert, he can naturally be seen.

However, what they said was too ridiculous.

This world is obviously martial rivers and lakes. Although there are the strongest creatures on the ground, there are no gods.

Nuwa, fairy gate, soaring, heaven...

The major immortals?

He continued to observe the old people under the tree, listening to their chat...

Gradually, the whole person is unnatural.

Obviously it's a short-term family member, but he is commenting on the pattern of immortals in the whole world, which sect of Tianjiao, what sacred beasts have been conquered, what sacred dragons have been refining monsters, and what elixir has been refining medicine...


Simply outrageous! !

In the past, the elders of the rivers and lakes, they have not seen them, they also talked about the martial arts of the rivers and lakes, and the various schools walked in the rivers and lakes, but they suddenly switched to another look.

"Is there really a god?" Li Jihao was a warrior who had been educated in the New World, and he sounded bad.

"I heard that no, the Buddha enlightened the Tao for a hundred generations and buried the body of the hundred generations in the tomb of the Buddha, but the body of the hundred generations, the converging killing intent, gradually gave birth to spiritual wisdom... incarnate into a Mo Luo." An old man said.

"Yeah, Mo Luo, it is said that the common people converge with mixed killing intent, evil thoughts turn into essence, immortality, immortality, crippling common people, the world is afraid of catastrophe."

In the next second, the two old men talking, playing chess faster and faster, turning into afterimages.


Their dialogue voices are getting faster and faster, turning into reverberations.

Li Jihao looked stunned.

They blinked for half a minute, and they had already finished the game of chess.

The old man stood up and came to him like a ghost.

"Ten Swordsmen, Li Jihao?" An old man said lightly.

Li Jihao nodded, then questioned: "Do you know me?"

"The Ten Swordsmen in Duguan Town crushed Miao Chuntang and won the right to speak at the train station. The limelight is flourishing. Who doesn't know? Li Jihao, you are a famous name, and the nearby villagers know it." The potbellied old man, photographed He patted his belly and said.

"You hurt your bladder a few days ago."

An old man hesitated, took out a long snake with wings, and smiled:

"The two of us are the reincarnation of the ancient great witch Buddha. In this bluestone town, don't tell outsiders to listen. This feather snake can replace the bladder and give it to you. You and I will meet."


Li Jihao was at a loss.

But soon, the old man taught him to help him complete the replacement, and Li Jihao was completely stunned.

I finally don't have to squat to pee? I can finally stand up.

It's just that this thing is installed in the body...

There is a kind of weirdness that can't be said.

He has never seen such a situation! !

Suddenly, this one from the Ten Swords Club was completely convinced that these two immortals descended to the earth, and they were their own fairy thump!

He knelt down suddenly, "Please, two Buddhas, accept me as a disciple!"

The two old men glanced at each other, and an invisible smile flashed.

The qualifications of the villagers in Qingshi Town are mediocre.

As a result, they raised the idea of ​​some warriors passing by the town, wanting them to become part of themselves.

To teach Buddhism and to get started is the aspiration of these faithful believers.

Youdao is:

Baiyuejing in the sky, five cities on the twelfth floor, the heavens caress me, expose the longevity!

And it is said that the news came from above that the heroes of the Ten Knife Club must be given special care, must be shaved or become a monk, and give them a new face.

I suddenly brought such a high-level, second-in-chief of the Ten Knife Club, he should have made great achievements.

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