My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 166: When the emperor is today, he is the big man!

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Everyone was stunned.

The sky was clear, but more and more dark clouds gathered at this time.

"No, that's not Yunqi!"

Li Jihao looked at the sky, raised his head and muttered: "Unexpectedly, it is really..."

In the sky, it looks like an invisible giant, splashing dark red ink on the sky as a canvas, instantly turning into bright blood red.

"That's boldness."

Zi Ying lifted his head, his face appeared with an unprecedented solemn expression, "That is not the sight that our eyes see, it is our soul, like a lone boat in the colossal tsunami, affected by the huge true spirit. Nerve illusion."

Affected by the aura, I saw a sea of ​​blood on the dead mountain.

The martial will of the opponent you see is the terrifying power that only creatures in the fourth stage possess.

"The grandmaster's spirit can affect up to a hundred meters, and people within a hundred meters will be the enemy." Bai Yu also muttered. "But this spirit, how many kilometers? Even 10,000 meters? It enveloped a town, this... .. What kind of creature is this!!"

"Isn't this normal?"

Fu Qingjun was still eating, but leisurely replied: "Otherwise, why call it a god?"

Fu Qingjun put down the tableware, ate and drank enough, looked out the window, and said lightly: "They are sonic creatures. With a slight leap, they can jump to two adjacent continents. Even if they are given enough oxygen, There are only walking species in the universe, and even species that can travel interstellar alone."

"Interstellar travel?" Little Horn puzzled.

"Yes, the physical body walks in the universe, and it has reached the most basic requirements." Fu Qingjun said, "but the specific operation, the feasibility is still very low, oxygen supplement, food supplement, and water supplement are huge. problem."

It's just that ordinary ants are really immortal, and their spirit is strong enough to cover a hundred meters.

Only a "god" who is countless thousands of times larger than an ant, that is, a true immortal with a normal human body, can reach this terrifying true god's coercion.

The entire Duguan Town was in panic.

The violent wind howled, the blood cloud rolled, and the whole land was dim and plunged into endless cold.

In the sky, countless blood clouds quickly condensed, forming a huge grimace pattern, constantly distorting, old people, children, a constantly changing face of beings.

"Huge grimace, this is still courage, and the illusion caused by it?" Song Qing said incredulously.

", that's not an illusion, that's a real creature appearance! It's an evil creature with a deadly spirit and a gathering of ghosts and spirits." Li Jihao voiced hoarsely, "He is an evil ghost floating in the air! He has eaten hundreds of millions of people, countless fourth realm scattered immortals..."


All the masters were dumbfounded for a few seconds, a ghost that was more than a hundred meters in size.

"Buddha, you didn't expect it."

In the sky, Mo Luo's voice was male and female, with a strange magical nature.

His two eyeballs were shining with blood, and they looked down on the ground, searching around for something, and finally fell on countless princesses protected by the Buddha.

He looked at Ziniang and said;

"You know that I am not a living creature, but an energy creature, but without a powerful carrier to accommodate my soul, I can't exert one percent of my strength."

"Therefore, the great witch giant human figure that the Emperor of Heaven transformed with the True God of Ten Thousand Transformations can defeat me with one blow... You have a body to carry power, but I don't... We are different species."

"But now..."

He faintly looked down at the earth, his gaze fell on the dead Pilk, "Although it is a disabled witch, it is enough for me to barely fight."

Everyone looked at the corpse of the smashed cloned god.

Swearing in my heart!

The Kingdom of Europe has hurt us miserably!

Mo Luo was afraid that he had been observing in the dark, but his soul was of special nature, and he couldn't find a vehicle to possess him. Maybe he didn't plan to do it in the first place.

But in front of me...

The Kingdom of Odili has brought a cloned god!

The size of a great witch!

The body is huge, can hold his huge soul, and exert a lot of strength.

In the next second, Pilk's corpse body slowly stood up, and the flesh and blood of the corpse gradually recovered.

Boom! !

The bones were shattered, like thunderstorms.

He couldn't help but swell up, and dense red sarcomas appeared in every pore of his skin. Two huge sarcomas bulged up on both sides of the temples, suddenly blowing through the pus, and the sarcoma grew a pair of white bone horns.

Moruo turned into a red dense sarcoma monster with sharp bones and horns. He was five meters tall and stood on the street, staring calmly around.

The great masters in the surrounding streets have only seen humans before. Where have they seen such deformed monster faces?

I was stunned for a while.

"How vicious!"

Fuhu Arhat's expression is low and low, "No wonder I saw this Pilk for the first time, and there was something strange in my heart. I'm afraid that Mo Luo had already secretly possessed the body the first time this Pilk appeared, and was secretly transforming it. His body!"

Otherwise, it can't be so fast!

When Pilk died, he didn't know that he had been demonic eroded from the beginning, and he was still chasing the emperor with great interest, like a clown.

I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick.

In the distance, Song Qing Dahai said, "Mo Luo, the famous enemy of Buddha in Buddhist scriptures!"

In the Ten Knife Society, a disciple in the gang believed in Buddhism and read a Buddhist record: "Can kill the good roots of the world. In the sixth heaven, don't have the demon inhabiting the sky, he will turn to the sky. The demon name Bo Xun!"

"Ma Luo Tang Yunli, that is, he is also a synonym for the demon king Bo Xun who is in the sky. This kind of ghosts and gods have great powers, and they can make trouble with those who cultivate the world law. They are called Ma Luo. In the name of power, it is slightly omitted. Go to Luozi."

Many people showed panic.

Duguan Town is in danger!

The Buddha's reincarnation body has lost his mana, how can he resist this kind of demon?

Song Qing looked bitter and looked at Li Jihao and said, "Is this what you said, the big man who is coming? This character is indeed big enough and scary enough. We are all going to die."

Song Qing cheered before.

Immortal Buddha was born, there are still immortals in the world!

It turns out that we are great witches!

The real mortals are extinct, and they are only reborn now, they are too small!

But can't I cultivate immortals, immortal rivers and lakes? Happily enmity?

I am the Great Witch Town-Duguan Town. UU Reading has countless ultra-small mortals. Come here to our Duguan Town, fly over the walls, fight for justice, kill demons, and slay demons. Wouldn't I be able to make their money? In exchange for cultivating resources?

He has already thought about it!

In the town of Duguan, I also came into contact with the world of immortals, built some ultra-small hotels, nightclubs, and casinos, so that real humans would come to our Dawu town and try the beauty of our Dawu world!

But now, everything is beautiful has been shattered!

Song Qing shook his head and sighed, "I can't use my commercial talents yet, and I'm going to die under Mo Luo's hands."

But at this time, Li Jihao said: "Fang Lord, the big man I am talking about is not Mo Luo, but..."

He paused, his expression full of respect,

"To be the head of the immortals in the court today, the king of the gods... the strongest emperor today!"


The voice fell off.

On the street in the distance, a young man with red lips and white teeth stood up from the fortune-telling stand. Under the sluggishness of the old fortune-telling man, he shrank his feet and walked step by step.

He appeared on the street, exuding a majestic and majestic fairyland atmosphere, sacred and misty, as if the void around him was faintly distorted.

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