My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 174: Chronicles of the Mayan Civilization

These women were indeed moved, and they looked at each other.

"As a clan of giants, we at best teach our disciples to practice, so that the giant's body has combat power, it is too long!"

"Looking at the world's struggle, my heart tickles."

"We converted to my Buddha and practiced in it for the first time, and we were happy. What kind of man do we still want? I was looking forward to it before, but now I want to come, but that's just the case."

"In addition to love, there are many things in this world, such as the dream of martial arts!"


These beautiful and peerless women, with excellent temperaments and different qualities, they became firm.

Soon, a piece of news came out.

In the ghost town of Fengdu, twenty-seven women decided to join the world to practice Buddhahood.

This is an amazing decision.

After all, many martial arts men are unwilling to become a monk, let alone women?

Of course, they are also affected by Ziying and are not allowed to become a monk. Otherwise, many pious martial arts masters naturally don't care about this.

After all, here are the great witch tribes, they have abandoned their own clan system, what other styles of cultivation are they?

Especially if you win, you have to lead by example.

Bai Yu was also surprised to see this scene.

"We are all martial arts, excluding all ordinary people, and the population is only more than a hundred people... In Fengdu, almost all of them are great masters, or young masters... nearly 30 people have turned to Buddhism at once. , It is indeed a major influence..."

Fu Qingjun nodded.

Qin Hong is indeed a good strategy.

The salary is drawn from the bottom of the tank, these are talents with extremely high qualifications, she has all been drawn in, and Ziying is dumbfounded, but it is hard to say anything.

These 27 people, who will continue to reincarnate in the future, can already become her core team.

The Buddhism on the other side is handed over to Ziniang to develop, and she wants to develop another branch.


"This person is a good hand at cutting leeks." Fu Qingjun squinted and looked at Qin Hong, the man behind the scenes, secretly stirring the situation here.

Strategy and combat power are both necessary potentials to become a generation of heroes.

Fu Qingjun glanced at the beautiful girls.

All have been baptized, the three thousand trouble threads are constantly falling off, and the six roots are clean.

At this time, they were all cross-legged on the ground, their hands folded together, their eyes drooping, as if they were in meditation. In fact, they had begun to control a body and reincarnated.

Fu Qingjun couldn't help sighing.

Qin Hong, Qin Hong, who grew up from the same root, why is it too anxious?

Although you are a devout believer of unknown gods, you are too diligent in recruiting people into religion, right?

"Suddenly I feel that there is an inexplicable emptiness in my heart."

Fu Qingjun walked out of Cihang Jingzhai and walked on the street. The ants under his feet were densely packed into afterimages, as if they were another vast and extraordinary world, in which he was a huge mythical giant.

They looked at themselves, admired, surprised, and watched.

It's like watching a slow-moving Mount Everest, moving in front of your eyes.

"Once this harem was so close to me, but in the blink of an eye..." He laughed, wondering what was going on with a strange sense of loss.

"However, everything is on track."

Fu Qingjun knew that he could lay out the next link.

"At the beginning, between heaven and earth, there was only one real celestial powerhouse, Grace, the demon lord."

"Although this is limited by the times, she went to the sky to explore the mist, but she fell down, with no bones left." Fu Qingjun's expression became sharp.

Grace's death has always been a thorn in his heart.

The development of the mind is almost the same, maybe we can test it, that is on the earth, an unknown opponent!

This is the battle of races!

All the civilizations that he deduced the extraordinary cultivation system were born for this.

"Mo Luo recently disappeared, I'm afraid it's going to the Kingdom of Europe." Fu Qingjun raised an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth and walked back to Duguan Town.

What Mo Luo lacked was a body capable of exerting his strength.

Therefore, the body of the **** Pilk was naturally what he expected.

Naturally, Mo Luo went to the Kingdom of Odili secretly, stealing their technology, and even bewildered and wooed that kingdom.

After all, the Buddha realm has its own mortal subsidiary kingdom, so how can he not be tempted?

Fu Qingjun was still smiling, and didn't plan to pay attention to Mo Luo.

Mo Luo, in the eyes of Fu Qingjun, is just a small person with great potential at present.

There are too many so-called geniuses who die before they grow up.

"But if that's the case, how can there be a kingdom left, how can it be alone? I'm going to the Hawks Kingdom to take a trip, and I will bless you with this opportunity."

"The noble British aristocracy, the ancient dynasty of knights who never set the sun, judging from the hairstyle, is the country where my nameless gods visit the most on this earth." Fu Qingjun secretly vomited.

On the Nuwa Mountain.

Fu Qingjun controlled a fourth true immortal that he had secretly broken through during his years of cultivation, and flew to the autonomous region of the Hawkes dynasty next door. "Since the Eastern civilization is revived hundreds of thousands of years later with the times, I How could the Mayan civilization not revive?"


The wind howled.

This figure gradually turned into a small and elegant gentleman with a western face.

"That Anunnaki that descended from the sky, ant friend, once ruled the entire earth..."

Passing through the mountains and ridges, driving the sky at the speed of sound, there were bursts of sonic boom.

"He is in the East, he is called Emperor Xia, and he created the Chinese civilization..." "He is in the West, the **** of wisdom Jiaxia, and he created the great Sunflower Dynasty."

"Both of us believe in the civilization of the ancient gods at the same Now that they are resurrected, our Mayan civilization is also time to resurrect in this great era."

Fu Qingjun looked leisurely, "The world is ignorant and has long forgotten the historical glory of Maya civilization, the battle of angels, demons, feather serpent gods, giant dragons... the first generation of angels, Lianna, the demon Lord Grace...all kinds of things What a sad story hundreds of thousands of years ago."


The Autonomous Region of the Kingdom of Hawkes.

Many old British buildings stand on the ground, and in the distance are the big churches with white arc domes.

Some nuns came and went, and medieval tall white knights in armor patrolled the streets.

The noble noble gentlemen holding canes walked by talking and laughing with some noble women.

At midnight.

In a civilian community, in a red-roofed building.

A middle-aged man is sitting on the bed with a faint bright yellow light bulb, reading the book in front of him.

The delicate paper has a unique fragrance of ink. It is the latest mythological history just printed by the publishing house, "Chronicles of Mayan Civilization", with the author Nathika on the cover.

Clang clang clang!

A dull and heavy bell tower sounded outside the window.

Isaac glanced out the window, and the last light of dusk fell, "Is it already six o'clock in the afternoon? Unexpectedly, I should have been reading this book for a whole day."

He stretched out, lying on the bed with his head up, his head resting on his hands, looking at the ceiling.

"How wonderful, according to the latest archaeological history, that is really a magnificent myth! Angel civilization, prehistoric flood period."

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