My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 179: ?, is the God of Western civilization

Text Chapter 179 He is the God of Western Civilization

Professor Nasika didn't know how to describe the picture at the moment.

I have seen this statue in front of me.

In the witch palace of Udula, this mysterious master of the ancestor of witch appeared at that time, and that scene is still fresh in my memory:

He descended on the divine light, full of light, all kinds of sacred breath, all-encompassing, majestic.

Nasika opened her mouth and suddenly said, "Haven’t seen for hundreds of thousands of years, for us mortals, it’s endless years, for you, your appearance hasn’t changed... It’s just that you who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, The picture when it appears at this moment is much simpler."


Fu Qingjun was dumb.

Am I always so simple?

Now of course I know that it is a good boy, Yudura, who added special effects and background music to him at that time.

However, when I think about it now, that ridiculous picture is like yesterday's myth... but it seems to be a little far away, and the times have changed several times.

The sense of time is different.

For Udula, that was a relatively distant time.

But after hundreds of thousands of years?

I was originally a person in this time and space, so why have I crossed such a long distance?

Fu Qingjun laughed.

"The ones we saw, are they real?"

Professor Nasika suddenly couldn't help asking.

Fu Qingjun pondered for a moment, "The scene you have seen is a real existence, a journey through the misty era of the past. He once existed in the past history."

In other words, when we go back, it really has changed...

The fate of Emperor Lianna!

She was a little excited.

"For you, is it really so easy to travel through time and space?"

Professor Nasika went directly to the topic and asked the most critical question, "Are you God? I can't think of other characters in our myth that can travel through time."

It is difficult for ordinary people to sort out these thoughts in this situation, but Nasika is indeed not simple.

"God, why do you say that?" Fu Qingjun asked directly, throwing the ball back.

"I can't think of any other characters." Nasika shook her head, "What's more, you are quite in line with what is in the world ruled by God? Angels, demons, witches, giants, mortals, dragons, feathered serpent gods... .These elements, Maya civilization have... You rule the Maya civilization, that is, you are no different from God." "God? Maybe someone once called me that way."

Fu Qingjun was stunned. After thinking about it, he didn't deny it, but replied with a smile:

"It's okay to tell you. With my ability, it is far from possible to arbitrarily shuttle on the long axis of this planet, and only jump at an important node in a certain life epoch."

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Professor Nasika then faced the legendary Western god, but after being surprised, he returned to calm, thoughtfully, "You can only shuttle on the famous historical nodes? If you compare time to a big one. Trees, so you can only jump on the important branches where the branches are about to split?"

Fu Qingjun laughed.

Professor Nasika is still so mighty, understands what you mean instantly, and draws inferences about it.

Professor Nasika lowered his head and said: "In other words, the Mayan civilization that we encountered was born in the fog, which was the destruction junction of the solar age."

"Exactly." Fu Qingjun landed on the table.

Professor Nasika said: "In other words, our current era is also one of the nodes...Because we can only jump between nodes, our era is important?"

She murmured, and suddenly thought of something, "Is it possible that our place will also usher in the destruction of the solar age, and the mist will come?"

Fu Qingjun was stunned for a few seconds, "You are very smart."

It's really easy to communicate with smart people.

No need to say anything at all, Nasika understood my intentions.

Fu Qingjun said again, what Isaac had said before:

"This world is undergoing changes. According to Maya's prediction, our world will usher in a catastrophe."

"This is a cyclical disaster. In history, this life planet under the endless starry sky has not only appeared once. The prehistoric fog of more than 100,000 years will invade this era again."

What Fu Qingjun wants to say...half true and half false!

Although it is not the prehistoric and current earth, but two completely different parallel earths.

But this earth in his eyes may also be greeted with mist.

The earth over there is attacked, can the earth over here run?

In all likelihood, it is impossible to escape.

That's why I want the two earths to help each other to form a united front.

Let the humans here first go there to help, rescue, fund, and build an extraordinary world, and they can also prepare in advance.

Fu Qingjun thought so, and said: "What you have experienced is an attempt. I hope that people in the future will return to the distant past and change some tragedies."

"But, let us save the past, can this really change?" Professor Nasika said.

"I don't know, but I still have to try."

Fu Qingjun spoke seriously, "Also, I am not the first one. In the past years, there was a descendant of Nuwa from the East in Nanzhao, trying to let a genius pass through and change the past of the great flood, but after all It was a failure, it seemed fate..."

"Nuwa? Can't think of the myth of the Yin Ruins land, is it true?" Professor Nasika was surprised, unable to think that they also had this kind of ancient existence that could travel through time and space.

"But right now, it looks like it was a success this time. I helped you to go back this time, and it did change some things." Fu Qingjun smiled:

"But to completely change the past tragedy and save that prehistoric era, you must have enough strength."

"At the same time, rather than want to change the tragedy of Emperor Lianna and others, it is more important to worry about the destruction and catastrophe of this era before your eyes."

Professor Nasika was taken aback and asked, "What should I do?"

She had seen the darkness and horror of the mist with her own eyes.

"Don't worry, in this era, I have newly recruited a disciple, and the Mayan civilization is recovering to resist the future apocalypse."

Fu Qingjun stated the goal of this trip, "I hope to give a certain amount of support...In this academy, it may be possible to become a Golden Beamon Academy, establish the Academy of Gods, re-establish the Witch Department, and even other extraordinary powers... "

Professor Nasika was silent for a while, "I also know that this is the best way, but maybe I will encounter a lot of resistance, and I will try to do it."

"So, that's it." Fu Qingjun smiled, and the whole person slowly left.

Professor Nasika has enough status to implement change.

"Wait, can you tell me what happened after Emperor Lianna, who was hundreds of thousands of years old, entered the mist?" Professor Nasika looked at Fu Qingjun's back.

Fu Qingjun's figure gave a pause.

Are you here to chase?

"Some things, you go back to the distant past by yourself, those history covered with blood, can you just look at it?" Fu Qingjun said softly, the figure was a little lonely, and disappeared with the sun.

in the room.

Professor Nasika looked at everything that was empty and was silent.

"A huge amount of information, is our age really going to be a bit unbalanced?" She pressed her temples in distress and calmly, and she kept trying to figure out the information and meaning in it.

She is a devout historian. Rather than having time to be surprised, she might as well organize useful information.



Outside the window, a crisp bell suddenly sounded.

The students have finished class.

"So, is that so?"

Professor Nasika seemed to have thought of something.

She suddenly came to the window, overlooking the teaching building below, the youthful students,

"I finally know why that one exists, why can he endure the long loneliness and live to this day after hundreds of thousands of years...because he wants to change the tragedy of the past."

"As he said, you cannot traverse easily, you can only traverse at two nodes, so... he waited hundreds of thousands of years to come to the next node, using this as a springboard to return to his time."

It was a tragic dark age.

The mist shrouded, and the people were miserable.

It is even more desperate than the immediate World War II period.

His apprentice Yudura was suppressed, and the civilized people under his command suffered a lot. The dark and foggy era that followed may be even more miserable... it is an even more desperate end of the fog.

Therefore, he is reluctant to talk about it!

Unwilling to say what happened later.

Perhaps, it was really not what I thought, Lianna the Great counterattacked everything like a great hero, but the era ushered in a more tragic fate.

Lianna the Great, is dead!

Yudura Wuzu, also dead!

The whole world is filled with charcoal and is in the darkness of destruction.

That is the dark history of more than 100,000 years ago, the disappeared historical text.

"So, this ancient **** has waited for hundreds of thousands of years, just to wait until the next node, so as to return to the past and change everything..."

"And today, He finally waited."

"In order to reverse the tragedy of the apprentice Yudura, in order to reverse the demise of the ancient human race..."

Professor Nasika seemed to see an ancient, this lonely old man in his twilight years, wearing a white cloak, standing on the pinnacle of the extreme.

This ancient mythical emperor was silent in the face of **** corpses everywhere, in the face of the fall of the disciple, and finally silent when he looked at the ruined world.

However, how did the existence in front of me survive?

That's a whole hundred thousand years.

Life is better than death.

I don’t know how much suffering I have gone through. As a lone observer of time and a traveler in a civilized dynasty, I have left the name of God in countless hours...


Endless loneliness.

Finally, he came to today, at this node,

In the next solar epoch, when gray mist falls, do you want to change the tragedy of the past? Want to change everything in the past, save friends, apprentices, common people...

"The second of your past has been a torment for hundreds of thousands of years to me."

Professor Nasika was silent, not knowing how many bells and bells had passed.

Boom boom boom.

There was a knock on the door.

"Professor Nasika, it's your class, the students are still waiting."

Nasika reduced her sad expression, her eyes flashed with firmness.

She stood up slowly, and soon came to the classroom, looking at the serious-looking students below.

"Fellow students."

She suddenly looked at the sun outside the window, smiled, turned and wrote on the blackboard:

"Today, we don't talk about the history of the British Isles or our situation during World War II. Let's change the topic temporarily. We talk about the prehistoric years and the hymn of human civilization."

"Let's talk about... God in the Mayan civilization."

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