My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 181: The holy world of sea water

Text Chapter 181 The Holy World of Sea Water

"what's happenin?"

At the dinner table, the trumpet was surprised.

Fu Qingjun put down the bowl and chopsticks, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

Another civilization has developed.

Sun Elf?

And with the population explosion of the Fourth Realm over the years and the death of crazy iterations, he is about to enter the next transformation.

He didn't say anything, just smiled:

"Little speaker, the world, maybe it's really not peaceful, we have to practice hard, the mortal world is really about to come, our world, there are only more than two billion people... Compared to them, we are scarce. It is extremely rare to become a true longevity myth."

Like the other time of World War II, there were only more than two billion people here.

"I don't quite understand." The little speaker scratched his head.

"What's not clear about this."

Qin Hong smiled next to him and said, "Have you seen the newly developed Shushan land next door? With a population of 20 billion, just occupying a few large mountains has crushed our current population ten times."

"Can't you imagine the future world?"

"They just cover this new continent, at the very least they have a population of tens of trillions.... According to their population ratio, the minimum is one in tens of millions."

"We humans are really like in the mythical world, in the world of warcraft, the giant dragons in the deep mountains and old forests, the long-lived giants, and adventurers are rare to happen in a century."

The little speaker scratched his head, still an unimaginable picture.

After all, they now have a number of more than 20 billion. Although the number looks huge, there is not much coming from the surroundings, and there is not much real feeling.

"Just practice hard." Fu Qingjun exhorted.


Boxle University.

Several priests in white clothes from the church sat in front of the history professor Nathika.

"We are going to bring you back to the church on the charge of spreading rumors about God." A solemn white-clothed old man full of wrinkles, looked at Professor Nassika in front of him.

Outside the door, the obese woman laughed triumphantly and looked at her friends nearby.

Just forget about rumors about Maya civilization.

Even God talks nonsense, is it true that the church is a fiction?

Professor Nasika, you are dead!

Obese women proudly issued the most vicious curse.

In the room.

Professor Nasika frowned and said with a pious face: "I'm not telling a lie. God has sent an oracle, a new flood will come, the era of prehistoric fog will reappear, and the world will usher in destruction."

"If God comes, why wouldn't he not come to our church?" A mean-looking middle-aged man next to him sneered: "The great Lord will not bypass us and give oracles to outsiders who do not believe in the Lord."

"Who knows?"

Professor Nasika shook his head, "The former Church of Illumination may have too many worms to rot and even the Lord spurned it."

"You!!?" The middle-aged man was furious, staring at himself and talking, which was obviously alluding to him.

"Yulka, you stop your impolite actions first." Next to him, an older man with a tall spine, his vicissitudes of old age gave people an extremely sacred aura.

"Your Excellency Nasika, are all what you said to the students true? Please answer me seriously." The old man's eyes were firm, showing tremendous pressure.

"Yes, Archbishop."

Professor Nasika replied firmly.

"Through the ancient time and go back to the past, I believe this is the power that our lord should have." The old man had a rigid face and prayed: "But, what do you have to prove all this?"

"You are so upright in the classroom, publicizing the story of God, and you are bound to attract our church. You must be as smart as you, and you know what the consequences will be. You must be prepared?"

The old man looked calm, "I also read "The Chronicles of the Mayan Civilization", and I admire the characters in the story very much...I believe that you are as smart as you, even deliberately attracting us?"

Professor Nasika smiled and raised the corners of her mouth, "Who knows."

She paused, "However, distinguished guests from the church, I am planning to set sail and follow the instructions left by the Lord to lead the students to a nearby island to tell a vivid history lesson. Do you want to come? "

The small book booth used by book friends before.

"Please wear us." The old man dressed as a white priest smiled.

Soon, in the port.

A huge ship is ready, launching billowing steam.

A group of students got on the boat with excitement. They liked outdoor activities more than class in a boring classroom.


Sun elves civilization.

In the blink of an eye, several years passed.

Near the island, the elves in the sea domesticated crabs and fish as mounts, riding the wind and waves.

With shell streets on the ground and cone-shaped snails as houses, magnificent submarine cities began to appear.

After receiving the books carried by Isaac, they began to fully understand the world.

Understand that oneself is a branch of the prehistoric Maya civilization, and gradually understand that this world is in the Second World War, and wars broke out in this new continent.

Sun elves, use sunlight as food occasionally eat meat, lead a carefree life, and multiply on the coastline.

They worshipped the ancient sun elves, and practiced wizards and martial arts, and the population gradually reached hundreds of millions.

In the blink of an eye, the strong of the fourth realm also appeared, bringing civilization into the high-speed realm of the fourth realm, and iterating on the ground rapidly.

Fu Qingjun stepped on the beach and saw the golden sand of the beach, which was cast by them and turned into solid, beautiful and magnificent buildings.

They called the land of the ancient sun tree the sun sea, a holy land that gave birth to countless lives.

"In the blink of an eye, Isaac multiplied so much."

Fu Qingjun sighed with the horror of the civilization of those who heard the Tao, and he also understood the strength of his hair.

It is easy to create the civilization of countless Taoists.

But, so what?

Live and die at night.

It seems to be a curse.

If you can't get rid of this civilized class of Taoists, no matter how many appear, it will only be a flash in the pan.

"However, they never expected that they invented the idea of ​​the sun and meditation. Through photosynthesis, while absorbing the sun, they tempered the soul, dyed the soul the color of the sun, and formed a special attribute."

The sea water is extremely clarified.

Like a mirror, I vaguely saw a piece of new world below.

A building composed of corals, shells, and snails has fish bones as high towers, and red tongs with crabs inserted on the ground, with words written on them, forming street signs and notices in a city.

"Even, they also changed the mechanical type, and changed it into another shape, a brain that absorbs sunlight?" Fu Qingjun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

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