On earth, in the camp of survivors.

In a secret refuge, it is far away from the Mayan civilization, even if the Mayan civilization is violently warped or even destroyed, it will not affect them.

"They are indeed."

"Poseidon, intelligently deduced with big data, combined with all the current clues, it is indeed them."

At this time, the magician said: "Now I will express the existence of'them' in the most intuitive way. This is the memory transmitted by Her Royal Highness Tang Meng in order to let us understand the doomsday better."

Tang Meng was stunned, "My memory?"

Just collecting the data in the mist, Tang Meng proactively used the wizard’s "spiritual inheritance", taking the pictures he saw in his mind about these times, living daily in the mist of fragments, and excluding some **, and transmitted them. past.

Fu Qingjun also looked curiously, looking at Tang Meng's memory.

In the screen, Tang Meng woke up when he was drunk and heard the noise downstairs.

She discovered that on the radio, it was an emergency evacuation.

"What's the situation!!!" She heard that she hurriedly packed her things, and wanted to go downstairs to catch up with the last group of escaped teams, but a change occurred.

Downstairs is...


Terrorist mutant creatures attacked.

An overwhelming swarm of rats, cockroaches, flies... ran out of the dirtiest corner of the city.

Even some humans have mutated. They have red eyes like wild beasts, become super fast, slaughter wildly, and scare everyone into chaos.

"It's Li Kang!"

"What's the matter with him?"

"Ah! He said that when he went to bed last night, he vaguely heard something terrifying evil twisting in the dark, whispering crazy in his ear... this morning?"


At that time, Tang Meng saw the opening scene of the unforgettable end.

The man in a trance, his skin was torn into strips of clothing, and countless bright red sarcomas swelled out, as if he had become a green giant, like a believer infected by the evil god. The mysterious old language that belongs to this planet and does not belong to human beings can utter the throats, constantly attacking everyone on the convoy.

Seeing the monster madly attacking people, she was so frightened that she did not dare to go downstairs.

She hurriedly blocked the doors and windows and nailed them to prevent the mutated man-eating insects from entering and hiding.

Seeing this scene, Tang Meng was stunned, "Isn't this me, the scene of the end just beginning to explode?"

"Yes." The wizard chief said.

"You mean... the monsters in the mist, the monsters that attacked Grace the Great, might be of Li Kang?" Tang Meng said in shock.

"Yes it is."

The leader of the magician said seriously:

"What is the function of the mist? In fact, everyone understands his function, which makes insects and animals alienate, go crazy, and become some evil creatures."

"And human beings have wisdom and strong mental power. Although it is not like those animals that are alienated in an instant... However, there are still some people who are panicked and collapsed. At night, they receive the evil babble and become horror. Monsters attacking humans."

"Many of the great witches in the survivor camp perished because of this."

"So, we are thinking, where are those mutated creatures? Will they produce wisdom? Their so-called infection may be that they have accepted some indescribable monster inheritance and become his dependents?"

Everyone kept thinking.

"Inheritance is indeed there. Everyone looks at this Li Kang, talking about the mysterious ancient and mysterious language that does not belong to this planet... It is enough to prove that he has an inherited language, and even the language is inherited, isn't it? ...Can also inherit the cultivation system?"

Everyone has goose bumps.

It means that those infected creatures have already re-trained?

Thinking about it now, this scene is indeed a sign.

In other words, this is a "zombie frenzy", zombies continue to infect other creatures, and the top batch of infected may have begun to practice and start to form their own zombie civilization.

Just like some doomsday texts, the zombie king has wisdom and becomes a new species.

In other words, the whole earth, indeed, as guessed, faced the **** of some kind of ancient evil demon thought, he was assimilating the living things on the whole planet.

"If that's the case, then it's troublesome..."

Tang Meng took a deep breath, "In other words, His Royal Highness died under the hands of certain family creatures that have mutated on the earth, not necessarily the infecting human beings who turned on wisdom, but may be the evil mutant insect, the mouse, who turned on wisdom. ...They have already started cultivation, and their realm is not low."

Dependents... living creatures?

Fu Qingjun looked awe-inspiring, and with their constant analysis, Fu Qingjun did understand some of the truth about the end of the mist.

"Similar to me, I can also develop dependents...Sure enough, I have also become a specific Cthulhu race of the mysterious "Cthulhu Cthulhu" race that invaded the earth? "

Therefore, oneself can develop the dependent kingdom.

Because he is also the leader of the evil god...

He squinted his eyes, touched the ancient ship in his hand, and kept thinking, as if he had caught something, "The owner of the ancient ship, on a parallel earth, was attacked by a certain terrifying demon in the mist. The ancient ship was incomplete and shattered, and fled to other time and space, but was also infected with evil aura?"

Therefore, I got the heritage of an ancient ship from a certain earth, which means I was also infected by the breath of the ancient ship...

He has also become that evil species...


It should have been reincarnation in countless days of craziness over the past ten years, and countless times I felt like I was going to die...At that time, it was on the verge of life and death, and at the same time integrated the righteous inheritance of the ancient ship and the evil inheritance of the evil god.

He has mutated.

Combining the characteristics of both sides, so I can also develop dependents...

"No wonder, I feel that the mist has a similar breath to me." When Fu Qingjun first studied hair, he felt that his ability was evil...

"At the same time, a certain aspect also confirmed a bit of speculation! As long as I become my dependent, the creatures that are inserted into my hair, such as Tang Meng... will not go crazy in the mist.

"Because she is already my dependent, naturally it is impossible to be infected by other evil gods."

Maya civilization ~www.readwn.com~ With a population of tens of billions, no Maya is as crazy as the humans in the survivor camp, and is constantly being attacked by darkness. This is enough to prove...

Fu Qingjun squinted his eyes, "However, the degree of my mutation seems very strange! The characteristics are above the hair... and no one finds that he is infected. There is no evil breath, and it is very concealed. ."

"At the same time, I don't know whether this multiverse, the unknown evil **** who has invaded this earth, is strong?"

Fu Qingjun's head also turned into a pile of paste.

and many more...

If you are not strong, you shouldn't be able to play before...

So, I was blown up once, collected information, and made a comeback in another world?

He thought for a while, and he always felt that something was sorted out, but there were still many unknowns.

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