My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 208: Civilized spells

"That day, the sky collapsed, the ground fell, the gods died, the demons annihilated... the overwhelming flood washed the entire land and destroyed the common people."

They began to think seriously about Fu Qingjun's bucket of water.


Fu Qingjun sat in the cafeteria of Miao Chuntang to eat: "???"

He almost spit out a mouthful of water!

Good guys.

Fu Qingjun calls good guys!

You invading aliens, the guys who brought the end of the world to the earth, and the zombie frenzy, also said: The bucket of water I once poured on the desk...

Is this all right?

It was just a bucket of water that I poured on the desk to put out the fire.

What the earth’s extinction flood?

They don’t know, you aliens and invaders don’t know?

You know the truth better than anyone else, so why did you just follow suit?

His eyelids twitched wildly, and finally he sighed and continued to eat, "Ah! A group of people are intrigue, and the routines they play are really dirty."



However, they really acted like this.

They began to claim that they had also awakened the memories of the "Great Flood" in prehistoric times, claiming to be the descendants of ancient gods and demons, and then began to attack some underground Mayan tribes, using this language to enslave each other.

Where there are people, there are good and evil.

They said to the captive Maya:

"You are also human descendants of prehistoric gods and demons..."

"Those gods and demons have done wrong and were punished by Jiaxia in the sky, but they already know that they have repented, and hope to revive our ancestors and to glory together!"

Humans are such strange creatures. With the reason for surrender and the legitimacy of surrender, they really began to have many people surrender.

Originally, Maya civilization was filled with indignation and unyielding due to the death of the first emperor, but the fighting spirit was gradually disintegrated...

I have to say that this is a good strategy.

Focus on the heart.

Some Mayan tribes were afraid of death, they chose to become spies, became mortals under the other's command, and soon began to madly multiply the population and help them break through the true gods!

They really thought they were the gods and demons before the Flood. After being killed, they had come to their senses and helped them resurrect as mortals...

"Yes, we are bred from the remains of the ancient giants and gods of the Great Flood....Follow us and revive the existence of the forbidden universe!" The giants in the mist are compassionate and compassionate, but they have a cold smile in their hearts.

It's done!

Ha ha ha, stupid earthlings!

We are not natives of your planet!

If it is an ordinary low-level civilization and has not broken through the fourth level, then you can knead it at will, but if there is an enlightened civilization, then some small tricks must be used.

"In this way, we have enslaved a group of native ant creatures from primitive and backward planets, developed them to hundreds of millions of great masters, enshrined our courage and sympathy, and we can also break through the true **** of the fourth realm." The leader said lightly.

They are always very sober, their choice...will count.

This is the real civilized war!

It is not reckless, relying solely on powerful force, wisdom and combat power are indispensable, unparalleled ingenuity, is the strongest means of survival.


At this time, the new Titans got the news.

"They also followed the prehistoric slate history, "The Three Heavens of God"?"

Mo Luo didn't know the way, but he was very pleased.

I really thought they remembered the prehistoric history of the Sunflower Dynasty, and said to the disciple: "Look, they finally remembered the prehistoric memory, and the inheritance was completed."

Mo Luo looked full of accomplishment, with his hands on his back, looking towards this prehistoric era hundreds of thousands of years ago, "If it weren't for me, you might gradually remember some prehistoric memories in the future, but it will definitely not be fast... .. These are all my credit. I come from the future hundreds of thousands of years from now. You are all my ancestors. It is right for me to help you."

Bruce was also solemn.

At the beginning, he was somewhat suspicious.

He thought it was a little weird.

After all, how come there is no inherited memory at all?

But now, along with the other side also began to admit.

It also means that this period of history does exist on this land.

We are indeed...

However, Bruce said: "Although they have admitted and remembered prehistoric history, our clan only needs to have a leader. We must have a war to establish who is the ruler!"

Times are flying by.

The power of the entire land is complex.

After the Great Flood, the sixth solar era, the Titan Era, was completely opened.

This is the age of Titans!

The demon country raised by Fu Qingjun couldn't beat the opponent at all, and was directly abused by crazy blood.

But some kind of "mutation" occurred, splitting their internals, and the two major races were vying for battle. Although they all wanted to revive the ancient evil god, they had to fight for dominance.

The fighting between the two major races has become more intense.

On the contrary, although the Maya mortals who belonged to each other lost their glory, in order to win them into mortals under their command and worship themselves as true gods, the Dark Titans occasionally revealed a little bit of inheritance, which is enough for them to benefit infinitely and become extremely strong!

"Happy, angry, sad, happy, hateful."

"This is the emotion of a creature, and it is also the energy emotion of the soul. If you pull it away and turn it into a spell, there will be a variety of different attack effects."

"Fire spells are red emotions and hate! Scarlet hatred, a lonely strong person who practices magic, is evil in his heart. It is common to twist into a bright red fireball with this emotion, and use anger as a sharp weapon to crush the opponent's nerves!"

"Electricity spells are golden emotions and happiness, and they also symbolize chic and cheerfulness. Many mentalities are free and cheerful, chic and unrestrained."


A kind of popular science comes down.

They only discovered that the spells of all schools are condensed with emotions, and they are in the zeroth stage of soul spells, and they can't even separate the spiritual power, they are just crumpled into a ball and bombarded out simply and rudely.

"The first step is to separate the five types of emotions and practice one of them first."

"The second step is to use this pure emotion to construct a certain structural building in my mind to form a'turret launcher' and bombard it out! This kind of... It can attack instantly and cast spells instantly."

"Each young god, the fourth stage, condenses into a talented supernatural power in his mind. Generally, there are about two ordinary gods, and a powerful true **** usually has about five talented supernatural powers!"

"And our extraordinary civilization is generally to condense and attack supernatural powers..."

"And technological civilization, their souls condensed supernatural powers, are generally mind control of spaceships, mind control of various weapons, although their physical body is weak, but there are too many tricks, and it is very scary in the universe."


A kind of popular science, there are alien civilizations, occasionally revealing some knowledge of the soul, all talents discovered that this is true, the civilization that Fu Qingjun developed in a short time is a few million years behind.

The use of this soul is broad and profound.

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