My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 212: I also accept an apprentice to play 1 game

Forty years in the Dark Titan Age.

After experiencing the "Between Flesh and Flesh" altar, they asked the ancient gods and demons Cannian, and they finally confirmed that the gods and demons knew Jiaxia.

Judging from the hatred displayed, it is very possible that this **** and demon was killed by Jiaxia...

In other words, the era of the Great Flood is real!

As a result, all suspicions were subtly confirmed.

They began to believe in "Three Heavens of God", they were born on this planet, and began to promote the teachings, these aliens entered and integrated into the "earth natives."

Of course, he still hasn't forgotten the crazy babbling in his ears, as heirs of God's blood, he must not hesitate to revive that great taboo.

If Fu Qingjun knew about this, he would have laughed and laughed.

What do you alien have to do with my earth?

The earth is really not your hometown, so don't misrecognize blood relationship, okay?

Fu Qingjun would also be surprised that Jiaxia was so fierce.

I sent Jiaxia back hundreds of thousands of years ago, but has already developed to an unknown realm, has already gone to space, and killed a strange cosmic creature?

It turns out that the truth has come to light, and the devil was actually brought to you by Jiaxia!

This time paradox suddenly appeared:

The mist descends on the earth’s crisis—I ran to another world, trying to save the earth while accidentally sending Jiaxia back—Jiaxia killed an existence hundreds of thousands of years ago—the wreck came close to revenge—the mist descended on the earth crisis

Did the chicken or the egg come first?

However, it would only be so surprised.

After all, Fu Qingjun knew that there must be a battle in other places, and Jiaxia, who was walking away from the sky, killed the opponent.

However, that **** and demon was unconscious, and the short awakening only showed hatred for Jiaxia, causing his dependents to actually mistakenly believe it was true.

They thought that they were also born in the great flood, born on this planet...

If the **** and demon really revived, they would only have a dumbfounded look. Their blood relationship is obviously wrong, and the two are not the same species...

It's a bit clever after all.

Who let himself pour a bucket of water on the desk?

But at this time, the current earth is indeed unable to resist Jiaxia's enemies, even if only the wreckage is left after being beaten by Jiaxia... Fu Qingjun's demon kingdom is indeed still weak and far from an opponent.


The Moon Lair Titan Kingdom, and the Demonized Titan Kingdom led by Bruce, the two misty kingdoms are opposed to each other, and the mortals on the ground are multiplying crazily. They begin to break through the true **** and revive the glory of the great god!

A large number of Mayan mortals were bewitched by them.


The sky is gray and black.

Black clouds were tumbling and surging. The black ruined cities, Internet cafes, streets, and pedestrian streets were covered by large strange vines. Numerous black sarcomas in the forest arched from the ground, forming a strange dark world.

Wow —

There are countless black and ferocious armored knights running across the earth.

They are handsome and tall, carrying huge sharp spears, and riding a black and ferocious one-horned cockroach monster, with a pair of huge black wings on their backs, and mucus is spilled from time to time.

Wow —

A mechanically delicate black disc flew across the sky.

"Damn it, it's a flying saucer. The magicians of Atlantis are always detecting us. It's disgusting." A gray-robed knight frowned, "We resurrected the pre-mythological demon gods of the flood. They actually interfered with us and watched us. ...Prevent the annual visit to the mighty giant in the mist—the Dark Titan!"

At this time, the powerhouses of all civilizations are rushing to the annual New God birth ceremony.

Hundreds of millions of great masters rushed to the center from all directions to worship and communicate with the ancient dark Titan giant to help them break through into gods.

This is a flourishing age of civilization.

"They don't want to resurrect the prehistoric gods and demons."

A gray-clothed archbishop who took the lead spoke,

"Those gods and demons, although they offended Jiaxia for doing something wrong, they have already repented. We helped them resurrect and let the great ancient gods guide us to the stars again."

Obviously, they were really deceived and recognized the thief as the father.

To be clear, people hold a huge hatred for Jiaxia. After the resurrection, the first reaction is to kill the creatures in Jiaxia's hometown.

On the front line of the earth battlefield, there are already mortal ant civilizations that recognize thieves as fathers, spread all over the surface, and oppress those underground civilizations that are still resisting.

"But, so what?"

Fu Qingjun can handle these civilizations that rely on the other side at any time, but it will cause the other side to be shocked.

At the same time, in order to win over these "traitor" civilizations, they will continue to release some cultivation and inheritance systems, and Fu Qingjun secretly learns...They also help themselves to raise their own people. Who is taking advantage of it, has to say otherwise.

Fu Qingjun looked towards the sky, "However, with their help, my demon country has begun to occupy some areas on a large scale."

The lunar lair Titan Kingdom, the annual true **** breakthrough, hundreds of millions of great masters went to worship, this news has spread throughout the kingdoms.

At the same time, some "modern witch tribes" that were just beginning to develop also learned the news in their communications: The Dark Titans are constantly growing stronger.

Iron Moon City.

This is the land ruled by the kingdom of Bruce Titan, a disciple of Mo Luo.

Fu Qingjun walked on the streets of this city. As a villain on the street, he occasionally looked at the giant giants walking by in the sky.

"A true **** of this level, if it weren't for me to mix into these ant mortals, they would definitely find me?" Fu Qingjun looked serious.

It was the first time that he was so close to those high-level zombie giants.

An indescribable demihuman creature full of bright red muscles, torn muscles, infected by evil, and even infected with certain characteristics of the evil god, with certain ancient tentacles.

In fact, Fu Qingjun watched it again, and he found that the human species seemed to be extremely resistant, and the number of these monsters was very small.

Most of them are cats and dogs, cockroaches, tigers, and birds. These have no wisdom in themselves. After being infected, a small number of them turned on wisdom and became heirs of God's blood.

Even among the Cthulhu family members, Human Race Mowei...

"Well, since they believe in history, as a'indigenous', I can also deceive them and start things. Let me also accept the enemy's apprentice, let him contend for the world, and delay the other party's progress and structure, right? "

I don't know when, Fu Qingjun has stopped in front of a little boy.

The boy was bullied by a group of birds and monsters and was lying on the ground covered in blood.

In the world of Cthulhu's family, the strong is respected, and the weak will be bullied.

"Why, why can't I beat the other party..." The boy wiped the blood from his body, "Emperor Jiaxia slaughtered the gods in the sky and the demons in the ground. We are the family members of the gods and demons, but we should correct them if we know our mistakes... .. After the gods and demons are revived, don’t sin again, lest the flood will destroy the world for the second time."

He loves the mythical history of the Flood.

[On the third day, Jiaxia came to give wisdom and deceit to the creatures on the earth]

The Jiaxia in the sky descends to guide the creatures of the earth to prosperity, and gives the common people the wisdom to think. It is a pity that they have learned to think and also learn to deceive!

"The gods and demons are sinful and evil. They waved their swords at Jiaxia in the sky, and the flood was only annihilated. They were not even vigilant, so evil."

The little boy took a deep breath, feeling very unwilling in his heart. UU Reading

Fu Qingjun listened dumbly. He didn't expect that you, an alien race who gave birth to wisdom from the remains of the human beings on earth, would read my history of the demon country so slippery?

"Do you want to practice something else?"

A voice full of magnetism sounded from the little boy, "Even if it inherits the memory of the ancient gods and demons, it is also his thing. It is a sin to directly cultivate the inheritance of those evil gods and demons. Since you want to change, It's better to change the inheritance first and become your own practice."

"Who are you?" The little boy looked around warily.

"I am an ancient **** and demon who survived the great flood of Jiaxia... You were born from that **** and demon. He was also an old friend of mine. We used to discuss together and discuss the matter of attacking and killing Jiaxia. "Fu Qingjun said lightly.

"Are you...cannian of the gods and demons in the same period?" The little boy was shocked. "What are you going to teach me?"

"I teach you the method of cultivating immortals." The voice was light, "Go refining Qi, build foundations, Jin Dan, Yuan Ying... Cultivating the world is at ease, and you can live forever."

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