My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 215: Yuan Ying enters Tiangong

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Those arrogant words and an arrogant attitude directly invaded this land, attacking the dark mist on the other side and infecting the dependent kingdom.

The other party turned out to be an infected cat, a zombie demon cat, who turned on wisdom.

"Infighting again? Mo Luo is really a show." Fu Qingjun looked interested, "Arrogant, domineering, I like this kind of vivacious villain, I have such arrogant Liu Tiandi and Mo Luo. The big devil, it’s also time for some moths on your side, which is a bit messy."

It's the best fight.

Even if Bai Long did not rise, this is a good thing for Fu Qingjun.

"Damn it, that Mills is indeed a genius! He has actually realized the chaotic soul of the sea, layering it into five halls of souls, and his own soul has settled in the palace of the sea of ​​knowledge."

"Damn it, even your Majesty Bruce is just four magic palaces. It's really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves forward!"

"This kind of genius really came out in a hundred years, but it's not on our side."

Many elders and evil gods in the mist had extremely ugly faces.

"If it hadn't been for that guy Bai Long, who had eaten up too much of our resources, we wouldn't have saved the time of digging for genius over the years."

Every time a part of the sea of ​​consciousness is stripped to build a soul palace, the more difficult it will be in the future.

Just when everyone was sluggish, a voice came.

"This senior, you want to kill us to sacrifice to the evil god, and become a hero after the **** awakens. It can be described as malicious intent."

A young man in white clothes stepped into the void, his eyes were peaceful, but there seemed to be countless galaxies introverted in it, giving people a sense of ethereal carelessness.

Mills' pupils shrank slightly.

This creature, obviously just entering the fourth stage, didn't even condense a palace of talented supernatural powers, but gave him a strong sense of crisis.

The other party, there is such a young evildoer?

However, he didn't care, and said indifferently, "You look very difficult, but the sea of ​​knowledge has not condensed a palace, the five-layer magic palace, and even the first layer has not left. How is my opponent?"

Bai Long said indifferently, "Why? Now I am not your opponent, but I am about to break through. It will be nothing more than a punch to kill you. Your last step is to retreat."


Mills was full of arrogance and madness, "You want to break through? How to break through, is it to break through the first level of the magic palace, condense the first palace of magic power? Used to defeat me? It is ridiculous."

Mo Luo and Bruce looked at each other.

Then Bai Long, when did he secretly accept the offerings of sentient beings and break through the fourth realm of true gods?

However, he didn't even condense a palace, how could he be the opponent?

Many people walked out of the entire ruined land, very startled.

"How come we are facing off, is it possible that we also have hidden strong people here?"

"Can you compare to the gods of the five-layer devil palace?"

When they saw their true colors, they couldn't help being surprised.

"That's... Bai Long?"

"That cultivation waste?!"

Just as everyone was stunned, the opposing **** had already launched an attack.

"Never mind, never mind." Bai Long's voice was flat, "I originally wanted to continue to gain momentum and accumulate knowledge, but unfortunately I can't help it anymore."

He suddenly stretched out his hand, "Po Dan, Ningying!"

Everyone only felt that they were enveloped by his huge sea of ​​knowledge, and in a trance, they saw a golden chaotic sea of ​​knowledge sphere covered with many wonderful and dense road patterns, exquisite and mysterious.


In the next second, the golden core in the whole mind cracked.

In the cracks of countless golden **** and tortoises, people seemed to see a giant, swinging a giant axe to open up the world and split the sea of ​​chaos.

A figure in the shape of a boy stands in it.

He stood alone in the center of his mind, with white-gold skin, majestic and vast, like the only true **** in the universe at the beginning of the day.

The whole land seemed to be covered with the white and golden brilliance.

"what is this?"

"A humanoid soul with a human face... the magic palace?"

"No, he has cultivated five demon palaces at the same time in one breath, condensed into a big demon palace!" said You Tianshen.

"Not at all."

Next to Bruce, his expression was full of excitement, "That is not our family's magic palace system! It is not the sea of ​​consciousness that is condensed into a building, and the soul lives in it! It is the sea of ​​consciousness that is condensed into a creature, and the soul resides in the creature... This is Yuan Yuan. Infant!"

"What are you?"

Mills looked horrified, facing the vastness of the smoke, subconsciously wanted to escape!

This man is simply lunatic!

This is simply a crazy system!

Condensing five celestial palaces at the same time in one breath. How long is this vacuum period? What if someone is beaten to death on the way?

Unfortunately, he has no way to think so much.


An empty soul patted out with a big hand.

Mills quickly cracked and fell apart.

"One move to defeat the enemy!" Mo Luo looked extremely excited, but quickly said: "Don't kill him! Such geniuses, if you can subdue the suppression--"

But in the next second, a golden soul infant figure poured into the opponent's brain and strode forward.

It’s not like ordinary people have a mental ocean in their minds. In the middle is a paper ball of consciousness. The spiritual ocean here is condensed into five magnificent magic palaces.

Go directly into the main hall, and look at the soul sitting on the top of it.

"You--" the terrified palace master said.

Before Miles could react, he was shot to death in an instant.

"This body has no owner so far."

Bai Long spoke lightly and strode to the palace on the main hall, "I cultivate people, and you build palaces, I can just beat you to death, and people move into your palace."

"In this way, I have a double sense of the sea."

"This move is, Yuan Ying seizes the house, Tianke, the evil **** and demon palace clan in the mist!" He said lightly.


When he opened his eyes, Bai Long himself had lost his soul.


The original body was killed with a palm.

Under everyone's jaw-dropping gaze, they manipulated this new body, and said lightly: "I am Bai Long, Yuan Ying occupies the Demon Palace. This is the civilized system of Tianke, the demon **** of the Primordial Universe! So far, this is against the sky. All of the people’s cultivation skills have been invaded by me!"

He has all the accumulation of this civilization, and he can naturally find the flaws in this civilization and defeat it.

Everyone was dumbfounded, their faces shocked and admired.

What is the legacy of the ancient gods?

It's an exaggeration!

Isn't this Tianke their native?

They suddenly panicked for no reason.

Yuan Ying wins the house!

Do you want to become someone else’s wedding dress if you are self-cultivating?

Bai Long didn't know how to explain his system, so he could only say: "You don't know, this is also the inheritance of that demon god's remains! This inheritance is divided into a servant chapter and a master chapter."

"Most of what is inherited by the common people are servants."

"Now, I teach you the main part of this exercise. They practice that exercise to make wedding dresses for us. Naturally, they can restrain the other side's lunar lair Titan Kingdom. We are the master and they are the servants. , Suppressing them is extremely easy."

As soon as these words fell, the talents here were all excited!

After that, won't the future wars be sure of victory?

Our Nascent Soul system, Tianke Demon Palace system, they will undoubtedly lose!

Everyone became excited, "We keep enslaving them, and in this way, we can naturally revive the ancient demon god!"

After all, they are heirs of God's blood. It is inevitable that the descendants born from the remnant thoughts and blood on the corpse will go through the waters and resurrect the forbidden life at all costs.

"We are welcoming the return of the Demon God. He has seen our loyal heirs and revives him in this way! He will definitely treat us as successful ministers, admire us and give us great opportunities!"

But Fu Qingjun looked dumb.

Can you revive the Demon God? I don't know...

But the demon **** woke up and watched the filial sons who were responsible for resurrecting his own blood and blood. They did not cultivate their own magic palace inheritance. On this planet, they practiced weird magic reform exercises, and their civilization and painstaking efforts have been changed. Unrecognizable, and even defeating oneself, will definitely look dumbfounded.

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