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The white-haired old man hesitated for a few seconds.

He was originally the civilization of the Taoist in this misty age, and the first Nascent Soul in the world. Relying on the inheritance of millions of gods and demons in his mind, he personally reopened the prehistoric Earth’s immortal Dao and the Golden Core Nascent Soul system and entered the world. The strongest, maybe I should regret it?

Any overlord will choose to enjoy the glory that everyone worships, the pleasure of ruling the world, and the power of life and death... but he is immersed in the boring fairy road.

"Master, there is no regret afterwards."

Bai Long shook his head, his heart is very clean, he has never hesitated.

Just pointed to a mural next to it.

It was a prehistoric Sun Pagoda dynasty recorded by the Mayan civilization. The earliest origin of all civilizations was an ancient supreme deity who awakened from the coffin and looked down on the common people.

"Because, I look forward to him." Bai Long looked more serious than ever, "God's rule."

Fu Qingjun was silent for a while.

After a long absence, Bai Long put down the deduction in his hand, as if telling an elder, "The third-level golden pill, prove who I am in my heart...what kind of person I want to be, and I want to be like that. Nothing."


This was not beyond Fu Qingjun's expectation, and it was even expected.

Because he began to choose Bai Long, isn't it because this pure and innocent young man was an alternative to a demon **** at the time, yearning for the myth of that distant Jiaxia?

Does he aspire to be a **** like Jiaxia, a great ancient hero who opens up glory for the common people?

The reason for choosing him is that he knows that he has a temperament like Jiaxia, does not enjoy the glory of the world, dedicated his life to civilization, and selflessly opens up a flourishing age...

"You are not a god, but a mortal."

Fu Qingjun Wanran, following the mural, looking towards the history of the earth...

This history does belong to the earth, but it does not belong to hundreds of thousands of years ago. It belongs to the desk in my room, let


Things changed to an extent that he couldn't even imagine.

"Master, the prehistoric gods and demons, blasphemed Jiaxia, the gods sent a great flood to destroy the common people...I am also atonement for my ancestors and revive the Sunflower Dynasty." Bai Long said nothing.

Fu Qingjun didn't say anything.

When a fake history is more people and more recognized, it becomes true.

After a long silence, Fu Qingjun suddenly said, "I am not your master."

"Yes, I am not worthy." Bai Long said seriously.

"No, I am not worthy." Fu Qingjun said.

The spirit attached to the plant family members gradually faded away.

"Unworthy? It turns out that the master is also the **** and demon of the prehistoric flood, and he is already repenting, otherwise he won't help." The old man was still in the palace, sitting alone on the ground, drawing monotonous lines, constructing a new one. His soul builds the exercises, and his look is monotonous and stubborn.

"Pious and lonely seeker."

Suddenly, Fu Qingjun felt that he was a bit dirty, and this civilization used millions of years of heritage to develop techniques for his earthlings...but he didn't know what to say.

After all, this is the battle of races, the law of the dark forest of the universe...?

People originally used fog weapons to destroy you.




Civilization is advancing.

Unlike Fu Qingjun's little snobbery Taoist civilization, here is extremely brilliant.

It's another thirty years.

Emperor Bailong Tian still rules the world.

The great age of immortality comes, and the prosperous dynasty begins.

The world is happy and sincere, and respects: the ancestor of the immortal.

Bai Long felt that this deduction was not the way to go, and he called in Zu Hongqi to discuss the method of reformation.

Renzu Hongqi, looking at this gray-haired old man, was also convinced by his demeanor, he knew: This is the heir of the descendants of the gods and demons, although prehistoric rebellion against Jiaxia, but also has the meaning of repentance!

Hongqi also joined the discussion,

Then, the Tiandi Emperor used a large part of the mechanical species to transform, and then constructed it with the soul-naive-infant method, creating the most precious artifact of the Immortal Dao Dynasty that deduced the general trend of the world:

This artifact is in the shape of a dish, with countless circular vortexes and delicate textures, endless rhyme, contains three thousand avenues, the magical method of soul origin.

Take the name of the myth and call it: good luck jade disc, the eye of good luck.

With this magical tool, he began to record the changes of the big city gods and the land between the heavens and the earth, control the clouds and rain, the changes of the mountains and the rivers, the changes of the immortals, the general trend of war...

"With such a magical tool, it is much easier for me to deduct it." He already has completely white hair, looking at the exercises he deduced with satisfaction.

"Unfortunately, I, the distance is not far away!"

The Yuan Ying Immortal Dao system had a life expectancy that was countless times longer than the average system, but he had only lived for more than three hundred years, and he was already old to this level, showing how exhausted he was.

Deduction of the exercises, and even constant tests of his own body, I don't know how many hidden injuries it caused.

Back then, Jiaxia was aging so fast...

Three hundred years.

Bai Long also gradually accepted some disciples to teach cultivation. As his practice continued to improve, more and more Nascent Soul realms appeared on the earth.

With more than one hundred kinds of supernatural powers, there are already countless possibilities to mix and match the five kinds of supernatural powers...the immortal way system is initially perfected.

"My life is about to end, and I will have enough in my life. I have witnessed the gradual brilliance of Immortal Dao from the beginning to this time. I want to still seek breakthroughs and continue the glory of the next era!"

Emperor Bai Longtian laughed heartily,

He stopped to perfect the Nascent Soul Realm, and began to concentrate on researching his breakthrough.

He is not a pedantic knowing that as long as he is still alive, he can completely prosper the entire age and push the civilization of immortality to the next peak!

Although I spent too much time studying the Yuan Ying exercises, it was a re-understanding of the realm, and the understanding of the soul of the Yuan Ying was extremely clear.

"The way that the Nascent Soul transforms into the gods and breaks through is the five magical powers, which are mutually compatible and perfectly blended to form a spiritual seed to open up the spiritual realm!"

How to merge is a difficult problem.

Subspace is originally a mysterious thing.

Use the soul to interfere with the matter, and use the soul space to turn it into a material space.

This is very complicated, even when cultivating the Nascent Infant Realm, it is necessary to move closer to the selected five supernatural powers, whether the attributes are matched, and whether they fit together.

"Unfortunately, I have been from Yuan Ying to break the gods for 300 years. The time given to me is too short, I don't know if I can succeed." He began to retreat and tried to break through the new realm.

As for the outside world, undercurrents are also surging, and the wind is surging.

The immortal ancestor sitting high on the futon of the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace, the palm of the hand made artifact, the news of the end of life, gradually spread all over the world, some strong men with bad intentions, but do not want this existence to continue to live.

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