The black light shone, and the dull explosion sound burst into everyone's hearts like sound waves.

The three fifth-level experts who were breaking through fell from the sky, surrounding the Bailong Tiandi in the center.

They didn't have time to make a thorough breakthrough, so they came straight forward.

Because they knew clearly that this was the last chance, the immortal ancestor Bai Long was about to end his life, and only when the blood was exhausted would they have the power to fight.

If he waits for his breakthrough to succeed, he will inevitably extend his life span and return to his youth, when his combat power returns to its peak, no one will be his opponent.

"The three of you who are about to transform into the realm of gods, and some of the fourth realm of consummation true gods hidden in the dark, are they your battles?" The emperor said lightly.


In the distance, a large number of strong people descended.

In addition to these three huge human beings, there are hundreds of small ant creatures, undead beasts, and even various medium-sized birds and beasts.

"I have to say that the magic palace system is very mature, and there are a lot of fourth-level true **** powers." Bai Long looked at the dense crowd in front of him.

All are the Great Perfection of the true gods.

Although there are not many people with large body size and high energy levels, a large number is enough to pose a huge threat to him, because he has not really succeeded in breaking through.

The Transcendent God Realm is very special, and it is not made in an instant.

Because a space needs time to settle, stabilize, and absorb foreign matter...

"Where are the ministries of our Heavenly Court?" Bai Long said.

"His Majesty!"


In the distance, there are also strong people in the fourth stage of the fairy garden appearing.

They are all true gods of the fourth stage of Dzogchen, but unfortunately, there are no half-step god-level powerhouses who can break through right now.

Because of the immortal Dao's inadequate background, the cultivation speed is too slow.

In two hundred years, even if it borrows from the other party's millions of years of civilization, it is far less mature than the other's powerful cultivation system.

"The Great Witch Tribe, also come to fight!"

"I'm instructed by Chenghuang to come and help."

A deity never appeared, or a strong one who has rarely heard of it gradually appeared.

"That's how it is." Bai Long lowered his head, "Those great witches have cultivated many powerful men in secret."

"My Digimon civilization, Digimon Beast, also come to help become today's emperor!" A black armored dragon walked slowly.

"I, Ultraman, Tiga, also come to help the emperor of the Eastern Heaven!" A giant wearing a feather snake **** holster walked slowly.

Some weird civilizations have also appeared.

After all, to nurture common people, there are also some "city gods" and "land masters" with abnormal brains, and some special civilizations have been developed in major survivor camps.

Of course, most of them have not developed their own cultivation system, but are just a traditional cultivation system under the skin.

A strong man walked out.

Bai Long was also completely surprised.

Unexpectedly, these great witches can't cultivate, cultivate civilization, and raise mortals in captivity, but there is a way?

Even internally, what levels, experience bars, skill introductions, drawing cards to breed sentient beings, and the cherished SSR of mortal heroes have been produced?

Although most of them have barely reached the realm of the True God Dzogchen, the piled up numbers are also a very large force.

"True God Dzogchen battles, True God Dzogchen."

"And am I playing against the three of you who are about to break through?"

Bai Long's figure flickered, and he floated slightly in the air, "Well, while continuing to preach, let's show the common people the means of fighting immortality."

He glanced over the major true gods in front of him, and looked at the three gods that were absorbing the surrounding matter like him.


In an instant, the three powerhouses were all killed.

A variety of talents and magical powers shot, shining a dazzling light.

Boom boom boom!

Bai Long exploded with one enemy three, bursting out a lot of sparks.

And with them as the center of the battle, a large number of gods gathered together, and they were also fighting one after another.

In an instant, the whole land turned into the most tragic and **** battlefield.

And further away,

A mysterious red shadow shot instantly, and instantly broke into half of the Fifth Realm, and secretly attacked the Emperor of Heaven.

"It turned out to be you, the ancestor of the earth immortal." Bai Long shook his body. "There are people on our side who have reached this level and won't cause it? You want to kill me instead?"


At this time, there were seven behemoth auras in the distance.

"Chen, come for a battle!" A tall dragon **** walked over.

"I'll also help the Emperor Quan Tian." A western-dressed blond swordsman walked slowly.


It turned out to be the fifth stage with seven and a half steps.

It's just that most of their tiny ants half-step into the fifth stage, tiny in size, and low in combat power.

"Just seven ants."

The first ancestor of the earth immortal frowned and looked down, "You can break through so quickly, but you are exaggerated. Sure enough, the population base is huge, and there are all monsters... But if you want to stop me, you will first kill you. "


The intention to kill is earth-shattering.

Almost in an instant, all beings used everything.

Everyone knows that there is no way to delay.

Once Bai Long succeeded in breaking through and regaining his youth, everyone who rebels is a dead word.

Therefore, the hole cards burst out instantly and there is no hiding at all.

"Winning or losing, in just a few moments."

Someone growled.

In the distance, in the major survivor camps, they prayed silently in their hearts. Everyone knew what the fall of the ancestors would lead to, but there was nothing they could do.


A tall building.

Fu Qingjun opened his palm and looked at the texture on it, the texture of the Eye of Hormones, what the world called Hormones' reincarnation, but what can he do?

Nothing can be done.

Hormones symbolizes knowledge, but what can he bring to the common people?

Jiaxia can, but he doesn't believe it.

He was a little dull and said, "Even if Bai Long is the opponent's family member and enemy, he is also my disciple..."


Space pulls apart.

Several powerful beings slowly walked out, Liu Tiandi, Lianna, and even Udula who broke through again...

With his hands on his back, Fu Qingjun's complex expression returned to calm, and he looked into the distance lightly, "You have always wanted to ask, I want you to go back to the past and change history."

A few people just followed their gazes and looked towards the distant sky.

boom! !

The mist seemed to have been emptied in a short period of time, and the red and burning clouds cut through the sky and divided it into countless battlefields.

The three evil gods used their own magical heavenly palaces, as if they turned into some kind of ancient beast monsters that did not belong to this planet, and their violent attacks were pervasive.

"What needs to be changed is now."

Fu Qingjun said softly: "The fairy ancestor has fallen, and the world hundreds of thousands of years ago will usher in the official beginning of the dark era, and will usher in real destruction."

Udula, Lianna and others followed their gazes.

For a moment, Hongqi, who was next to him, injected a huge amount of information through data transmission, allowing them to understand what happened over the years.

"So that's it." Lianna whispered, seeming to admire such a character.


The sky rolled up dense ripples, and the ground shook tornado storms.

The whole earth seemed to crack instantly, and countless energy waves distorted the vision, like hot air formed after a nuclear explosion, bending all the surrounding environment.

"Go, save the world."

Fu Qingjun lowered his head, "Although this vocabulary is old-fashioned, this is what we have to do...change the source of all tragedies hundreds of thousands of years ago... Regardless of whether we succeed or not, this is what we can only made."

Qin Hong, Udula, Lianna, Hongqi and others nodded.

In an instant the whole person burst into a brand new arrogance, breaking through the fifth stage of the half step.

"We understand."

"It just extends the courage of the Mayan civilization to fight a decisive battle above the fog from the beginning to the present."

"The first generation of Angels bought time for us, and you also bought time for us..."

Over the years, Fu Qingjun has been imparting certain knowledge to them. Although they did not teach the immortal descent, they also developed their own fourth-level system based on the Nuwa descent which belongs to the cultivation method of the snails. .


If you don't repair the Yuan Ying, don't repair the sea of ​​knowledge, only repair a golden body that is not broken and immortal.

Lianna said lightly: "As for you, Liu Luo, you can go back. After all, we need fire to bring back all the things we have developed over the years."

Ha ha ha.

"You look down on me?" Liu Luo looked at the decisive group of people in front of him, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the ancestor of the sky.

"That's it, that's it!"

"His ancestor hundreds of thousands of years ago, his death led to the opening of the dark age."

"But he is really a fool. He has already told him that he will die and succumb to fate." Liu Luo said, such a weak person is what he looks down on most.

"But it makes people feel admired." Liu Luo smiled nervously, "Destiny..."

At the beginning, he resisted Mo Luo, resisted the crusades of sentient beings, resisted everything, what did they oppose, what he wanted to do, wasn't it because he hated being arranged?

Arranged by fate is the most annoying thing, disgusting from the depths of the bones.

However, Bai Long succumbed to fate and violated his greatest belief in life.

Maybe in front of you,

This is what I want to change most.

"That's how I want to change my destiny! The destiny hundreds of thousands of years ago, as long as we change him, our future generations will be completely different! My destiny is not destined," he muttered in a low voice, feeling the whole person's blood boiling. When he got up, countless bodies gathered into a huge Liu Luo and slammed into the sky.

good night

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