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This is the prophetic myth of the ancient Native Americans.

To this day, the back of the one-dollar bill still offers a picture of a "wanted order" notice to spread throughout the entire New World.

The incomparably fine sun urn on the banknotes and the eye of Hormones full of fingerprint vortexes still tell the legend that Anunnaki descended on the ancient land:

[He lives in the black and white ancient coffin in the ancient golden tower of the sun. When the common people awaken him from the cradle of heroes, the omnipotent **** will shout and lead the common people on the earth to glory. 】

The third symbol of wisdom Jiaxia came to the land, once brought endless magnificence.

Why don't people want the second god, Hormones of Knowledge, to come to this land?

Therefore, the native tribes of the American continent have searched for the reincarnation of the second **** for countless years, enshrined him, and guided the common people on the earth.

"Is it impossible, this..."

Professor Nasika's expression became a bit agitated, that expression was the kind of agitated expression that can only be found when he was aware of his favorite things. He looked at Jiang Yang and the others next to him, and said loudly:

"Perhaps we are missing too much history hundreds of thousands of years ago! After the prehistoric flood, the second ancient existence has already been reincarnated, leading the common people on the earth to glory."

The life of the ancestor of the immortal originally represented the life of "knowledge".

He brought the knowledge lost in prehistoric times to the common people, revived the ancient immortal way, and restored hundreds of Yuan Ying's magical powers to construct the sea of ​​knowledge.

It was he who brought the ancient inheritance far beyond the present millions of years in prehistoric times. Therefore, the heyday of the immortal era was revived after the great flood, making the era leap forward instantly.

In a sense, it is already the embodiment of knowledge.

Bringing knowledge far beyond the times for common people.

"Actually, the reincarnation of the God of Hormones has already descended in the past... but we are still looking for it in the future." When everyone understood this, they looked at the icy creeping black that distorted time and space in the sky. The eyeball, vaguely re-feeling, was shrouded in something unknown.


Something in my heart seemed to shatter, and there was an atmosphere of anxiety.

Before, some of the puzzled cognition of the times suddenly felt like a sudden realization.

"The death of Xianzu is the beginning of the dark age..."

Said the existence that took them through time and space.

They thought that this sentence meant that the fall of the ancestor lit a certain fuse, and the era was exhausted. Now they think it is not the fuse, but the "character" itself.

His fall also represents the death of Hormons' reincarnation, returning to the original.

This is the reincarnation of a **** who is comparable to Jiaxia in the future, but has not grown up like Jiaxia, leading the era to true glory, like a baby being strangled in the cradle...

Therefore, the reincarnation of Hormones, who was strangled, is the key to the entire era and the darkness of the future!

This earth-shattering reversal made them think that they had successfully changed their fate and history's joy, as if they were severely pinched, almost out of breath.

"I... Hormons?"

Bai Long was in a sluggishness that he had never experienced in his entire life.

When he was a teenager, he looked through the myths of Jiaxia, always longing to become a great hero like Jiaxia, and guide the common people of the whole era...

But he didn't expect that he was such a character from the beginning, and perhaps there is nothing that makes him more pleased in this world.

"I, I am..."

Bai Long's mind was blank.

Up to this moment, Bai Long seemed to realize what kind of existence the God of Knowledge really is. He is invisible and innocent, is a fundamental existence, indescribable at all, and cannot be understood at the level of consciousness.

He may appear in anyone's heart, because he himself...anyone.

It's himself too.

"Go back with me." The eternal call of the ancient gods came from the long empty sound of the sky.


Bai Long suddenly laughed heartily.


The transparent body of the whole person completely turned into a piece of fly ash, disappearing between the heaven and the earth.


The hearty laughter still circulated in the world, across the grassland, across the mountains and rivers, across the Pacific, as if it had descended on the whole world.

"Go ahead."

Fu Qingjun also laughed.

He knew that this was the only thing he could do in the final moment.

Let this young man dreaming of his dreams finally realize his wishes at all times.

At the same time, it can be regarded as a temporary lie for this sudden flaw.

"Hey!" Fu Qingjun shook his head. He listened to the laughter that resounded through the world, and recalled this man who was very pure from beginning to end. He always felt sorry for this matter.

Obviously he is the family member of the other party's blood, but he used such a despicable way to induce him to steal civilization and plan the other party's heritage.

Use the knowledge in the opponent's mind to help oneself deduce a civilized system to steal the other's achievements.

Although this strategy is amazing, it is logically wrong.

"Well, that's it, taking common people as teachers and developing civilization, each hero-like figure must pass away one by one in history." Fu Qingjun gently swept his black hair and suddenly disappeared into the sky.


The sky suddenly calmed down.

The whole common people was completely dull after watching the Bailong Tiandi taken away by the ancient gods.

"God is back!"

"Homnes, the **** of knowledge, return to the universe!"

"We should have thought long ago. All the changes in the world are brought by Immortal Ancestor Bai Long! He has brought endless knowledge. It should have been the incarnation of knowledge, the great Hormons...all-seeing omniscience. Eyes, it's a pity..."

"Why should we look for the second-ranked reincarnation of God?"

"The spirit is wise, man is God, man is not wise, we are foolish to ask God! We are ignorant, ask God to ask God, but we don't know that we are already by our side!

On this day, the war ended, the ancient immortal ancestor fell, the people wept bitterly, and the world mourned.

Jiang Yang was silent for a while, watching Professor Nasika keep describing all this, "Is this really useful?"

"Is it useless?" Professor Nasika asked back. She lowered her head to look at the painful expression of the people and the black ruins everywhere, "I have a hunch that we will go back soon... Maybe we have nothing. change."

"Perhaps so." Jiang Yang did not refute.

The subsections are easy to change, and the general trend remains the same.

This sentence suddenly appeared in Jiang Yang's heart for some reason. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Xianzu died after all, so they seem to have won, did they really win? Maybe they seem to have changed everything, but in fact, even if they didn't come, they would still win, right?

The God of Hormones will also come.

But such a win is a kind of beginning to welcome the darkness of the future.

Jiang Yang was also silent. As one of the strongest geniuses of the times, he could not do anything. He silently wrote "Three Emperors and Five Emperors", which records the entire ancient history.

[As the saying goes, the world was opened up, there were no people, Xia Huang came to the world to be good for the apes, the apes lacked happiness, anger, sorrow, and hatred, covered in fur, called the gods and demons to cut summer, and then destroyed the world by floods...]

He wrote the opening preface of the prehistoric flood, and wrote thousands of words eloquently, describing the story of Emperor Xia of the prehistoric flood.

After a moment of silence, he recorded the current chapter again.

[After the flood, the gods and demons returned to life, confuse the common people with fog, and then the whole world was angry. 】

After carefully sorting out the history, he was surprised to discover that it seemed that he had gone through a lot, but in fact it was just two brief eras divided by floods.

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