My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 24: Coming, Amiro who created all things

   Fu Qingjun watched the duck in this cage gradually go to seven times the speed, and the speed was so fast, as if it had suffered from severe hair loss. The feathers began to break away and turned into a bare duck. It seemed that new feathers of different colors were about to grow.

   "Its soul is the genetic DNA sequence that is subtly changing."

   "That is to say, the DNA code and decision-making power recorded at the level of biological soul consciousness are higher than the nuclear NDA code of the cells in the organism."

   At this moment, Fu Qingjun finally knew all the functions of his hair mutation.

   Soul extraction, soul editing, soul injection.

   The civilized country that played with ants before, only used the ability of "soul injection", but also created such a special ant sand table.

   Fu Qingjun took a deep breath and looked at the bald duck that is gradually beginning to mutate. "But unfortunately, the creatures that I have modified will appear bald...I don't know how long it will take to grow their hair again."

   He seemed to think of something gradually.

   Breaking through the great master of spirit, energy and spirit, Jiaxia has her own soul.

  In other words, he is an independent creature that can blend into other soul mutations...

   "The creatures of ants are too simple. As Formicidae and Insecta Hymenoptera, their tabletop sand table has reached its limit and can only be used as a medicinal wine factory production line."

   "For example, Jiaxia, walking upright, and exercising to this degree, has reached the limit of biological race! The potential is completely exhausted, unless he is given a more complex and higher life structure to allow him to continue to evolve..."

   Fu Qingjun looked at his mind, there was still a lump of chicken and duck soul energy, stuffed in the corner, "He was born to give birth to his own soul, if you continue to integrate..."

   uses the ant body shape as the basic template to achieve true species differentiation.

   And the size of the ant is exactly what he needs at the moment.

   They are small in size, they don't need much souls, and they can continue to supply... But the large creatures squeeze him out of just a few.

   For example, this mutated genetically modified duck is just for experimentation and does not intend to raise it at all.

   Fu Qingjun got short of breath and thought about it.

   "I will study it again, and then enrich the soul gene pool, snakes, rabbits, and dogs. Get these first, and then look at the success rate...I can't destroy this hard-working ant sandbox."


   The seventeenth century.

   The creatures on the earth have already born and died for seventeen generations.

  Only the gods of Olin Miro sacred mountain can live for a long time into the future.

   They awakened in every age and ruled the creatures of the whole earth.

   However, the long-lived pharaohs, even if they hide in the coffin of the sun **** to extend their life, they will finally usher in their own aging and destruction.

   The souls in the first batch of red ants dissipated.

   They crawl around like ordinary ants, wandering on the ground.

   The slaves on the earth watched this scene in horror, and secretly recorded: "God is extremely powerful, and God will die of old age, no different from us..."

   The eighteenth century.

   With the unified injection of Fu Qingjun, not only ordinary black ants, but a group of new souls are also born in red ants.

   They were born as tall pharaohs, gods, and common people who ruled the entire land.

   And this has exacerbated the contradictions and fears.

   "Why do they live up to the top?"

   "Is it because they were born with a good skin?"

   If the ant colony does not have wisdom, it will be like a long time in 100 million years, accepting its own strict ant colony division of labor, for the continuation of its species...

   But they have wisdom, so they are unwilling.

   "We, why don't we stand above us?" They were puzzled.

   In this era, only a few of the red ants that accompanied the landing were still alive.

   Jakamaki, the **** of death, defeated his father and finally broke through.

   "I am the true **** of death Jakamaki!"

   "It rules the death of the people on the earth! Even my father Tukey is ruled by my death authority!"

   He broke through, and the second master of soul and flesh was born.

  The soul is integrated into the body, no longer a temporary soul, but a real life.

   The nineteenth century.

   The other ancient pharaohs who were on the verge of death, saw Jakamaki's success and detachment, and had a complete epiphany.

   They knew that hiding and fear would not allow them to survive, so they also began to walk on the earth, and began to understand their own minds and implement their thoughts.

   Warlike gods wage war with each other, directing mortals to fight.

   There are peace-loving gods descending to the earth, following their own origins to save the common people.

   There are gods who long for a partner descending to the earth, which has made a lot of stories and epics of love between people and gods.

   20th century.

   A part of the pharaohs began to break through, turning into a great master of spirit and spirit.

   However, the ignition point that detonated everything even more, appeared completely.

   Among the black ants, a great master of spiritual harmony began to appear one after another!

   Because although there is no red ant capable of hiding and sleeping, the black ants have used their own fall and death to strengthen their bodies by overlapping and strengthening their bodies. Even if they are slow, they have come to this step.

   There has been a big explosion, and the martial arts master with the unity of energy and spirit appears as if spraying into the era.

   Two camps of black ants appeared.

   One side is a conservative with deep-rooted servility, and one side is a radical who wants to change the liberation of slavery.

   The gods began to appear in fear, on the sacred mountain high above, overlooking all the common people on the earth, "Are you going to pervert?"

  The slaves kept their fear, "It is they who want to seek rebellion. They have failed God's will. It is God who has given us great power."

The leader of the radical faction, Milgram II, Amon sneered, holding up the slate recorded by the predecessors of the past, and loudly said: "In this world, gods do exist, but apart from the great wisdom **** Jiaxia, other They are all stupid offspring with part of the blood of God, and they call themselves the ridiculous kind of God!"

   He looked at the cowardly black ants, "And you, as our kind, cannot be like us to become real lives because of cowardice. You fear God in your heart, don't break the God in your heart, and you can only live in reincarnation all the time!"

He crossed his eyebrows and said coldly, "The great God of Jiaxia tells us that wisdom must be obtained by himself! Life without wisdom does not understand what freedom is. When freedom appears in front of it, they will only feel fear and strangeness, and even they hope for others. A wise life thinks so too, so that he does not appear ugly."


  The war broke out.

   Mortal leaders began to rebel against the rule on the sacred mountain.

   Several leaders have the power to rival the gods, and the **** of death Jakamaki must also be afraid. They can blast out a huge pit comparable to the size of their body with one punch, and reach the summit of the mountain with one leap.

   This battle was too tragic, almost all turned into afterimages.

   The earth continued to shatter, the sky collapsed, and mortals fought the first god-spirit war with the gods on the mountain. Countless records of later generations have portrayed this scene very tragically.

   Then, they each backed up.

   "Interesting, so interesting."

   Jiaxia did not make any moves from beginning to end, watching the scene on the earth with interest, "This is a flourishing age."

Jiaxia was still overlooking the war on the earth, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter who wins and who loses. The important thing is...We have reached our limit, and even a large number of lives have come to this state... .Our body structure is simple, do we have a future?"

   "Dead and dead, it will be destroyed."

  He whispered a word.

   He is indeed deliberately guiding disputes, creating contradictions between mortals and gods, because the world is too small, lifeless and fair, and there are no waves, but it will lead to destruction.

   "However, I have tried my best."

   There was a touch of vicissitudes in his expression.

   Several more centuries have passed now, his life expectancy is supposed to be only half past, and he is in his prime of life, but now his body is gradually breaking out.

   "The rest of the era has developed freely."

   For centuries, Jiaxia has not continued to retreat completely.

Over the years, with a foundation pile of skills, he opened up realm out of thin air, and crossed the river by touching the stones, and gradually perfected the sun sacred, and successively opened up three realms of martial art. Each realm of martial art is worthy of dying. Break through, compete with heaven for fate, and race against time.

   In order to guide the glory of the ethnic group, he spent almost his whole life in toil, never thinking about his personal affairs.

  As a strong man in the world, he also thought about fighting the strongest opponent with passion, abandoning the burden on his shoulders, and challenging the outside world alone. This small world may not be able to stop him.

   The illusion of the past is vivid in my eyes. At that moment, the courage of the other party aroused his fighting spirit. He longed for such an opponent, walked the world with wine and joy, and watched the world outside by himself.

   But in the end, he still returned to deduction exercises, he couldn't let go of his tribe.

  He is Jiaxia, the **** of wisdom, not Jiaxia of ordinary life.

   "On this road, you can't bear all beings..." He looked vicissitudes of life, his body was slender and vigorous like a perfect wax figure, sitting on the throne of the sun, overlooking the whole land.

   However, at this time, the fourth realm was only halfway through, but he had completely lost confidence.

   Time doesn't wait for But he doesn't want to fight, he doesn't want to ask.

"I am just an ordinary creature, but I walk in the priesthood with a human body, seize life for good, and guide the development of common people on the earth, so that our race has one after another true spirits. After the prosperity of the 20th century, we no longer desire more. ."

   "The future, leave it to the new generation."

   "The human reincarnation of Jiaxia, the **** of wisdom, will leave this world after this life."

   He proved the **** in his heart, thinking that he was born sacred, he was already the true **** of the world, and he didn't intend to ask for God.

  His heart is too tired, maybe he will work hard next and there is still a glimmer of hope that he will finally break through like the previous three realms, but he is no longer demanding and does not want to fight for his life in the sky.

"The three great ancient gods... have you seen it? I inherited my wisdom and lived up to the prestige of the gods. In the twentieth era of the world, I guided the common people on the earth to this..." He looked at ease and planned to enjoy his old age. Live the rest of your life.

   But the world suddenly darkened.

   The sky seemed to be drawn up.

   A faint golden light shrouded the phantom in the distance.

   Jiaxia stood up suddenly, "Why, I didn't plan to..."

   Suddenly, his mind suddenly came to mind, and he remembered that sentence.

  【If you see me with color, ask me with sound, and live forever with desire, you will be able to walk in evil ways with God’s spiritual wisdom, and you can’t see the halal... You can see it here. 】

   I don’t long to see, but see God.

   And in the sky, black cylinders are falling.

   "It turned out to be the highest-person Unknowable Existence...the one who created all things life, Amiro." Jiaxia looked at the black cylinder in the misty sky and said in surprise.


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