My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 240: The truth about ancient ships

Sumeru mustard?

Fu Qingjun pricked his ears.

In fact, he also kept Bai Long's words in mind.

His analysis of parallel universes also made himself aware of something. There is only one earth... the other earths are parallel universes created by other great powers.

In other words...

Of the two earths I saw, one of them must be fake.

So, which one is fake?

Fu Qingjun is more inclined to believe that the World War II world in front of him is fake...

After all, the earth he had been living on was fake, and he was a little unwilling to believe it after all.

"Maybe, it was the parallel earth created by the ancient ship, which took me here." Fu Qingjun secretly guessed that the strong can create parallel planets. This ancient ship of mysterious power may not have this ability.

Just when Fu Qingjun was secretly trying to figure it out...

"What, our planet is fake?" someone asked.

"It's just possible, a guess."

The Taidi's expression was extremely serious, "After all, according to the records of the Great Flood, the prehistoric earth was so bad, there were countless sixth realms, and countless earths were created. Wouldn't it be easy?"

Everyone looked serious.

Yes, one of the remains of the gods and demons is already in the sixth state...

It can be seen how much the sixth prehistoric realm is. If everyone creates a parallel time and space...

"I think that the once three thousand worlds may actually exist."

After seeing the subspace, Taidi clearly broadened his thinking, "Then, why are we so lucky? We must be living on the real earth? According to probability, it is more likely that we are false, right? ?"

Everyone was silent.

They began to suspect that they were fake, the person in the bottle.

And the probability is not generally large...

"But our planet is fake, so the sun outside, the endless starry sky, can't be fake too?" Someone said: "The sun is fake, so it won't shine on us."

Taidi explained, "The sun outside is all real... We are like the earth in a glass bottle. When we reach a certain range, we can go out of the glass bottle to the real universe... and The sun can naturally shine in the glass bottle."

"It's like stacking on the real earth, a cloud subspace of equal proportions."

Taidi explained the parallel time and space he understood,

"It's like a tall tower of the earth stacked on a flat map of the solar system. The sun can naturally shine on every level of the tall tower, and out of the tall tower of the earth, it will naturally enter the real world."

Everyone chewed Taidi's theory carefully and it was perfect.

Soon, they were patiently discussing various theories, suspicions, and future paths.

"Furthermore, this earth is fake, and I still have a real proof." Taidi suddenly spoke.

"What?" everyone asked.

Taidi's expression became sharp, "I once tried to explore the distant starry sky, but found that to a certain extent, it seemed that I encountered a transparent barrier and couldn't get out at all."

Everyone shuddered, breathing quickly.

The inability to go out means that we are truly in a subspace, in a parallel universe on the earth...

Of course, Taidi also took everyone to visit that subspace secret realm, which was full of architectural ruins, some withered weeds, and a small number of books and documents.

There are also the wreckage of some villains.

"Is this a mortal in prehistoric?"

"It's also small."

Everyone began to look through it, and another period of time passed.

They even went through archaeology for a long time, including records of the fifth realm, and finally understood the meaning of the fifth realm.

"That's it, in the fourth stage, the five talented magical spells are cultivated."

"The fifth realm is the five magical powers, which open up the subspace in the brain, forming a boundary, covering the reality, covering the enemy, and fighting."

They keep studying carefully.

The fifth realm transforms the gods, the realm of cultivation, and one side fights in space.

Although they have witnessed the powerhouse in the prehistoric war, who just broke through the fifth realm of God, they have just broken through, and the actual principles of specific cultivation are very vague.

Although they can be detected by giving them time, it is not as fast as the ready-made ones.

"It's just a pity that there is no breakthrough method for the sixth realm..." They looked at this ancient subspace with regret, and they couldn't find any footprints. This was a pity.

Leaving the fourth and fifth levels of breakthrough methods and materials, but not the sixth level.

Only Fu Qingjun was vaguely aware,

"According to the words of the gods and demons, as well as the information here, it is very likely that Jiaxia left the earth and wandered around before breaking through the sixth stage... Therefore, the highest level of the earth civilization in front of him was the fifth stage. It’s normal to not leave a legacy of civilization."

But no matter what, the entire civilization of the fifth realm began to officially set sail.

time flies.

It's another ten years.

Taidi ascended to the top of the world and re-ruled the world.

Along with him breaking through the God Transformation Realm, the countless fourth realm Great Perfection True Gods under his command were stuck in the realm before. At this time, gradually as time passed, several powerhouses of the God Transformation Realm began to appear.

Thus, the era of subspace has completely come.

The fifth level civilization has come completely!

Even the powerhouses of the Transcendent God Realm have begun to study space technology, and have begun to develop various powers, space teleportation arrays, and even Xumi storage ring, all kinds of powerful space applications.

The era has completely entered a new era.

They began to explore the boundaries of this parallel universe, eager to break the glass bottle and go to the real world outside.

"Ten days, ten days have passed, and people have already appeared in the gods, who can truly travel the void of the universe, step on the mountains and rivers, and walk on countless ancient stars." Little Horn looked helpless, "and Our witch, the cultivation speed is really slow, I'm so annoying."

Fu Qingjun was speechless, still eating in the cafeteria.

At this time, new drastic changes occurred in the era of mortals, even the subspace appeared, and the world of the witch was still so peaceful, so not only other people, but even the little speakers became irritable.

But Fu Qingjun didn't care about her irritability, and returned to the room after eating to re-study her new transformation.

After all, that battle has passed, and now, I have time to detect my abnormal situation.

Fu Qingjun: Early Stage of the Sixth Realm (seal)

Character Card: SSR-class Jiaxia (missing), S-class Udurah, A-class Qin Hong, S-class Hongqi

Gene data bank:

1. The original Ant-Man prototype: the human body of the beast head

2. Advanced Ant-Man angel species: red wing angel, ant dragon, feather snake god, black feather angel...

3. Snails: native snails, parasitic beasts, mechanical snails...

4. Soil-bearing creatures...


Fu Qingjun silently felt his brain, as if he also had a sea of ​​knowledge.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, it is the old ship that drifts.

"It seems that my strength has become stronger, and I can finally use some real power?" Fu Qingjun was a little vaguely expectant, and his mind gradually penetrated into the cabin space before that.

The cabin space had always been used as a "spiritual time house" before, but now, with my real ability, the entire cabin space seemed to be opened instantly, shrouded in a dark mist.

"In the cabin, it's getting bigger..."

Fu Qingjun's consciousness gradually tried to get closer.

Suddenly, there was a slight shock in his mind, and he vaguely saw a blue planet hovering in the endless space in the center of the cabin. UU reading www.uukahnshu. com

"this is..."

Fu Qingjun’s pupils widened violently, as if many unsolvable mysteries were revealed in an instant, “Sure enough, this unknown ancient ship that was terrifying to the limit created a parallel universe. I have never escaped from the earth. I have been hiding in the cabin space. Parallel to the earth."

Taidi's intuition is really true!

This is also a ruthless person!

Wait, since Taidi couldn't get out of this cabin, he couldn't get out of the ship's interior.

So, how did Jiaxia run out hundreds of thousands of years ago?

A contradictory conjecture came to mind.

Fu Qingjun suddenly came up with a thought that can be explained, and his face turned black: "He took my sail, I was afraid that he could use it as a token in the cabin space, freely enter and exit, and then ran away with the sail... ."

My poor sail is no longer on the earth, and the ghost knows where he was taken.

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