My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 243: Brain monster

A large number of extraterrestrial species are on this land, but unlike the real gods and demons race, these are extremely tiny "mortals" in front of them, their reproduction ability is terrifying, and they are natural disasters.

The number of reproduction and the speed of division are far beyond their own.

However, instead of being small, it doesn't matter...

What Fu Qingjun wants is to multiply fast!

The sky was full of yellow sand, the visibility was extremely low, and the environment was harsh. Fu Qingjun opened a cave in the ground as the beginning of the world.

Soon, the various races multiplied and began to mutate, combine with each other, and evolve.

At the same time, in order to ensure the similarity, Fu Qingjun also gave them the oldest "knowledge" memory of the gods and devil inheritance, as the blood heirs: he wants to resuscitate the remains of the ancient gods and devil, his ancestors, killed by the Jiaxia era exist.

After all, Fu Qingjun didn't have a magic palace to pass it on to them.

Everything starts from scratch.

Fu Qingjun wanted to see how their original structure developed, and understand the development history of this civilization in order to defeat the opponent.

"This is a seed, we need to see what kind of flowers bloom."

Fu Qingjun's voice was cold, and at this moment he had already taken the perspective of that "devil", cold and stubborn, he wanted to start a war and resurrect himself.

However, relying on them is not enough, there must be external pressure.

Fu Qingjun put in the plants and beasts that are only available in the world of snails and the world of Shushan, and their combat power is far stronger than them, and they feed on these weak human races.

Moreover, Fu Qingjun also left a legacy, allowing those plants and beasts to practice wisdom, and continue to grow stronger, forming an extraordinary tribal kingdom.

time flies.

Several years passed.

These primitive creatures with sharp horns and full of scaly skin are just like strange apes. The strange bright plants in the mountains and plains bite the plants and start to eat the underground ice.

This is the particularity of this species. They do not absorb oxygen, but only need to drink water. When there is water, they can replenish oxygen and hydrogen and survive in the universe.



They slapped their chests and screamed, making strange noises like wild beasts, living on the ground.

They are not real apes, they are born sacred, and have the charge of Fu Qingjun. Every species has an IQ comparable to Einstein, making their civilization process crazy.

Soon, in the wind and sand, some of them began to instinctively exercise their bodies to resist the beasts, and some began to research tools and resist the beasts.

Soon, there was a young tribal warrior who learned to meditate, perceive his own mind, and found that his brain was naturally chaotic, and tried to construct it.

"Is that so?"

Seeing this, Fu Qingjun said calmly: "It's also the same as the witches who practice the exercises against the gods, first practice to break the gods, then practice the bones, and then practice the muscles."

"They are born with strong spiritual power, can they cultivate spiritual power from the beginning?"

Fu Qingjun was aware of it a long time ago.

This is a cosmic race of spiritual power, very evil, if it were not for specializing, there would not be such an overwhelming mist of spiritual power shrouded in it.


The hero called himself Kakarba and began to lead his tribe to study the mystery of the brain.

They found that the brain is a three-helix "cylinder" and a four-helix "square column". Each column is filled with the origin of life. It is messy and collapsed where it is placed, as if it can exhaust mental energy and struggle to pick it up. Build it up.

After several years of experimentation, Kakarba used columns and square columns to build the original brain palace.


A breath erupted from him, like a breath that broke through the first state.

An unimaginable change occurred in the whole person in an instant. His head gradually changed its shape, the skin broke away, revealing the white bones, and the skull turned into a mysterious palace built by his own brain, crystal clear.

The skin on your head is off?

The humanoid creature with the head of the palace?

Other companions and people of the tribe were dumbfounded when they watched this scene.

Kakalba yelled, as if he had found the use of his own mind, speaking the primitive language constructed by their natives, "I know how to use it!"

"The columns and square pillars in our heads are our souls. We build our souls into palaces..."

He suddenly buried himself in the soil, leaving only a head.

It's like a palace, sitting on the ground, with its mouth open, like a gate.

Woo woo woo.

He opened his mouth as if blowing a whistle, and his head was filled with confusing mental power.

The small animals and insects on the grassland ground seemed to be confused by this palace and couldn't help entering the palace from their mouths.


He closed his mouth and ate the creatures that entered his mouth.


The surrounding creatures applauded.

It is very difficult for them to hunt. They have no power to bind chickens. They are a naturally weak race. Now they have this method, and they will also have the means of hunting in the future.

The same clan cheered.

Time flies, another year.

A large number of glittering and gorgeous palaces have taken root in this piece of land.

The palaces are magnificent and magnificent, and they confuse the insects and various small animals from the earth, entering their mouths.

With the development of this function, they even find that they can put those creatures in their "brain palace", constantly confuse them and become their own relatives.

They take the inside of their heads as their homes, live in them, go hunting for themselves, and find food.

The creatures that live in their minds seem to be complementary to each other because they live in the spiritual house, with strong aura and extremely fast cultivation speed.


Because of the ease of life, days were freed from barbarism, and riots gradually began.

Those palaces began to let their "minded inhabitants fight each other."

So the first war began.

Many creatures in the entire cave world began to be bewitched by those happy and beautiful "homes" and "palaces", and began to war against each other to guard the houses they lived in.

Fu Qingjun sat on the heights of the cave world, staring in a daze.

When most people see this horrifying scene, this evil cosmic race will definitely be so scared that they can't speak.

However, Fu Qingjun's first reaction was very interesting, "These aliens are really outrageous. It seems that the palace brain is very valuable?"

"I felt through something and removed the fog from you. Unexpectedly, you are a remnant of a demon god, but you are actually such a thing."

Fu Qingjun scratched his head, "That's it, then I can become a real estate company developer."

After all, the three major industries, food and ingredients, and the computer and Internet fields have both, and indeed there is still a lack of a real estate pipeline.

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