My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 254: 3 ancient cosmic saints!

Listening to this mysterious sound of inquiry, Li Junchen in the study was surprised at first, and then began to think about what happened.

Which powerhouse is this, come to make fun of me, the great witch?

Don’t you know the "Endangered Animal Protection Fees Act" recently issued by Xiandao Tianting?

Also, you mortals, who have become gods, created Sumeru mustard, lied in the void, and flew with swords, have already hit the solar system. Why do you still have time to join in the fun in our community?

Rao has experienced strong winds and waves. He has spent half his life in shopping malls and hospitals. There are several private hospitals under him. Anyone who has seen him feels a little unclear.

"Don't worry, I can use Dao Fa to help you restore the ancient soul memory."

Qi Ling's voice is low, and the next second a faint breeze blows,

"As an ancient saint on the side of the multiverse, the life of each universe is your growth experience, and each of you in the multiverse has merged into the only true self at this time."

"wake up!!"


As if the wind was howling.

Li Junchen's brain seemed to have undergone baptism.

Some ancient, ancient, and unknowingly ancient memories of vicissitudes of life are gradually awakening in his mind.

"Ah, I remember."

Holding his head in the study, he squatted down in pain, knocking over the seat.

There are indeed some completely forgotten memory fragments, scattered in my mind.

A picture faintly appeared in my mind:

"Thanks for the invitation..."

"Don't bully the young man, when I woke up in the living room came a bunch of Doudi riding horses, yelling constantly, the Doudi in front would dare to dismount the horse..."

"What's terrible now is that the tables and chairs in the living room at home have been overturned by Heaven-Rank Fighting Skills... What should I do now? Very urgent..."



these are...

my memory? ?

Countless memories flashed by overlapping, it turned out to be a completely unimpressed picture... and I don't know how many times it has been repeated.



He clutched his head and wailed, as if countless souls were completely superimposed on each other.

"It's a manifestation of mental power, you really remembered it." Qi Ling said in a low voice, "I've seen a situation like this too much."

Is it really a prehistoric **** and demon?

Is it the demon and **** of Nifan Jiaxia?

This look must have awakened the memory.

"Who are you!!"

Qi Ling shouted angrily, as if a thunder in the chaos, a dull bell rang in his mind, "Wake up soon! Waking up the true self in this world?"

"I am... I remember! I am a fighting emperor?" He asked in a low voice, tentatively.


The other party was stunned, and began to think... Who is the Emperor Dou?


She thought about it again.

Li Junchen whispered tentatively: "I have countless memories of life in my mind. Almost I am an ancient fighting emperor, fighting the sky and fighting the land. She and the sword have become the past, galloping in the ocean of cyber spirit, behind me. Being chased by some great emperors on horses, the scene was very difficult."

"It seems that I am still asking for help from the whole world everywhere, waiting online, and I am very anxious."

In fact, he was not sure.

However, in my mind, these memories really popped up inexplicably.

I don't know how many times it has been repeated, and it is burned deep in the soul.

Hundreds of times?

Thousands of times?

I seem to have countless myself on the timeline, repeatedly superimposed on each other.

"That's it... you have remembered the memories of your previous life."

Qi Ling breathed a sigh of relief. It was not surprising that the memory was fragmented and fragmented. Of course, even she was missing a lot of memory.

However, no matter what it is, it is a good thing to remember it.

As for what it describes, it should be the experience of the gods and demons of the Great Flood. They were chased and killed by some powerful men riding mounts, so they asked for help everywhere, right?

"You are a terrifying **** and demon in the prehistoric flood, an ancient sixth-level multi-sage. I don't know who killed him. Now I am relived, and I have lost myself." Qi Ling was very serious and told frankly.

"Me?" The middle-aged man was dumbfounded.

This, is this too outrageous?

Two years ago, the end suddenly came, and then the myth was revived, and then, I turned out to be an ancient forbidden saint?

"I really am Doudi?" He was at a loss.

However, those countless reincarnation fragments are all impacting his mind.

After all, humans are such animals.

When you always say that you are a good person, then even the worst person will be implied in your heart to be a good person, let alone those thousands of psychological hints?

"do not worry."

Qi Ling said seriously: "Although I don't know which **** or devil you are in the old days, I believe you are no longer a bad person. Today, recovering from the old days, I will help you rise and save this vast trend. The giant of the great witch tribe, Houyi shoots the sun! Kuafu chases the sun, Jingwei fills the sea..."

She pointed to the sky with a heroic expression on her face.

"This predecessor, these great witches mentioned above, did not end well in the end." Li Junchen said.

He sat down in the chair again, picked up the pen and paper, and cleared his thoughts. He thought these were too strange.

But soon, I recalled the memory again and said: "If I remember correctly, it seems that in the ancient prehistoric memory, there are many times of'thank you for your invitation'. It seems that there are people who do not remember, inviting us... Besides, there are two more people..."

"Invitation? The other two should be strong at the same level as you. Do you remember the general dialogue and impression?" Qi Ling said seriously.

"I remember that one is in charge of the system and distributes the system to others?... What maintenance system, Ding Ding Dong Dong..." He searched for his memories carefully, but couldn't remember anything.

"What is the system? What is the powerful feature of this **** and demon?" Qi Ling asked, this is an important information system? "He thought for a while and analyzed: "Perhaps that existence is the kind of behind-the-scenes saint who builds the main **** space, distributes the system to other people, and wanders through countless worlds? "

He carefully explained the main **** space again.

It is to let countless people do various world tasks, and then give rewards.

"The other one seems to be the existence of hunger and thirst for blood, afraid of encountering the sun, soft and weak..." He thought for a while, and seemed a little forgotten, but when it comes to this person, he has an instinctive disgust, "In short, he Go to a place full of bright red and filth all year round and look for..."

But he thought about it for a while, with a splitting headache, just can't remember it.

Where is he going?

He thought for a long time, and suddenly, he remembered a historical sentence describing the environment of Demon Lord Grace:

"The Hell Demon Realm is full of stench, stained water, broken internal organs, and condensed scarlet tissues. In the interweaving of yellow and brown, it is full of horror and evil."

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