"It's Hormons."

The fat man looked at Fu Qingjun speechlessly,

"Emperor Xia came from an extremely mysterious time and space. It is said that he came from the mysterious heaven. Some people even guessed that he did not belong to this era. He came here with a mission to lead the common people to prosperity."

The fat man looked longing, "Amiro, Hormones, and the third mysterious existence... The three existences constitute everything in the world and are the legend of his hometown."

The fat man pointed to Lingshi, and said: "The second-ranked Hormons is the concept of knowledge, and Xia Di believes that knowledge is wealth, so he made the judicial saints of the Tiangong Department young and imaginary. The Eye of Mengsi' cast magic soul coin, which can be used in the world, and the common people cannot imitate it."

After the fat man said, he called an attendant next to him and bought a wretched boat, "Take the best one."

The attendant obviously recognized this regular customer of the auction house and respectfully said: "Young Master Li, these may not be enough."

"What?" Fatty's eyes stared.

The attendant bends down in fear and sincerity: "The wandering boat is originally one of the hundreds of millions of tool spirits, and the qualification is one in a billion. This time the quality of the wandering boat is high, and the quality that appears is not low, which can be called God-level."

Fatty's eyes widened, "Are you stupid? Use that kind of aptitude to refine it into a flying tool, why not refine it into a magic weapon?"

The attendant panicked even more, and whispered: "This time it was discovered after refining and in the cultivation process. I want to change the embryo of the magic artifact, but it is already qualitative."

Fu Qingjun understood that the tool clan was really miserable.

However, it was such a miserable race that was slaved to, hundreds of thousands of years later, it almost destroyed our earth, created endless fog, and killed how many people I don’t know...

And of course, that girl of the instrumental ethnicity is not simple.

"Bought it."

The fat man became excited and patted the table, "For my future husband."

"Yes." The attendant hurriedly showed joy. This batch of goods was not easy to get rid of, but it was precious but not practical, but Fatty Li, a well-known bully, still bought it.

This fat man is famously rich and rich, with high aptitude, and his personality and appearance are all carved out of the same mold as his father. He happens to have 72 sons, and he is in the same realm as his father, so he is deeply loved. It is super super. Big Sheep.

When Fu Qingjun saw this scene, he didn't refuse, but he took the initiative to pay the bill. He really wanted to study the structure of the magical instruments of this era.

Soon, as a series of auctions ended, Fu Qingjun and the fat man left the auction house after the noisy stance around them.

Fu Qingjun was quickly arranged to live in a luxurious courtyard.

He didn't have any precautions,

After all, the dumb angel is only a clone, but also to see what the other person thinks.

The fat man was very enthusiastic. He sat down to drink tea and said cautiously, "Brother, are you Xia Di's illegitimate child?"

Fu Qingjun stayed for a while.

What kind of brain circuit is this? He thought of many possibilities, but he couldn't think of it at all.

Then if Qin Hong came here, wouldn't he be asked: Are you the daughter of Emperor Xia?

However, he completely confirmed that Jiaxia had left his World War II parallel earth and brought a group of large people and his own ant people.

I'm afraid that all kinds of species have been brought out...

As a result, those earthlings, ant mortals, multiplied into today's Xia clan.

"Isn't it? So are some of the illegitimate children of the county kings in the Xia clan, who came out for private visits?" Li Tusheng looked like I had already seen through, "Your fourth level cultivation base is too stable, even I see it. I don't know...There is no terrifying family behind, I don't believe it, you are still the Xia clan."


It turned out not to refer to looks.

Fu Qingjun breathed a sigh of relief, relieved.

I was very cautious at the beginning, and I found a Qin Hong on the side of the road to carry the pot, and now he looks like Qin Hong...

Let me just say it!

"Brother, you are still too young, definitely not more than fifty years old. With the appearance of the Xia clan, it is still easy to be spotted. It is too risky to come out of the fourth stage. Fortunately, I met Yi Bo Yuntian's brother."

Li Tusheng looked arrogantly dry, "I am a landlord here, you can do whatever you want, you are my old man, I just want to... introduce a younger sister or something."

Fu Qingjun was startled, "I will consider this later."

"Just wait for this sentence." Li Tusheng laughed, chatted for a few more words, and left directly, indicating that he would come another day.

Fu Qingjun stayed directly in Yuntianfu City. He couldn't laugh or cry. After seeing the fat man left, he also covered the angel's appearance and walked around the street.

Found that the land is indeed prosperous.

But his small size didn't attract much attention, because the streets were so wide, giants, ordinary sizes, and monsters sitting on strange mounts and giant beasts, all coming and going.

He looks like a mosquito, but it is relatively rare.

Fu Qingjun looked around and came to a trade union to check the employment advertisements here. Although he planned to integrate into the life here, he didn't expect to work and make money. He just wanted to understand the environment here.

A lot of information can be obtained here,

"The rebellion in the north of the front line, the barbarians outside the territory re-entered the barrier, igniting the flames of war throughout the Yellow Cloud Galaxy, and eleven life areas were slaughtered."

"The black region of the southwest is attacked by cosmic monsters..."


Fu Qingjun looked at pieces of information.

This gave him a true understanding of the civilization of the vast Xinghai region.

The territory must have countless common people's lives, live everywhere, and spread information everywhere, which is the real territory of the empire.

Otherwise, the universe is too huge. If the population is not large enough and the distribution is not evenly distributed, you won't be able to know where and what happened, or even what's in the universe.

Now, Fu Qingjun has understood the true face of the universe through these things.


In the vast and boundless universe, there are indeed wars among civilizations.

Even in the Jiaxia era, there are endless barbarians beyond his territory.

Fu Qingjun specially disciplined the distribution of power, a circle around the Great Summer Court.

"Emperor Xia, it is indeed terrible... He is so scared all around him, the territory has expanded to a huge level, but those civilizations may still exist in the future."

"Hundreds of thousands of years later, in our era, it still exists in that area."

Fu Qingjun squinted his eyes and silently noted the position of the star map.

The destruction of the Jiaxia Dynasty turned this vast area into ruins, desolate.

But it does not mean that there is no civilization outside the ruins. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed. These enemies who have marked their locations may still be the terrifying and great cosmic civilization empires on that land.

"Although I am weak now, we can't find anything in the ruins, but I may still encounter it in the future."

Fu Qingjun silently noted the location of the map.

However, the territory that Jiaxia opened up was too terrifying, and I was afraid that it would take a long time for him to truly go outside the realm in the ruins.

It will not be considered for a short time.

"With these maps from hundreds of thousands of years ago~www.readwn.com~ this time is still worth it." Fu Qingjun took a deep breath and returned to his residence.

He didn't intend to let Hong Qi and others come into this era so soon, he still wanted to explore it again, after all, this was not his back garden.

It is the real danger and terror.

As for looking for Jiaxia, Fu Qingjun doesn't plan to do that...

I have to control the family members and heirs, and I have to have the same mental power, but Jiaxia is now more than tens of thousands of times stronger than him...

Considering all aspects, he does not plan to look for Jiaxia at the moment.

"I have to develop silently here. I will become stronger first, and there will be a large number of sixth-level powerhouses under my command, and my soul strength may be about the same." Fu Qingjun secretly formulated the future direction.

He sat down again, and suddenly remembered the gift from the fat man.

Took out the ark,

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