My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 281: Reincarnation

"Dare to ask the six reincarnations, how exactly?" someone asked.

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Qin Hong pointed to a distant planet, and said: "If it is this planet and the whole planet believes in Buddha, then move them into our subspace, where the true spirit is in it, and reincarnated on this planet. A trace of reincarnation will return to the body after death."

Everyone was shocked.

These are not everyone, are they all like them?

The ontology is hidden in the subspace, splitting the soul of the first life to the "mortal" for cultivation. After the cultivation is successful, it returns to the ontology and integrates into the ontology to increase cultivation.

This is a cultivation system established by Fu Qingjun's "dumb hair" lineage.

After all, without a hair antenna, it is impossible to control a distant clone with a joystick.

In front of him, Qin Hong had great courage!

He not only has to plug in these Buddhas in front of him, but even a random mortal, as long as he believes in Buddha, he has to plug in a dull hair so that he can use the parasitic effect of dull hair!

"It's a big one, but it's okay."

Next to him, although Li Tusheng was frightened, he began to say: "In this way, the common people will not be afraid of the disaster of the strong. After they die, they can enter the cycle of reincarnation, reincarnate, become other races, creatures, and practice again... .. Because of their true ontology, they were in the world of reincarnation from the beginning, so they can't die naturally."

However, the Buddhism method of reincarnation has its own flaws.

It is your "Buddha reincarnation". If you practice your first life and return to your body, you can indeed increase your cultivation level, but if you are found out of your identity and maliciously attacked and killed, you will be missing a hard-working practice clone, and a lot of effort will be wasted.

The reincarnation of a strong man is like a golden cicada. Tang's raw meat, which everyone wants to eat, is found to be eaten by others, which is a blood loss.

Li Tusheng said: "But, then, what is the difference between us, the high Buddha, and the mortals everywhere? I think that although the world is equal and sacred, there must be differences."

"There really needs to be a difference."

Qin Hong said: "Those mortals who reincarnate need to drink'Meng Po Tang' to forget their memories, but we Buddhas remember our true body."

"But even though mortals don't know who they were in their previous life, they are also buddhas, knowing that they will enter reincarnation after death, and they must practice merit and do good deeds. In the next life, they can be reborn as a good race and a good family.

"In this way, it is a truly prosperous age, where everyone is kind and awed."

"As long as it is the land of the Buddha, everyone can stay closed at night, and everyone is a blissful pure land of kindness and kindness."

Everyone was shocked.

This strategy...very good!

They saw a truly prosperous cosmic dynasty, perfect system, perfect social structure, practice system, and even strong resistance to external invasion.

This is a perfect ideal country, dreamland.

"Buddhas, what do you think?" Qin Hong asked.

"What the Buddha said is extremely true, I will wait to enter the world and go down the mountain, save all living beings, and take refuge in my Buddha."


The Buddha below was completely golden.

Time flies, and the war has been one hundred and twenty years.

Buddhism prevails in this land, and a group of Buddhist saints rushing through disasters, screaming out loud, regardless of life and death.

With the deeds of the saints, the words of the saints, walking on the earth, spreading doctrines, saving the world, and dying for the common people are all seen in the eyes of the world.

They didn't have any selfishness, so they asked for a chic pleasure. Someone saw with their own eyes that a Buddhism in the fifth realm blew himself up, just to prevent the aftermath of two powerful men in the sixth realm from flying into their atmosphere.

"The Buddhism says that all people are equal, gods and mortals have the same fate, and we are naturally willing to save all lives with one life."

Buddhism is thoroughly popular.

Whether it is false or sincere, the common people's eyes are discerning.

A large number of Buddhist disciples have joined, and even many strong people are willing to join and cultivate the Buddhist Dao system.

After all, they used to cultivate Jiaxia's martial arts system, a pure muscle power system, upright, not so weird.

But Buddhism is immortal, safe, and can heartily without fear of death, without regret, and open heart, which is in line with the appetite of many powerful people.

The mysterious Buddhism began to spread, arousing the vigilance of other civilizations.

"Electromagnetic Buddha, cultivate immeasurable Buddha light?"

"Quantum Immeasurable Buddha Light?"

"I don't know why there is a feeling that this civilization appears abruptly like Emperor Xia back then, with a vague sense of mysterious resemblance."

It is still very weak. There are almost no top powerhouses in this new civilization, but the extent to which the doctrine has swept through is no small amount.



In ruins.

They walked among the ruins of the great flood, and finally saw a spear floating in mid-air.

Originally, even if they had cultivated for more than a hundred years, this core point was naturally not something they could achieve. It was just that Fu Qingjun moved outside and let them see it.

"This is Jiaxia's weapon." The Qi Ling girl said, "We have been able to return to the distant past, so it means..."

She was extremely excited.

In the next second, an ancient **** walked out slowly and said: "Unexpectedly, you found the token of time anchor so quickly in this era, you can use this to return to the distant past."

Fu Qingjun glanced at the powerhouses around him, and then at the girl with the Qi Ling, "It's just that you and I can't go back."

"Why?" The Qi Ling girl was stunned.

"In which era, you and I exist, in the same time and space, two of us are not allowed to appear at the same time." Fu Qingjun said seriously.

As soon as the intelligent girl stays, isn't she wasting her efforts in vain?

Fu Qingjun looked at her, "However, although you can't go back, you can mention and suggest some of your race on this side of the passage. Under her command, you can also see the past."

The Qi Ling girl was silent for a while, and still accepted it. After all, it was very good to be able to control it in the air.

Fu Qingjun looked at Hongqi and others in front of him,

"I also have a prehistoric past. I hope you don’t bother too much, or even interfere too much, to change the direction of history in the early stage and even expose yourself from the past. Otherwise, there will be a wide range of changes in history, and we don’t even know where to go. This is absolutely detrimental to us."

"Remember, there is only one opportunity. Since there can only be one of us in a time and space, we cannot go back and forth for the second time."

Hongqi and others nodded.

Their biggest trump card is to know the history, so naturally it is impossible to reveal that they are traversing in a short while, so there is the possibility of being caught by the strong to solve the problem.


The time channel opens.

They were already ready, and this went back to the past.

In a azure sea of ​​stars, there are ruined walls everywhere.

"This is prehistoric?"

"Be careful, there are ancient gods and demons everywhere here."

They came to a planet of life with great care for hundreds of thousands of years of later generations of earth visitors. Through the local common people, they found that this place was on the front line and was on the front line, and confirmed the time.

Emperor Yu ruled the world for 11 thousand years.

On the other side, Fu Qingjun’s master Fu Li Junchen, secretly contacted the Qi Ling girl, "Emperor Yu is 11 thousand years, how long will it take to guess before the flood?"

"Seven thousand years." Qi Ling looked at the time.

"Then tell me the distribution of civilization here. UU reading" Li Junchen said.

The Qi Ling girl suddenly became embarrassed, "I don't know."

Li Junchen was taken aback.

"Cough cough cough."

Knowing that she can’t hide, the girl said in the air: “Sorry, I’m actually just a weapon of the master. How can I pay attention to the general trend of the world with a weapon? Even the master does not pay attention to it. The master is not a big summer court. The aboriginals of, but the worship from the east dynasty empire, are the existence of countless powerful people who have gathered evil thoughts and thoughts. They have been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years. They did not leave the customs until the outbreak of the war."

Li Junchen seemed to have anticipated it a long time ago, knowing that this girl with a smart device has sex, grew up in a greenhouse, and definitely not himself.

"So, what is the identity of the clan you almost became the emperor?" He asked by the way.

"The master is the Yin Demon in the east. Now he has been given the name of the god, he is the concubine of the Lunar Star." She said cautiously: "If it weren't for being stupid, I went here to suffer, chasing Emperor Xia, and he was still one of the strongest overlords of the original empire. One."

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