My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 297: The desperate planet of mankind

Shushan planet for eight thousand years.

As early as more than two thousand years ago, God descended on the earth in the dying posture of the Emperor, telling the common people that there was no time to grieve, and the great flood of this solar era was about to come.

In the prehistoric flood, they traveled through the past and did not change everything.

In other words, at this time, the coming end of the earth, will it be more terrifying?

This world of World War II, only more than 50 years passed, arrived at this incredible sixth-level quantum civilization, but this is the beginning.

Everyone listened to God’s doomsday prophecy.

Foretell the past and the future, travel through every time and space...God is the omnipotent and omniscient **** in myths and legends.

No one does not believe that the whole era is developing rapidly.

Atlantis, according to future information, has completely surpassed the Shushan civilization next door.

Because this is the difference between the two sides.

At the same time, they got the future information, but the powerhouse who practiced martial arts needed to digest it, but the technology side absorbed it in an instant.

"Biological transformation technology, cloning robots, space mechas, super-space high-dimensional weapons..." All kinds of weapons of war have appeared frantically, enriching the Shushan civilization.

More convenient subspace technologies continue to appear, and in this high earth space tower, there are already strong people that have been superimposed to the height of the horror of the seven-dimensional saints.

"We, Atlantis, take the starry sky as the ocean and take root in the stars."

Isaac opened up a new route. His species was originally to absorb sunlight. At this time, it was already a powerful sacred tree of time and space. The subspaces he cultivated were not superimposed on layers, but on the world circle. The cones were hung on his branches by him.

"Don't build with tall towers, but hang civilization with trees."

He began to enrich civilization, and even began to annex the civilization of the entire Shushan land, completely ignoring the entire Taidi's friendship with him back then, suppressing the six imperials, and becoming one of his world fruits.

Originally, after the Taidi fell, it perfectly balanced the development of the civilizations of both sides, but it was a pity that Fu Qingjun's journey back, let this peaceful destruction.

Isaac forcibly unified the world, defeated the Eastern Heavenly Court, and let the world rule the roost as a magician!

"If this world is not unified, we have no chance of winning at all."

Isaac, the emperor of the sun, sat on the height of the sacred tree, swelling wildly, multiplying one by one daughter trees, superimposed on him, and even wrapped the entire earth.

From a distance, it looks like a tree rooted on a blue glass bead.

Shushan Planet in 9031.

Atlantis, re-established the capital of the gods, Bossedonia, sits on top of the world.

And invented the space jumping spacecraft, without the help of the power of the strong, even civilians can easily drive it, and can steadily jump at 30% of the normal light speed.

They began to be able to walk out of the complete solar system independently and enter the starry sky to mine resources.

Shushan planet in 9079.

In terms of space technology, they have thoroughly mastered most of quantum technology and built quantum jump technology. Multidimensional sages can fly through the air at extremely terrifying speeds.

"Hey, did we become like this all of a sudden?"

The little horn was lying on the spacecraft, looking at the rotten sky outside, "Helper, why are you still picking up rice? We, Miao Chuntang, are already a star chaebol, driving a mechanical armor and constantly doing tasks."

Shushan planet 12098.

Atlantis has already moved towards the Wannian Dynasty, and the strongest has already reached the twenty-seventh dimension.

"Atlantis, on this planet... it's a terrible race, twenty-seventh dimension, what kind of lunatic training route is this? Isn't it a training route for prehistoric powerhouses?" In the dark, that bright red The eyeballs looked gloomy, and they were a little frightened.

However, he was still full of peace, spilling a virus potion, "Barbaric, stupid, low-level..."


Falling into the sea where this ancient tree takes root.


The ocean of the entire planet was instantly soaked by a stranger black mist.

Accompanied by the violent shaking, Isaac screamed, and suddenly felt something eroding his body, "Mist, damn... The mist is not infecting the common people, but to infect me."

He screamed.

The whole tree shook crazily, and every fruit of the world on it, among the countless common people living in it, was infected by him, and Isaac turned into a tree of demonic and evil creatures in an instant.

"No, the tree of the world has been eroded."

"Run away!"

Jiang Yang and Ziying looked serious.

The entire civilization was once again covered with blood, and soon went to ruin.

"Dead again."

Fu Qingjun sighed secretly.

The gap between this civilization is too big.

However, it was also the simple reason that I reminded myself. It seems that the next time I transfer the memories of this world will work.

The universe is really cruel.

"However, the initial two are just experiments." Fu Qingjun glanced away, and he has now roughly understood Jiaxia's abilities over the years.

It's just that he doesn't have the acceleration function, so he is not as fast as he is. He waits obediently, and can only squint and wait until the next future.

"But, this guy is also mysterious." Fu Qingjun looked at the destruction of the earth, and was not in a hurry to go back. He turned around and came to a group of people in Jingdi.


They said respectfully.

Fu Qingjun nodded and pointed to the big eyeball in the distance, "I know you are very curious, and I will take you back to the past. If you are interested, you can test each other."

The eyes of Jingdi and others suddenly sharpened.

Why don't they want to take a look at each other and take a look at this era tens of billions of years from now?

I'm just afraid of angering God.

"Let's go and touch the other party." Jingdi laughed, and the whole person stepped on, and the surrounding group followed.

"You, what is it?" said the big eyeball: "Ancient sixth-level monk ten billion years ago?"

Tens of billions of years, that is, hundreds of thousands of years ago.

For high-dimensional life, this really cannot be calculated on the time scale of low-level life.

Everyone squinted their eyes and looked at him, "You have a strange aura. It's the rule. You are in the seventh state? But why do you cultivate one-dimensional life?"

The other party turned out to be just a one-dimensional saint.

Moreover, it is the existence that has entered the seventh realm.

"I am naturally the seventh realm, you are really ancient monks..."

The big eyeball was stunned, and he grinned suddenly, "What kind of monsters are you guys that have been repaired to hundreds of dimensions? Form a high tower? That's why you are going to build high towers and get through the people and gods of the heavenly palace. Later generations, descendants of the ruins... However, it is an unimaginable honor to be able to kill you geniuses."

With a wave of his hand, a beam of light covered the ground.

That is the light beam that transcends the common sense of the is the law of light that uses rules to distort the universe...

In an instant, more than one hundred strong men were crushed by the opponent alone.


Fu Qingjun sat in the distance, watching them burst instantly, drinking tea and watching the excitement, and after lightly stroking the hairline, he wrote handwriting, "Now, it's very messy."

"In other words, the great flood in the Jiaxia era is the dividing point of the seventh realm?"

He squinted his eyes.

However, the opponent is obviously an extremely weak seventh state, at least in his own eyes, the regular fragments on the opponent's body are simply the size of a mosquito.

And, it wasn't on him yet, like some real existence lent him to use.

"Originally, I wanted to test the forces. I would die if I die. If I can besiege, the rules for capturing the opponent are also blood gains, but it's obvious... the opponent has no income and there are no rules." Fu Qingjun sighed and went straight Go back in time.

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