My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 299: Chaotic world

"This day is here after all."

Isaac hugged Professor Nasika and sat on the tree rooted on the blue planet that obscured the sky, and saw the sunrise in the distance and the black mist coming.

"Sure enough, I didn't expose the cultivation base. He still wants to kill me with poison to destroy the world." Isaac's figure is tall, this king of Atlantis, who is wearing golden armor and holding a scepter, looks down. The whole world.

"Go, I'm waiting for you to come back." Professor Nasika still said calmly, like the university professor back then, full of intellectual gentleness.


The World Tree swayed its branches in the dark starry sky. Thirty-seven transparent bubble-like world fruits hung on the trees. Inside the bubbles were blue earths, which were parallel worlds.

Thirty-seven layers of the earth.

It is already his limit.

The black mist began to prolong the roots of the World Tree, and the distant sun shrouded the canopy, dyeing it into a beautiful golden rim with emerald green, like a fairy tale wonderland.

"At this level of the virus, it can't destroy me, so let's show your ugly true face." Isaac's mouth raised a hint of war.

Countless black mist filled the roots of the tree, but there was no response.

Through the pictures in his memory, Isaac has already prepared himself for it. How could he be hit for the second time?

"How can it be!!"

An angry voice came.

"What the **** is going on with this planet..." A dark figure slowly descended from the sky.

This vassal of a Western knight in the World War II era never thought that his life like a miracle would come to this day.


Isaac raised his head, looked at the enemy, and remembered the first time.

In the Autonomous Region of the Hawkes Kingdom, the commoner knight who curled up in the common people's room and read the "Chronicles of the Mayan Civilization", and the knight who worshiped King Arthur, was able to go to this day.

"Really enough."

He whispered again, his tall and tall body was covered in golden armor, his palm was grasped from the void, and he grabbed a supreme scepter studded with magic stones.


Thirty-seven planetary bubbles on the entire tree of the world swayed slowly, and the continents of the planets shook violently.

"what happened?"

"The plate is moving?"

"Earthquake? No! The whole earth is shaking!"

"The Great Flood, it's the Great Flood!"

The people in the parallel planet cried out.

But there was no time for them to react. Countless planets gathered on Isaac, and the entire tree of the world quickly turned into a human form, just like an ancient mythical giant standing on the planet.

"You have only only three thousand years, and you have cultivated to this level. If you choose to be with me..." the bright red eyeball opposite said, "Going to my lord, you will enjoy... the power of the same law as me. Rebuild this decadent world."


The sky was thunderous.

Isaac slammed straight towards the opponent, and the sky fell apart.

The entire earth tore in an instant, and the huge cracks resembled an abyss, tearing apart the stars.

Outside the sky, there seemed to be a thunderstorm.

Jingdi and others looked at everything in amazement, "We left the Jiaxia era and traveled to this tens of billions of years later. In this civilization, there are all lunatics. That guy, we were more than one hundred and ninety-dimensional at the time. The above-mentioned super-high dimensions existed to encircle and suppress, and almost killed and wounded, can they defeat the opponent, he is a small...Zhongwei saint, dare to provoke."

"It's really a country of lunatics."

"No, Xia Di is a lunatic, so living under his influence brought out a group of lunatics."


They watched this scene silently.

On the ground in the distance, Professor Narsika pursed her pale lips, recording the history of the moment, and she couldn't make a sound.

She couldn't stop, and she didn't want to stop.

Obviously Isaac could take her to escape to a distant country, but not, they chose to die here.

Jiang Yang and Zi won, looking at the torn sky, "It turns out that it is God... We should have thought of it long ago. As his disciple, Isaac already knew the specific prophecies of the doomsday, and he took everything himself. ."

"This solar era, we are over."

In Miao Chuntang, Bai Yu closed his eyes next to him, "We have returned to prehistoric times, and the Mayan civilization has not changed the fog of the fans, and we are about to be destroyed."


The trumpet played hard.

"Blowing the trumpet in case of trouble." Fu Qingjun ate the meal, raised his eyelids and glanced at the little trumpet that was blowing, feeling that she had never changed.

The sky was completely torn apart, and the atmosphere was blown away instantly like a breath.

The endless vacuum pulls the entire earth's buildings, gravel, and ocean, just like an explosive sandbag, and countless buildings are scattered in mid-air, everywhere.

The sky calmed down suddenly.

A bright red eye turned into a figure, slowly walked out, looking at Isaac's corpse on the ground, his eyes were extremely indifferent, "Why bother?"

Isaac did not answer.

Consciousness gradually blurred, thinking of the first years, a picture faintly flashed before his eyes.

He saw the mediocre knight who was holding a book and reading the martial arts history of Emperor Lianna, rolling on the bed, looking forward and crying.

Seeing Hathaway, who remembered her childhood lover, knelt down on the martial arts field when she was young, and the grim master who was constantly beating her back with the whip, the master opened his mouth as if saying something.

The words became clearer,

The picture freezes,

"My teacher once said that true heroes and knights are martyrs in the end. They should be killed in front of a powerful opponent, and their partners and flowers are welcoming back to their homeland under the weeping of the corpse surrounded by flowers."


Dying with flowers surrounded by partners?

Looking at the man with bright red eyes, his complexion was slightly stagnant, but he calmed down again. His heart was already cold enough to ignore these emotions.

This planet is somewhat inexplicable.

This universe has been is about to turn into a bubble and be torn apart. Now it is a fake small universe. It is unexpected that there are still survivors living here...

Suddenly, the whole person with bright red eyeballs felt as if they had sensed something, and there was a look of surprise on his expression.

Who? ?

He couldn't help but speak.

A man walked slowly in the void, with a gentle expression and an inexplicable illusion of sacredness, he bent over and said to Isaac:

"No one will really die in front of me."

Isaac's eyes were startled, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He completely remembered the first years, and met the scene of God at the beginning,

That tall and powerful civilian knight watched "Chronicles of the Mayan Civilization" under the light, wiping unstoppable tears, an angel knight walked slowly and laughed softly: "Child, believe in the light."

Just as before.

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