My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 317: Liu Luo's hands-on

The corner of Liu Luo's mouth raised a gloomy look, "So that's it, as long as I change this past, can I change my future?"

He silently felt the Buddhist clan, and the whole person showed a sense of peace.

This race is simply tailor-made for him.

His technique is to kill and devour common people's souls, and to condense the puppet personality of soul slaves one by one.

Before he killed the reincarnations of the Buddha and the great powers, he used part of their souls as personalities to drive them...

He Liu Luo, is the demon who gathered countless personalities.

Once these two techniques are combined, he can reincarnate his countless soul slave personalities into players, and he alone controls countless undead player powerhouses.

"That's great."

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, "Unfortunately, my previous soul puppet personalities have disappeared, and I can only search for each puppet again...looking for a powerful existence."

"Go ahead."

Fu Qingjun watched Liu Luo leave.

Only Liu Luo is such a murderer who kills the common people like this. The monster who killed hundreds of millions of mortals and low-level practitioners at the age of eight is the most suitable for this fourth natural disaster army.

What's more, his own practice is also extremely compatible.

"The Buddhism, the Immortals, the Snails and the Witches...These three races can be said to be very powerful. After all, I used a few strands of life rules to fuse. These are creations that appear from the power of the Supreme Universe. Even these seven-level civilizations are an extremely powerful race."

Fu Qingjun has confirmed this through Elson's words.

"Let those players do things, they don't, they hold their power and pretend to be sons everywhere, and they have never been on the battlefield from the beginning to the end. I thought they were going to rise up before, so let them rest assured. Just hide."

"Liu Luo is just a foolish lunatic, unscrupulous, he may be able to make something special."


Seven years in a blink of an eye.

Liu Luo rebuilt to the fifth stage and directly entered the sixth stage.

He did not superimpose dimensions, but intends to directly use the one-dimensional sixth-order, believe in a seventh-order strong, and use the other party's regular projection to reach the pseudo seventh-order.

Then, use the pseudo-seventh order to intercept your own rules and break through the seventh-order of truth.

"I believe in a stupid **** of the rules of fire, with the help of the power of fire."

At this time, the pseudo 7th-order Liu Luo, stretched out his hand, burning with blazing flames

"I want to use this seventh-order power to start looking for my own rules, but before that, I have to do other a few more fake seventh-orders and let them become my soul puppets."

"With these soul puppet personalities, constantly reincarnating, my countless personalities walk on the earth alone, which is a whole army of natural disasters that cannot be killed."

A star vein on the earth.

In the Black Chaotic Night Forest, several Tier 6 powerhouses are escorting supplies to the front line.

The entire deep forest covers an area of ​​70 light-years, which is vaster than countless planets, and is full of plants and life.

This is the power of the new universe, transforming the uninhabitable planets, crushing the planets into the earth, making the earth extremely broad and highly utilized.

"Predecessors, we **** supplies to the military camp on the front line." A pseudo 7th-order expression was calm, and he moved forward.

But in the next second, a black shadow descended from the sky.

Countless rubble exploded, and the sergeant below instantly turned into blood.

Only a few powerful people in the center survived, staring blankly at the figure that had descended in the ruins.

The monster's skin was faintly black and purple, and two huge horns grew from his forehead, pointing to the sky. His feet were two sheep's hooves, burning with raging flames, pulling out a flame zone on the ground.

"What are you?" A seventh-order strong man opened his eyes wide.

There are countless pairs of black wings on the back of that monster, burning sheep’s hooves and flames slowly coming towards him, “I, Lucifer, the most beautiful and powerful archangel ever in heaven, the star of dawn, and today, I want to take my The anger was vented on the earth."

"Pull the whole world into the abyss!"

That non-combat pseudo-rank 7 was madly attacked, and was quickly swallowed, leaving the entire ground a deadly Jedi.

In the next second, the dead pseudo-rank 7 slowly walked out of Lucifer's body, "I name you the fallen archangel under Lucifer's command. Let me enjoy the eternal life of the abyss with me."

Lucifer, this is Liu Luo's first personality to slay countless powerful people.

Liu Luo didn't know what his personality should be called, so he just made a mockery, and some of the history that he had exchanged with Professor Nasika also came in handy.

"Go ahead, not afraid of death."

Liu Luopan is sitting in a cave, far controlling the first personality, "You can continue to reincarnate, like the Great Leiyin Temple, my personality, you enjoy eternal life."


Ten years have passed.

The entire dark forest of night, a large number of front-line resources were attacked one after another during the transportation, and the seventh step of a statue of truth came completely to investigate this matter thoroughly.

The atmosphere is solemn.

In the center sits a middle-aged man with a hook nose, who is the deputy commander of the legion sent by the frontline legion to thoroughly investigate the matter.


The eagle-eyed man's eyes were calm, "We suspect that this is the Qunhe civilization on the front line, sent to harass the strong behind."

The person next to him looked at the information, and said speechlessly: "What, it's only the lower level two. It combines the two most inferior rules. Everyone in the room can easily solve each other. Does it need you to come in person?"

The deputy commander of the legion shook his head, "First of all, the other party is Lucifer. He claims to be Lucifer. He seems to come from a force called Hell. He is the head of the Seven Demon Kings. This person has mastered the rules of flame truth."

In the picture, there appeared a tall handsome man with a flame sheep's hoof, huge horns on his head, full of power, and countless pairs of black wings on his back.

The evil smell made everyone feel terrified.

Even they frowned, this is a trait that can only be found in countless lives.

"Hell? Heaven? Does it really exist?" a strong man asked.

Regardless of the mythology of any civilization, there must be a place for the dead, but the names are different.

"I don't know, but Lucifer said that he came from hell.... The main **** who has the rules of flame truth in the north and south was attacked and killed. He was suspected to have laid hands. According to witnesses, he led a group of pseudo-seventh tiers and seized each other. The rules, this person's methods are fierce, and the combat experience is extremely rich."

"The most important thing is that Lucifer is immortal."

"He has been killed countless times by the law enforcement team, but has been reborn countless times, and the pseudo 7th rank of the law enforcement team has already died as many as thirteen. According to the investigation of the legionary investigators, after he was killed, he would be extremely reborn after being reborn. Weak and small, but can kill and absorb the power of the common people and quickly recover."

These words silenced the entire conference room.

This ridiculously weak guy who has just entered the seventh rank, has such a strong racial trait to enter?

Immortal, I'm afraid it is a cosmic race that splits the clone and resembles a mollusk. The body is hidden in the dark. It is a rare legendary race power in the universe.

And growing through slaughter, that is the powerful power that those soul races have.

The combination of these two characteristics is no longer as simple as one plus one, and it makes everyone feel depressed.

What the **** is this?

A naturally occurring powerful racial trait is already a very small probability event, but two anti-sky racial traits are actually superimposed on the same creature?

This is almost impossible.

Unless it is the fusion of life races, but that is impossible.

The rules of life are the greatest and mysterious force in the universe...

As a result, they just flashed the idea of ​​a glimpse and ignored it.

A strong man asked: "How do you kill the opponent?"

Someone immediately replied, "I don't know, I think there should be only a seal, otherwise it is difficult to find where the opponent's body is...unless it is the power of the law of causality, but I have never seen it.

Soon, another man with a low voice said: "But he said that he came from hell, where the dead belonged to the head of the seven demon kings of hell, possessing six-sevenths of God's power, but what is God?"

"do not know."

The deputy commander of the legion also pressed his temple painfully and fell into contemplation, "But no matter what, the other party is growing up at a crazy speed, and we must kill him. Who is the God, it is worth paying attention to... and , He said he was the head of the seven demon kings, Lucifer, the ruler of the fallen angels, who are those seven other demon kings?"

"Where is he from?"

"I always feel that I have been brought into a huge mythical worldview, what exactly is that Lucifer." The strong men of this military area were a little silent.

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