"A universe giant with endless flesh and blood? Too weak."

Fu Qingjun looked calm and stretched out his hand gently.

To be honest, he has completely absorbed the legacy of that civilization.

With the remnants left by them, accomplishing their unfinished feats, wandering the universe with the rules of time, extracting the rules of life, and mastering the rules of life, they are already the saints of this part of the universe, walking for the heavens.

In the eyes of his rules, the life-aggregating creature in front of him is simply a giant made of a mess of rotten meat... he was stricken by him.


The entire flesh and blood collapsed, turned into a mountain and collapsed.

Since Liu Luo and the others are interested, he is willing to have a real fight before going back to the past.

Otherwise, if they are really moving, Liu Luo and others are part of their own hair. Their power is their own power. The stronger they are, the stronger they are, do they really have to fight?

At this time, Fu Qingjun just didn't use the authority of his family members of the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons.

After playing a game, not only can you be familiar with the opponent and the strength that you just broke through, but you can also use the rules to turbulently wash the earth violently, so that those guys can't calculate the cause and effect and where they are going.


The flesh and blood collapsed instantly.

This large, flesh-and-blood giant of grass, which spans countless thousands of kilometers and is comparable to the stars, collapsed in an instant.

"I am Pangu, and I have fallen into all souls!"

But their limbs and flesh and blood split into different creatures, a figure in mythology,

Liu Luo used the entire universe of stars and all the common people of the Qunhe civilization to converge into countless Eastern and Western mythical personalities in his body.

The characters in countless myths are split. At this moment, he is looking at the **** in front of him, with black hair and shawl, with several pairs of white holy wings, noble and elegant, but his expression is extremely indifferent.

"This is... God!"

"Mastering common people's life is the ‘heaven’ of time and fate!"

"It turns out that throughout history, he has been playing with our development, playing with us in his hands."

A powerful overlord opened his mouth, and among them were characters such as Emperor Jing and Miduo.

Fu Qingjun lowered his head, looked at the family kingdom of this era that he had worked so hard to nurture, looked at the characters on this land,

"I have never deliberately manipulated the life trajectory of every creature, and you wait for fate and freedom, but you have already failed. In the past tens of billions of years ago, failure turned into destiny, and destiny turned into destiny. The general trend is unchangeable. The fate of the flood is irreversible... but you are reversing cause and effect."

"Historically, have we really failed?" Jingdi's voice was hoarse.

"How is that? God has been entrenched for tens of billions of years in the past and the future. The fate is fixed, and we still have to go against the sky!"

"I wait for my life to be free, who dares to sit on top of the long river of time, overlooking me and waiting? I will wait to reverse the time and fight for the emperor's freedom!"

The mythical figures on the earth opened their mouths one after another and started directly.


They stopped talking, and attacked by their own rules. They all have terrifying cosmic power, like tornadoes, thunderstorms, tsunamis, and countless celestial phenomena. They are sandwiched with ultra-low temperature, lava, and flames. , Electromagnetic, gravity, and other top-notch rules oscillate with each other.


God was instantly annihilated.

However, the next second he came back to life again, and looked at them quietly with his hands on his back, "Is it useful? Can you kill the air that you can't hold with your fists and swords?"

"We are not a force of one dimension." The tall and majestic God of Water spoke together.

"We can't hit the time." Zhu Rong, who was covered in flames, said in a low voice.

"Buddha of immeasurable life, his body is hidden in a certain way, what method is used?" the contemporary Buddha said.

In the discussion among countless people, God stretched out his hand and grabbed it lightly, and he continuously extracted the vitality that existed in front of them, causing them to age rapidly and head toward the exhaustion.


Everyone looked at this scene dumbfounded, the other party was like a black hole, forming a conceptually indescribable and indescribable suction, sucking them inside.

All mythical emperors struggled.

But no matter how struggling, their bodies are like loopholes, and the strength of the material side can't be resisted at all, and they watched their strength rapidly deplete and gradually move toward their twilight years.

At this time, the silent Xia Di opened his eyes, "You have unlimited potential in this technique, which can be refuted but not refined. It needs a combination of personality power, let me come."

His voice just fell, and the countless saints of the whole land walked towards the end of life with their wailing and sorrows. As they fell, a river of blood ran down the earth, and countless flesh and blood gathered into a small final demon. Western France.

Behind Lucifer are countless demons born from the corpses of the mythical gods.

A demon overture full of evil, resounding through the world, with endless sadness and charm,

"We were born of death."

"We grow up in the ashes."

"We kill to the light in despair."

Countless demons in **** began to appear, and the seven demon kings such as Satan formed a well-trained army of **** intact, looking towards the sky.

"Oh? The personality born from the corpse has finally gathered some strength." God smiled.

Lucifer, a black-winged angel with bright red eyes, looked at God, "We hell, we must kill the sky again, kill the sky, kill God!"

Lucifer held the Spear of Destroying God and leaped lightly.

The endless fear of death strikes. This is a collection of the seven deadly sins of the common people, and countless negative summaries of hatred, sorrow, fear, despair and other emotions. It is like the endless paradise lost from the abyss of hell, attacking the body of God. .

However, God remained unscathed after being recruited. He stood quietly in the air, thinking indifferently: Is this the power of the rules of life, the ultimate rules based on time...

The strongest ultimate power of the universe, as if sitting on a throne, overlooking the rule gods below, possessing absolute dominance and unimaginable crushing pressure.

"The concentration of emotions is the biggest lethal weapon in life, how could he be unresponsive?"

Lucifer growled, "Are you really a life? What kind of thing are you? As long as it is a living thing, it is absolutely impossible to reach this horrible negative emotion."

"The ultimate demon of emotions, you are very good."

Fu Qingjun didn't use any fancy rules. He insisted on the super life rules. With terrifying power, speed, and burst, he lifted Lucifer with one hand, pulled it like kneading noodles, and squeezed it with his hands.


Only when Lucifer fell, the corpses of countless **** demons, squirming flesh and blood, gathered together vast giants.

This tall and majestic giant of flesh and blood, covering the sky, with countless small giants behind him, forms a country of giants.

"Wine, when Xingtian fights against the emperor!"

Behind him with countless corpses turned into great witches, forming the kingdom of great witches, overwhelming the sky, swaying his body, pulling up mountains, as a totem column weapon, to fight bravely.

"I'm reincarnated again, I've already been here waiting for me." God stood high in the sky and chuckled. He who mastered the power of life could easily see through the flaws of life, and with a single tap, the earth collapsed.

Their lives decomposed in an instant, decomposed into quanta, and turned into light humans, releasing countless light and heat, shining on the earth like super nuclear fusion.

Countless giants died, and an overwhelming giant leader roared, holding a giant axe, and instantly fought against God with equal strength.

When the giant axe collided with the fist and foot, a terrifying high temperature and high pressure was formed, like the terrifying sound of the explosion of stars, distorting the light and lightning, in the snow-white silence, God kept being reborn, grabbing the giant's arm and tearing it hard. Cracked, a white light flashed, and the giant's head fell instantly.

However, the giant has no head and is still fighting frantically.

In the doomsday scene that obscured the sky, everyone looked up at the picture of the **** sitting on the giant's body, constantly pulling and tearing the giant's skin.

There was a mess of corpses everywhere, and trillions of tons of sand and rocks filled the air with a bright red blood mist, as if a red tsunami swept across the earth. The entire summer courtyard had collapsed and the four pillars were cracked.

Fu Qingjun was completely moved, and said softly, "Although my family members are still weak and vulnerable, if Lucifer was desperate just now, is it the power to gather hope now? They are constantly concentrating on the external vices. Personality, it was all messed up before, and finally some human figures...the technique seems to be completely improved."


In the next second, the giant's flesh and blood was completely blurred, and his whole body exploded into blood mist, completely unable to regenerate.

"Is there any other means?" Fu Qingjun said lightly, waiting quietly.

Xing Tian completely turned into a blood mist, leaving only the head that was chopped off at the beginning. It stood huge on the ground and turned into a mountain, but his eyes still flashed with a raging warfare, and he would rather die than surrender.


There was a crisp sound.

The head of Xing Tian gradually melted and turned into bronze-colored juice, gathering and rushing on the earth.

The corpse of Lucifer, which symbolizes the killing in the dark, and the corpse of Xingtian, which symbolizes the guardianship of the light, gradually condensed into flesh and blood, and became a terrifying ancient sword without front.

A big white hand lightly held the hilt of the sword.

"It's your hand, killing the personality, fusing the personality, and it's finally completed."

Emperor Xia's face was handsome and he walked out step by step, "One side is the heaven, the other is hell, the other is the mountains, the other is the ocean, and the other is despair and hope."

"The mountains, rivers, sun and moon are engraved on the book, and the book is about farming and raising livestock."

Jiaxia completely perfected the power Liu Luo and him gathered ~www.readwn.com~ Numerous personalities rushed together, "The spear disappeared, and only the sword can be used as a weapon."

Emperor Xia stepped into the void step by step, looking calmly at the God in front of him.

In the distance, Tang Meng and other people on Earth who have traveled to tens of billions of prehistoric times watched this scene dumbfounded, "Is the final moment of history finally coming?"

"Wait, that is... Xuanyuanjian!"

Everyone looked at the bronze long sword that Xing Tian's head turned into, and suddenly remembered the record of Xuanyuan Sword.

Xuanyuan sword, the legendary sword of the gods.

Xuanyuan Sword, also known as Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword, is a sword of the holy way.

This sword was cast by the gods and the copper from the first mountain. The body of the sword is engraved with the sun, moon and stars on one side, and the mountains and grass on the other side.

With countless mythological personalities, Emperor Xia gathered in the long sword, forming a sword by itself. In the body of the giant, countless powerful people gathered here, "All the powers are gathered together, and we have to change our destiny."

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