My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 333: Power return

Everyone stared blankly at the giant like a star, overlooking the cosmic continent like a giant overlooking the tabletop, that kind of majestic, gloomy, secretive, deep, and evil, with countless arms and legs tentacles slowly creeping behind them.

This is a sight they haven't seen for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is indescribable.

Everyone stood on the table in a daze, looking at the **** who was frozen on top, looking up like an ant.


That voice was filled with countless torrents of information consciousness, which shocked everyone's hearts.

"History is repeating..." Fu Qingjun's huge phantom looked at the entire universe's desktop again.

Jiaxia is strong, but he is strong. The entire Great Summer Court and even the seventh-order civilizations of the two great river systems have been infected by him. He seems to be these common people's heavens. The stronger they are, the stronger themselves. At this time, the torrent of their power has become This behemoth.

"It's you again..."

Jiaxia raised her head and looked at the indescribable giant in the sky, "Trinity..."

The white whirlpool of countless fine-grained labyrinths circling in the mist is all the truths of the world, and it is the **** of knowledge, Hormons.

The endless black cylinder that floats in the mist and pierces endless time and space, contains everything and life in the entire world, and is the **** of creation, Amiro.

The last huge face that is difficult to see please outline, invisible and quality, I am afraid it is the legendary **** of wisdom.

Jiaxia looked at the vast existence that seemed to pass through the eternal ancient times, and couldn't help saying: "Back then, you sent me away and gave me the great scepter, which has disappeared..."

Fu Qingjun said nothing.

It was just accident. I didn't know the effect by accident at the time, and the time shuttle was opened directly to let you return to the distant past with the sails of the ancient ship.

But it was also a mistake.

But it was a mistake before, and now this time Fu Qingjun intends to truly grant him the sail.

Click! !

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky.

The statue of God, frozen in midair, was squirming, and an illusory scepter slowly emerged from him and slowly peeled off.

Everyone looked trembling.

Especially the King of the Stars and the Emperor of the Realm, their gazes were fanatically looking at the great time scepter that symbolized the highest rule of the universe.

Owning this scepter means being able to control one of the most important rules of the universe, the most core program code, to walk the way for the sky and reach the highest point in the universe.

The giant in the sky reached out his hand.

Brush pull.

The authority returned to the hands of Emperor Xia.

An ancient eternal rant came from the sky: "The power of the world is declining, the universe is collapsing, and the civilizations on countless planets have stolen matter, rules, and everything are torn apart and collapsed."

"I'm weak..."

The sound sandwiched a huge, vast, complicated will, as if the sound of countless common people and matter in the universe were mixed, and bombarded everyone's hearts.

"Only this time..."

A voice kept pouring into my heart.


Jiaxia's next second, he suddenly entered a certain space, the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons.

He looked around, "I want to transform my own body, enhance my own racial potential, and integrate the previously scattered personality, blood, and rules into a life..."

At this time, in the outside world,

The figure in the void gradually blurred, and everyone looked at the giant blankly.

Is the universe alive?

It’s like the age of primitive planets, stealing nature’s sand, stone, iron ore, and nature’s powerlessness will not resist. They still think that the universe is dead, and they keep stealing rules. Seeing that the universe cannot resist, they think the universe is not. Willful, but is there a hazy will in the universe?

Is the riddled universe resisting that thief civilization?


The universe is disappearing.

The frozen world of black and white purity is returning quickly.

The stalwart and indescribable cosmic celestial phenomena appeared in just an instant, and the world returned to peace.

It's like nothing happened...

"Well, what is this!?????" The King of Stars' mind went into a crash. The scene just now was like a dream. I can't see the truth. Amiro, Hormons, Jiaxia... these existences are real. Is it? Do they really exist? But maybe there is only the concept of the universe that can be fixed to the kind of horrible God who is powerless to resist..

In other words, the universe is declining and is being eaten by robber civilizations, like hyenas with **** eyes, and has gradually gone to death.

The universe is indeed declining.

The rules that he naturally conceived are being stolen and being transformed by creatures.

It's like the mountains and rivers that have been naturally bred since the birth of a planet, being destroyed by man, constantly damaging nature, stealing the source of water, land, and building your own high-rise buildings...

"All things are born to support others, and people have no virtue to repay the sky." Li Junchen said in the distance.

As soon as these words fell, it seemed like a bolt from the blue in everyone's minds, clarifying the true meaning of all the world at this time, and the pattern of the universe.


The frozen universe was finally recovered slowly.

Xia Di returned to this land again, his bones creaked and creaked, his body evolved to a certain degree, and his body was elevated, and the whole person seemed to become a certain form of ultimate life. The terrifying pressure made people palpitate. .

"Authority... no longer here."

Emperor Xia's expression was calm, his walking stick, shattered into two regular fragments, quickly poured into his body.

He had not entered the seventh step before, so he could not integrate the rules, and could only be driven by the treasure of the scepter, but now he has retrieved the scepter again and has completely integrated the rules.

God opened his eyes, as if he didn't know anything, he still kept his previous actions, and waved his palm fiercely.


In the next second, God's actions stopped, full of anger and disbelief, and soon became calm again, "How is it possible? Xia Di, what did you do?"


Seeing God’s expression, the King of Stars laughed, full of madness and hatred, "I really made a bet! I made a bet! Sure enough, Emperor Xia is the reincarnation of the concept of the universe, and is the only way to deal with you, a thief. And variables!"

He laughed in excitement, experienced the ups and downs of death, and no longer cared about his image.

"Is that so?"

God Xia Qing seemed to know something, her expression gloomy, "Unexpectedly, at this time, there should be this kind of power... But after using force this time, he is afraid that he will become more exhausted."

"So what's wrong!!"

The Star King laughed, "You have lost the rules of time, what power do you have? You are dead, you have been abolished, and you are destined to fall here!"

Everyone was trembling with excitement!

Just now, the terrifying power of God, UU reading has left enough shadows on them.

No matter what plans and methods they used, how they broke out of potential, how they temporarily improved their exercises, they were all ruined and ruined.

But now, they have changed their destiny, and they are bound to succeed!

"Unexpectedly, he is still alive in this time and space, and he is not so weak that he actually interfered with his fate."

The voice of God froze through the bones and resounded in everyone's hearts.

"Thinking that if you can regain the power of time, you can win me securely?"

"It is indeed worthy of your pride to defeat me in my prime of life, ten billion years later."

"Then, what comes the mature me."

The unprecedented terror pressure has completely come, as if it has to go beyond the rules of time. Some conceptual thing has traveled through the long river of time and arrived in this time and space.

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