My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 346: Make a choice

Bai Long sat cross-legged.

Being a microbial body type is a whole new experience.

"To become stronger, the previous ant-sized biological civilizations have already given a plan to fight across the body-soil-bearing creatures."

"In the way of self-division, the tiny fleshy clumps are constantly superimposed on each other, forming a brand new life...and it should be the same right now."

And as a part of the fungal organism itself, it is naturally possible to stack together.

Mushrooms, fungi, these are all superimposed one by one to form.

"Too Sui."

He naturally remembered the myth and legend of the meat Ganoderma lucidum, and began to name it like Fu Qingjun.

"In other words, I have to rely on division and start cultivating a bunch of slimy microorganisms, sticking together?" He hesitated, always feeling that this was wrong and not perfect.

He closed his eyes slightly, "As a virus, bacteria, and fungus, I should have a better idea."

time flies.

Bai Long's retreat is countless cold and heat.

The entire land has been completely infected, and a huge plague swept the land, turning some citizens into walking corpses.

On the other side, a martial art began to rise.

The probiotics living in the body, and the host mutually beneficial symbiosis, began to help them practice martial arts, this is simply a kind of martial arts virus, infected people will quickly expand into muscles and muscles, regardless of male or female, body shape It's extremely exaggerated, and it makes people stunned.

At the same time, there is a more terrible virus, the brood virus.

It is also called Gu poison by the common people of this land. Numerous microbial civilizations are bred in the body. These microbial civilizations live in giants and have the ability of clones to allow undead clones to go out to war.

With the development of Gu poisons, they began to diversify, and the effects of microorganisms in the body were different and different Gu Masters appeared.

Gu masters of cure, plague, assassination, large-scale, investigation, and various genres are bred into huge civilizations in their bodies.

At this point, the three-legged era structure has been completely formed.

The puppet plague virus that obliterates the will of the host,

Two viruses that help host,

The entire infected land began to transform into a brand-new witchcraft civilization—the Mushroom Wizard Kingdom.

The mythical civilization dominated by microbes here has an unimaginable diversity.

"The communication from the outside world has been isolated, and it will take a long time to discover the anomaly here." King Mushroom Wizard is very familiar with the road. After all, he has been entrenched in a piece of land to release natural disasters before, and this is not the first time he has done it.

"Even if it is discovered, it will definitely send the lower-level students of the academy to investigate first, but it is just to die." He said proudly.

God just smiled and looked at the already diversified civilization.

Time flies, they are still fighting each other, and the scope of infection is getting bigger and bigger, and even the powerful civilizations and kingdoms nearby have begun to uncontrollably know that there is a plague saint who has multiplied on this land and turned this land into Natural disasters.

"In this way, you have enough power to attack a true god, right?"

Another day, God walked out of the shadows and spoke directly.

"Yes, I already have. The camp created by these three captives is very good." When the Mushroom King was excited, he was obviously prepared. "His Royal Highness, I have delineated a saint with the rules of the flame system. After all, I have obtained it. After that, it will be more helpful to me, and the future viruses will have fever characteristics, even the saints will be difficult to resist!"

Most of the fungus saints choose the fire type, because they are universal and most effective.

In fact, a rule will have different effects in the hands of different species. For example, combat saints will attack directly, and they will let their viruses carry the effect of heat poisoning.

"I have broken through the seventh step, and then I can project the rules to the people of the tribe, so that their viruses will be attacked with fire elements one after another." He said.

"Go ahead."

Fu Qingjun looked indifferent, "Don't expose my existence, otherwise you will have a few enemies who are not enough to attract kills. Although the biological structure is a bit outrageous, it is not too conspicuous to hide. After all, viruses are It’s not that there are no saints of natural disasters, there are countless lands in this piece of Colorful Kingdom alone."

"Yes Yes."

The Mushroom King quickly said: "Are you leaving?"

"Will be away for a while."

God said softly: "After all, it has been a while since I came to this era. I am familiar with the environment and can go outside for a walk."

I don't intend to interfere with this big mushroom.

As a natural disaster saint, he still acts and develops according to his original trajectory, so it is not easy to be noticed.

"Yes, I will wait for others to crusade, and be cautious...Even if you die, you will not be exposed." The Mushroom King said quickly.

Time spent a few more springs and autumns.

And the one who arrived first was not the strangling team of the Colorful Kingdom, but a member of a secret organization.

"We, the Black Wall School, would like to invite Your Excellency to join us. We are the existence of the gathering of natural disaster creatures." A shadowed existence said.

"I'll join, I'll join..." King Mushroom was very excited. He had already heard of the advent of this organization, but his previous strength was weak and he was not seen at all.

Obviously, he also began to have his own intentions.


Saying goodbye to King Mushroom, Fu Qingjun plans to leave the Colorful Magic Kingdom directly.

Although the land is suitable for development, it is ultimately an extremely remote place with backward information and not many strong people.

Fu Qingjun intends to send a weak clone to a realm of relatives close to Tianzun to take a look at the core area...

"What is the difference between me and those other concept levels?"

Fu Qingjun looked According to the truth, the seventh-order is just a Dzogchen. I quickly reached this seventh-order perfection, and I also mastered the concept-level rules, in terms of strength and rules. , We should have the same combat power. "

"But... it's definitely not the case." Fu Qingjun frowned, knowing how powerful those existences are and how they cultivated is the most important thing.

He dissipated all the way, teleporting towards the central core area.

At this time, Bai Long also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes flickering, "My new race has been completed, it is still a fairy tale, and it is still a seizure stream."

He looked at this land of natural disasters with a cold expression, "Here is a war, and I disdain to be with them, but I am born out of them, so I can't do anything. After all, for their civilization, humans are their pigs. , This is the law of the food chain."

He thought for a while, and leaped forward directly, "I don't want to participate in these wars, but I want to find the earth that year, where I went, and whether my people have soared into this heaven."

As Fu Qingjun said and thought, he will assume the development and leadership of the earth in this era.

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