My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 392: The truth of history

"Is there really no hope?" You Tianzun sighed.

"You Tianzun, Xia Zun, you are all descendants of those former opponents in the past."

Suddenly, one of the strongest heavens in the universe, Yuanshou Tianzun, who controls life, suddenly sighed and said: "You are the descendants of old friends who are worthy of admiration. Although we want to kill you, we also understand your ideas."

"I know your intentions, you want to overthrow us, and then when you completely master all the heavenly seats in the universe, use all the rules of the universe to establish a new cosmic program-self-slashing heavenly seats, you must make the universe without the'tianzun' seat. Concept, you must let the'three rules of the heavens' belong to one place, and operate on your own, so that the new universe will be created in an era where there are only saints' rules and no rules of the heavens."

Sage, Tianzun, are two concepts.

The material rules mastered by the saints, the basic wind, fire, thunder, and electricity... are just the subtle details of the universe's procedures. Although powerful, they are also within the order allowed by power.

However, the conceptual rules that Tianzun mastered are too illegal!

This is the core rule of the universe and should not be in the hands of any living beings.

Such unthinkable rules can easily destroy the sound order of the universe, tear the universe torn apart, and cannot overthrow them.

Why can the saint, the deity, live forever?

It’s because the Immortal Heavenly Lord has drastically modified the rules of the universe’s order and stripped the soul’s “karma” so that life will not be flooded with huge amounts of information as time goes by, and it can still maintain consciousness by cutting away the soul trash. Ching Ming, so I am not old and not dead!

And a single rule of immortality has achieved the level of violation that makes the universe so unbalanced!

Not to mention time travel, accelerate the future...

One by one, they are the biggest moths in the universe, even after they want to open up the world, they will always be eternal!

"How can we tolerate you like this?" You Tianzun sternly said: "You want to be eternal. You have been chaotic like this, subverting the order of the universe, playing with common people and civilization."

"Your appearance reminds me of You Tianzun of the previous generation. He and I were good friends."

Yuan Shou Tianzun didn’t look at him, he just whispered, talking about the past, and smiled very leisurely: “This is the country of the whirlpool back then, and even when we were still young, we have already realized the three things of time, space, and life. Datianzun’s rules are completely different from ordinary material rules. They are terrible..."

"We have envisioned the future. When we take the rules of Tianzun and establish a new universe, we will cut off our rules of Tianzun, so that no one can master the rules of Tianzun, put them together in one place, and operate by themselves..."

"Unfortunately, you are rotten, and you are beginning to be unwilling to accept these incredible rules."

You Tianzun said earnestly: "So, for our ancestors, those heroes who died, to overthrow the ancient heroes who have been stunned, and let you return to your original aspirations and dreams when you were young."

Xu Tianzun spoke again and sneered: "It's useless, the third riot is still just our rotten heavenly elders, fighting within ourselves. We want to be more focused on our power, so that we are even more decayed! "

You Tianzun and Xia Zun's expressions sank.

In the current situation, four decaying celestials have joined here. Even if they want to slay their gods in the future, so that the universe does not have the concept of "celestials", other celestials who hold authority disagree, and it is impossible to do so without abandoning the rules .

Watching the arguing of the few people below, Fu Qingjun gradually understood the struggle of the entire history of the development of the universe following their conversations over and over again in his heart.

Also understood Youtianzun and Jiaxia, what they want to do.

In a true sense, they are true sages, and they are admirable.

Fu Qingjun sighed with emotion and changed to a more comfortable sitting position on the chair, "It turns out that the country of the vortex I inherited is such a passionate and honest civilization!"

"The lord of the vortex country, he would rather die than surrender, consume the power of the whole country, build the ancient ship of time, harvest the rules of good fortune, and put it into the distant future generations. He also wants to leave behind and make his own roar in the coffin.

Fu Qingjun felt complicated.

In fact, from his point of view, it's pretty good.

The four decaying gods joined, which meant that they helped themselves to overthrow those outside gods.

What about decay?

Afterwards, he can pretend that he has slowly fallen, and the heroic and mighty Heavenly Lord of Good Fortune has also decayed, and it is no harm to go along with them.

Finally, I am no longer involved in these existences, I don't need to be the king of the pot, I don't need to be so careful, and I will be scammed and played to death at any time.

"But this reason, joining the other party, is ashamed of his own conscience." Fu Qingjun shook his head, "What is reason? Rational people are not heroes. Jiaxia and You Tianzun, these heroes are irrational people, and heroes are knowingly. An extremely weak person who still resists."

Although he is a salted fish, he also has a conscience.

"But, why do you think so much?"

Fu Qingjun sat on a chair and drank another sip of tea while looking down. To put it bluntly, he was a melon-eater in this palace, and he knew the best of his combat power. He just looked around and couldn’t do anything. .

"Cough cough cough."

Fu Qingjun looked at the swords below, divided into two groups of forces, and finally said: "What about those? Let's do business."

"But..." You Tianzun hesitated.

"Yes, yeah, do business, do business." Xu Tianzun laughed heartily, "Let's quickly convert those magical thoughts into our combat power, and then use their Tianzun rules to deduce the real general trend. "

"Then how to divide these magic thought rules?"

"Of course it is evenly divided. Every Tianzun has a share. Hurry up and increase the Tianzun-level combat power for people he trusts, or use it by himself." Yuanshou Tianzun laughed and relieved the tension in the presence like an old good person.

Even splitting is the best.

Even the Heavenly Lord of Good Fortune who doesn't do anything, he is the real leader, after all, although he has never made a move, his combat power is mysterious, and his calculations do not know the depth, the future may have to rely on him a lot.

After all the Tianzun present experienced what happened before them, they all had a complete awe and vigilance towards the Tianzun of Good Fortune.

"Is it evenly divided?"

Above the imperial throne, the hazy phantom slowly said: "Since I haven't made a shot, why should I give me a point? The hunting operation organized this time, the most powerful one is Xia Zun... Give this share of mine to Xia Zun."

After all, it's hard to get rid of it when you get it yourself, and take it to Bai Long, Qin Hong and others.

It's better to give Jiaxia, he will definitely give it to them, and it's justified.

"It's so easy, just let it go? So selfless? Then why did he let us..." All Tianzun suddenly raised their heads, looked at the leader of the revolutionary army, and couldn't see his calculations more clearly.

Fu Qingjun looked at Tianzun below, very leisurely.

I seem to have mastered some more proficient skills. The truth is that they can’t guess what is true or false. I’m on the zeroth floor, but they frantically wondered which floor I’m on. This kind of second-word Tianzun will only be easy when I become a master. .

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