My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 44: God, sleep in the sun tomb!

   That's true...

   Qin Hong showed such an expression as expected.

   The various historical clues that I have searched for have indeed been verified.

   Even if this ancient **** and demon denied it, she believed that the other party was definitely lying, but she did not expect the other party to admit it so easily...

   She took a deep breath, and a certain guess was conceived in her heart.

   It seems that this **** and demon is extremely frank, and is the type of ancient **** who disdains lying.

   Fu Qingjun looked down on the whole land and didn't want to talk about this topic much. He swept through the endless pressure and returned to the script he prepared and said lightly:

   "Qin Hong, you are quite smart. Since the history of this planet, I have often made deals with many creatures."

   "Some people call me a god, others call me a demon, and there are even thousands of different names... However, this is not a shameful and sad thing."

   "Equivalent transaction, this is my principle."

   "Even many creatures have been engraved with glory on the earth because of this, leaving a name in history."

   Accompanied by ancient, terrifying, and suppressed voices, these languages ​​seem to be implanted in the depths of the soul.

   Qin Hong snorted and didn't dare to ask more.

   The voice in the sky spoke faintly again, "Everything is delivered here, and whether you can be competent depends on your future."

   The voice disappeared, and the figure disappeared.

   Fu Qingjun feels tired and doesn't want to talk, let her play freely.

  Amidst the entire land of bluestone slabs, in the palace building, only Qin Hong was left alone.


   I became a servant of God?

  Working for ancient gods and demons?

   She was startled, her head was squeezed out by the huge amount of information.

   Thinking back to her ordinary life before, she suddenly became bizarre, which simply subverted her cognition of the whole worldview.

   However, the guns of the World War II era, aircraft cannons, have been subverted once for her before, and the metal mechanical bird that can fly in the sky is simply incredible. .

   "What does this world really look like?"

   After a long time, she was relieved and looked at everything around her. The mist shrouded the mysterious ancient palace, and the ground was stepped on bluestone slabs.

   There are a few clouds of mist in the sky, and the shadows of a few animals are looming.

  There are various monsters with animal heads, human-shaped intelligent creatures with chicken heads, duck heads, snake heads, dog heads, and human heads.

   Especially the head race, I feel very kind.

   "Sure enough, I am a human being, and I am still very kind to people." She thought so, and there were some primitive animals beside her.

   She tried to control the fusion of these groups of souls, and found that they could form a new life, "Here, is it the legendary hell, the place of six reincarnations?"

   "But I am a job duty like reincarnation?"

   Her mind went blank.

   This is incredible!

   I'm just an ordinary human...

   She began to try to fuse soul energy, transform one of the animals in the human body of the chicken beast, and add the hands and feet of other soul animals, and the chicken pecked. Suddenly saw the unthinkable.

   A new life began to be born.

   But she found something extremely unreasonable, and this life soon collapsed.

   "This is very mysterious. Observe carefully. These soul arms and limbs are composed of different coding sequences, like spiral vortexes, arms woven by yarns..."

   "If you want to combine them successfully, how do you not collapse? How to achieve perfection? It is necessary to analyze the code of the essence of their lives, which is an unimaginable knowledge in a lifetime!"

   She soon started to try and was enthusiastic.

   She can't remember how many times she experimented, and she crashed every time.

   After all, as Fu Qingjun had guessed before, only by experimenting with yourself can you best feel everything and increase the success rate...At the same time, she is just an ordinary person, not the kind of master, and the natural success rate is extremely low...

   However, she has enough fault tolerance.

   At that time, those who merged the strong had only one chance, but now she can try countless times...

ten times.

   thirty times.

   sixty times.


   "The seventy-eighth time, it was a success!" She shouted loudly, looking at a new life in front of her, the duck head human body, although it was only a simple feather structure, it was already a big step.

   She has incredible achievements.

   "The limbs and arms all have feather structures, so they should be able to glide, right?"

   "Actually, in my eyes, this is still incomplete and the most perfect form. It just transforms the upper two arms into feathers, and the lower two arms into flexible palms!"

   "This is a duck head feather man!"

   She looked excited, extremely excited.

   "However, I always feel that the body of this beast head is like a **** in an ancient myth, but I don't remember it very much. After I go back, I will check the information again."

   She started to look up and down, studying how to differentiate species, and suddenly her palm accidentally touched that light cluster.

   There was a sudden darkness in front of her, as if she was absorbed in the endless darkness.

   When she woke up, she looked at the world around her, and found that she had appeared on the unfolding earth-yellow earth, her body in a very different shape.

   "Ah this?"

   She looked at her body in surprise, it turned out to be the prototype of the duck-head body.

  I was reincarnated?

   became that duck man?

   And something that surprised her even more happened.

   Her body began to gradually alienate. On the smooth black carapace, it was cracked like an eggshell, and fluffy feather slowly emerged from it.

   is like a newly born duckling breaking its shell, wet with slimy feathers,

   "What am I, has become my transformed life?"

   Her pupils suddenly dilated, and she watched her mutate, and her feathers continued to grow.

   After a while, her body was completely mutated, and her body was covered with plush. Instead, her body was extremely weak, as if her body was transformed and consumed a huge amount of physical energy.

   She barely supported her body and explored this vast expanse of gray land.

   There are some huge prehistoric ruins, which were roughly moved to the ground, and they were randomly piled up like giant toys, scattered on the ground.

   This kind of vast and ancient atmosphere with a history is coming.

   The building has been soaked with blood and stumps. Although it has been washed, it still looks reddish-brown, cold, hard and dead, with a strong and majestic vibe. Looking at it, they are all huge ancient buildings of this type.

   "Is it possible that it is a relic of some kind of prehistoric ancestor?"

Everything that    saw was incredible, once again severely impacted Qin Hong's cognition of the Three Views.

   How many secrets are hidden in this hidden ancient history?

   Am I reincarnation?

   Can I decide my race and reincarnate?

   This is not a choice similar to the way of animal life in Fuzhong and the way of heaven and humanity.

  If it were reincarnated into this world, what would that mysterious ancient **** and demon want to do?

   "Wait, I can't go back, right? My original body is dead?"

   She has a premonition of anxiety.

   As she walked along the ruins of ancient buildings, she suddenly saw the ancient slate records.

   is all centipede and tadpole texts, but it is obvious that the corresponding text is written on the first stone slab, and the meaning of the supporting pictures and texts allows her to understand.

   "Amiro created everything!"

   She couldn't help but take a deep breath when she saw this.

  God, God of Creation?

   In every ancient civilization and mythology on the earth, there are various gods, but she has never heard of the term Amiro.

   Is it possible to be forgotten in ancient history?

  This...this is too incredible.

   Continue to watch, she gradually got goose bumps.

   "Hommons gave knowledge!"

   She looked at the incredibly described Every shape was different, and she couldn't help comparing it with the ancient **** she had seen.

   should not be a category.

  According to the description, the gods here are the existence closer to the essence, the laws of nature converged by certain concepts, and master the world order and basic forces.

   "Jiaxia gave wisdom!"

   When she saw the third slab, she was completely stunned.

   It seems that this ancient civilization once existed on our planet, but why has it never been recorded?

   Could it be that the times are too old?

   She kept thinking and recalling the records in the myths from all over the world, with only a few words, but she couldn't find any corresponding places.

   But below, there was a more terrifying sentence recorded, which made her hair stand up, suppressing the panic that rushed in her heart.

   "He lives in the black and white ancient coffin in the ancient sun tower, and when the common people wake him from the cradle of heroes, the omnipotent **** will shout and lead the common people on the earth to glory."

   Her head shook.

   She still remembered seeing an old-fashioned newspaper that recorded the black-and-white picture in an ancient civilization on the other side of the ocean.

  Under the scorching sun, a vast ancient tomb with a huge golden pagoda.

   The slate of the third century, I am afraid it is described as...

  金! word! tower! ?

   This ancient third-century slate corresponds to reality.

   She recalled the horrible record again, and she was completely terrified.

   "He lives in the black and white ancient coffin in the ancient sun tower, and when the common people wake him from the cradle of heroes, the omnipotent **** will shout and lead the common people on the earth to glory."

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