My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 46: The birth of the orc empire

   Things should be stable.

   Fu Qingjun kept sorting out his thoughts,

   "It's really right to ask other people for help!"

   "This profound knowledge cannot be studied thoroughly by one person."

   "I must secretly establish a genetic research institute to create extraordinary races in this world, so that scientists can continue to send species to my sand table world civilization to achieve species diversification..."

   "And, as the extraordinary species become more powerful, the civilization dimension of the sand table world will inevitably continue to rise!"

   In Qin Hong last night, the species exploded and a huge number of new creatures appeared.

   Although there are few genetic combinations that can be used, her level is constantly growing, and it will definitely have a big effect in the future.

   "Yes, hit workers."

   Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, he walked on thin ice, constantly calculating everything.

   He didn't want to grow up for more than a decade or a hundred years. He wanted to become a big fat man with one bite, expand and develop in an all-round way, and give full play to his hair abilities!


   Expand again!

   He also discovered that his hair has the function of "net cable".

   can remotely connect to Qin Hong...

   "It seems very interesting. It seems to be able to build a magic net, similar to the one in the myth?" Fu Qingjun felt that he could gradually insert hidden wires in some necessary places and start remotely.

   is no longer as troublesome as going out before, can absorb energy.

  Such as a small speaker at night...

   In this way, she became bald the next day, and she didn’t know that she did it by herself...

   But although this avoids the possibility of being beaten to death by a trumpet, it still seems a bit immoral to do it myself.

   After all, men can’t bear that kind of hairstyle. For a girl, I’m afraid it will collapse in an instant...

   "I can't be so wicked." He thought of some.

   and the other side.

   The entire civilization is also re-developing, day and night, frantically expanding population.

   They found a small treasure house of snacks that Fu Qingjun had repeatedly eaten for 17 years.

"what is this?"

   "Mysterious huge bubbles, there are huge round foods in them!" They tore a bag of potato chips and shouted loudly.

   "God! What is this, dark filthy evil liquid, tumbling huge bubbles, but the taste is so sweet, is this a Cthulhu drink?"


   Species are expanding wildly.

   The times are changing wildly and evolving!

   However, Fu Qingjun was surprised to find that these ant civilizations were far more outrageous than he had imagined!

   "I thought that under the same conditions, people have also mastered metal and equipment. The physical fitness of those ant-men is far lower than that of the other side. They should instantly revert to the bottom layer, but I didn't expect..."

   "They are still so strong!"

   Ant people, their offspring’s heads can already contain souls, and even offspring can produce souls by themselves... you don’t need to recharge Fu Qingjun.

   is like a normal human being.

   I can circulate perfectly. When I was born, I gradually possessed intelligence and became an intelligent race.

   As for the four tribes of chicken, duck, snake, and dog, their offspring are still beasts when they are born, without wisdom, unless Fu Qingjun recharges their offspring as before.

   But, even so, they have found a way to unlock wisdom for the offspring of the wild beasts, teaching those ignorant and only instinctive beasts to exercise imprisonment, practice exercises, and then continue to improve their realm...

   Then, when he cultivates to the second realm, he can barely open up his lower wisdom.

  They are called...monsters!

   called the practice method... Kaihui!

   At this point, the human body is fragile, but the integrated brain is thoroughly premature, and the per capita quality is strong.

  The other four races have fangs, sharp teeth, and scales. They have strong bodies, but newborns have extremely low intelligence. They need to be hammered to unlock their wisdom... They are called Orcs!

   But with the crazy expansion of the region and the explosion of food, they quickly multiplied.

  Different from what he had imagined, Fu Qingjun has no time to recharge.

  They still inherit the most terrifying fertility of and have been completely released! Countless queens are simply ruthless reproductive machines, and crazily fertility crazily spread all over the room in an instant.

   Even densely packed and black, they walked out of the room and came to the living room.

   is like a vast natural disaster!

   Then, like a kobold empire, they established four orc empires separately, fighting against the mechanical empire.

   Terrible civilization disaster!

   But their internal war did not break out.

   Sufficient food, vast territory, and even unknown enemies, let them temporarily form alliances, explode their troops, population, and build huge machinery and equipment!

   They began to respect the ancient customs, carrying the corpse through the tunnel to the Bitter Sea for burial, and forging a large number of mechanical watches and music boxes.

   Fu Qingjun was dumbfounded when he saw the crazy output.

He was surprised: "The population has exploded, and I don’t even need to charge it...Although charging can be born sacred and extremely smart at birth, but the price is very low... They are self-sufficient, and the new generation, an average of one Each IQ has dropped several times...but it doesn’t matter!"

   Their first-generation souls were bestowed by Fu Qingjun and separated, which means that the offspring they were born are still their dependents. That is the eternal imprint engraved in the soul.

   "In the sand table world in the ruined room, they obviously can already do it! The production line of watches and music boxes is already very complete."

   Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "My own rear area is developing well!"

   It seems that the civilized world that I have created is on the right track. I am afraid that annexing my own home is a breeze, and I have to officially start some business.

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