My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 500: Not a big problem

Is that our line?

His heart is so heartily, my royal line has a queen? ?

It was his lifelong dream to continue the lineage of the heavens of the Taiyuan dynasty and to continue the prosperity of the dynasty.

The Heavenly Court of Taiyuan is a vast myth in the entire history of the universe!

More than thirty epochs in the universe!

They directly ruled nearly half!

What a majestic and incredible sacred ancient heaven!

Throughout the cosmic era, half of the Primordial Heavenly Sovereigns of countless centuries came from their Heavenly Court dynasty.

During their heyday, they suppressed countless epochs and created countless epoch miracles, standing on the universe forever, watching the birth and death of the universe and reopening the catastrophe indifferently.

But what about now?



How could he be willing to be the king of the subjugated country?

Died in the 13th century, he was the last king, ashamed of his ancestors!

Even, he has thought countless times that if the country is subjugated, he will endure the humiliation, and secretly continue the bloodline of the direct line, continue to smuggle for several epochs, and survive the reopening of the world again and again.

As long as there is hope if we are still alive, we can make a comeback.

In front of him, the future self who had been smuggling for several epochs and bearing the burden of humiliation, that is, Tianzun of Good Fortune, did indeed do it!

Is it really as I thought, to bear the humiliation, and with this pulse, how many times the world has opened up?

He thought in his heart, but his thoughts quickly sorted out.

Bailong, the country of prehistoric vortexes, and Jiaxia, the earth civilization of later generations, are indeed in the same line.

Moreover, the figure of Heavenly Venerable Good Fortune is interspersed before and after. Who doesn't know that Heavenly Venerable Good Fortune has been sheltering this civilization bloodline?

And the blood of the Vortex Kingdom, even more distant prehistoric, is actually the blood of the Heavenly Court of Taiyuan.

"That's us!"

His heart was filled with immense glory, and he couldn't help shouting in his heart: "I am unfailing, and my veins are endless! Taizu God blesses our descendants, the king's court!"

He has confirmed eight or nine points,

Because of my future, I do have a plan. If the kingdom is over, I might choose to endure the humiliation, hide with the survivors, and make a comeback.

And right now, it is indeed a comeback!

Who doesn't know that it is the Buddhism and Immortal Dao civilization in front of you that has become the protagonist of this era?

He was really excited and pleased in his heart,

The future self has fulfilled his dream,

Even better, the bloodline of Taiyuan Heavenly Court has not only renewed, although it still resists Tianzun Wen Ce and is oppressed by Tianzun Wen Ce!

"Wen Ce Tianzun, not only prehistoric, oppressed my Taiyuan Heavenly Court, destroyed it, but later generations also oppressed our descendants on earth!" He was very angry.

However, during the visit, Emperor Qianyuan looked at the people on earth and various Buddhist schools in the distance, and couldn't help asking: "How come the descendants of future generations, I can't see the familiar breath of blood, and the hairstyle is so weird? Is there a dispute between Da Leiyin Temple and Xiao Leiyin Temple?"

This hairstyle

To be honest, he couldn't bear to look straight.

Fu Qingjun picked up his eyelids,

Can this be blamed on me?

Isn't it Qin Hong's evil taste?

This is what she popularized.

Looks like a devout cult fanatic, what kind of stupid Mediterranean hair, Buddhism bun

This is the traditional hairstyle of our people on earth! Don’t you see China, the Middle East, the United States, island countries, Australia, and all the **** civilizations on the earth? ?

This guy has a problem with his brain circuit!

Fu Qingjun was about to vomit blood.

What kind of unnamed **** in the sky all day long, there is no shame in the world, and there are more people who believe in himself, so I can say that there is such a thing as shame?

This madness puts oneself on the back.

This is simply a certain period of black history in his glorious life, and a certain period of black material in the period of Tianzun.

But the good news is that, after all, I started to transform from holding the pot to Tianzun Huyou, from holding the pot to shaking the pot, becoming the same as the former Yuanshou, Immortal Tianzun and others.

"There will be no difference, they are the descendants of the Taiyuan Dynasty."

Fu Qingjun looked serious, "You can't see the familiar blood aura, because your reincarnation is too weak. I will help you improve your cultivation now, and you will notice the aura implicated by the blood."

The problem is not big.

When I turn you into my hair, you will naturally feel the breath of blood.

The blood is connected,

Blood is thicker than water,

You also recognize this group of cheap offspring, recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors, and the blood connection cannot be faked.

Fu Qingjun stretched out his hand and patted.


Emperor Qianyuan, his weak reincarnation, raised his realm to Tier 4 in one breath, and incidentally transformed him into some bloodlines, turning him into a human being on earth.

"I feel it." His expression changed slightly, and he said with a hint of surprise: "This breath is thicker than water."

The fourth-order cultivation base is not high, but Emperor Qianyuan felt the blood connection in that bloodline.

Can't you feel it?

Fu Qingjun shook his head and chuckled secretly: My new version of Tianzun, the rules for creating Tianzun are not a joke.

Even Wen Ce Tianzun couldn't notice the change in this hidden rule, and the other party naturally didn't know that Fu Qingjun's rule was so capable, so he did it for the first time.

Fu Qingjun continued to explain: "As for Buddhism and the development of hairstyles, it is a trend and system change that has never been interfered."

After all, Fu Qingjun has seen the development history of the Thirteenth Universe Dynasty in Tianting Tianting, "You also know that in the 13th Era Dynasty, the universe changes, times change, aesthetics, systems, and realms will eventually change with the universe. "

Emperor Qianyuan thoughtfully, indeed.

He knows history better than anyone else. There have indeed been many changes in the 13 dynasties.

Just like on the earth, the dynasties changed one after another. Although the bloodline was the same, the culture, aesthetics, and styles would all change, just as the Tang Dynasty used fat as its beauty.

Mindful of this,

Although his suspicion was serious, he no longer had any doubts.

After all, everything fits and fits perfectly. The connection in the bloodline, UU reading can be fake?

This is the affection of blood thicker than water!

Looking at the movement and expression of Emperor Qianyuan, the gratification of those earthlings, and the smile of an elder, Fu Qingjun knew after all that this was just a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

"Now, even though I use brand-new rules, he would never have thought of having this kind of method to change his pedigree and let the fool pass the test, but when is the time?"

"There will still be mistakes and omissions. If two eras are opened, he will still find that this bloodline is not right at all."

"But the problem is still not big."

"He can believe it first. When that happens, I will secretly transform everyone in the Houyuan Heavenly Court into my blood, so they won't be suspicious."

Fu Qingjun looked calm, looked far away, and said lightly:

"By then, their ancient and stalwart Primordial Heavenly Court, countless ancient heroes, ancient heavenly sovereigns, and prehistoric taboos, will also recognize this group of orthodox descendants of earthlings linked by blood."

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