"Amiro in the prophecy symbolizes the strongest rules of life, and after hearing Ce Tianzun, what I have mastered is the strongest rules of life, vows."

This is one of the supporting evidence,

"At the same time, it is my plan for Amiro, Hormons, Jiaxia, and the three ancient reincarnations to defeat the dark black hand, and then lead the entire universe and the entire earth to an unprecedented glory."

He does intend to abandon the identity of Wen Ce Tianzun,

Because it is exposed to everyone's eyes, this identity is no longer required!

His next goal is indeed to reform himself, be an upright hero, live a lifetime with Chen Weizhu, continue to open up the entire future era, and continue to search for the legendary eighth rank.

And what about the eighth order?

He and Tianzun Good Fortune had a premonition in the dark.

This realm may be to constantly rewind the history of the universe. This ultimate realm may be at the origin of the universe!

And this ancient prophecy of the universe, Amiro, is the protagonist who is suspected of finding the eighth-order realm and completely changing the universe!

Isn't it the same as your own vision?

He did have thoughts like Amiro.

In other words, if you are really the legendary Amiro, you will soon find a way to get the eighth order, completely surpassing the cage of the universe era! ?

"Son of Prophecy, the truth about the dragon slayer is so peculiar? As a young brave, I defeat this old dragon!"

"If Amiro, the prophetic son of Tianzun Wence, is defeated, it is me who is Wence Tianzun, then this super-ancient prophecy of the three cosmic concepts will be very interesting."

"Who left is a perfect cycle." He squinted his eyes, and his long life of seeking the truth, perhaps in his later years, ushered in a new life, ushered in a turning point.

In fact, the three reincarnations predict who will stay is a question worth discussing.

But there are three possibilities. After thinking about this, although there are still various detailed questions, what we have to do is very clear.

Regardless of the second possibility, one of the two, Chen Weizhu, is Amiro, who wants to defeat the decaying Tianzun Wen Ce,

It’s the third possibility. One of the two is Amiro. He wants to defeat his decadent self.

You have to do it yourself, you have to stand up.

Chen Weizhu couldn't let her take risks, she was too immature.

"Well, things are going very strangely. I turned out to be Amiro who defeated Wence Tianzun in the legend." He smiled and looked into the distance, "Then, I am Amilo."

"After all, apart from me, it is estimated that no one can beat him in this cosmic era."

"Becoming Amiro is not only the orthodox of the universe, the protagonist of the general trend, and the support of the people of the world, but also the gift and blessing of various heavenly rules."

He originally wanted to hide it, after all, it would be difficult for him to get a seat in the heavens if he didn't show up.

But now?

In an instant, a big chance hit the top of the head and jumped directly to the top

Time flies, fifty years have passed.

The entire Houyuan Heavenly Court is already the gathering force of the members of the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons.

They discussed defeating Wence Tianzun,

After all, at this time, both sides have enough background to attack the most superior life rules!

Not only Princess Naersi joined in, but those ancient Celestial Lords from before the Era, and the strong men who had seats in the Celestial Lord of the last Era, were also called to join the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons.

After they heard about the prehistoric reasons, these ancient taboo gods were very moved.

For the descendants of the earth people, they have taken care of them, all resources have been poured into them, and they have been very serious in teaching.

And their information on the thirteen prehistoric epochs, the background, how terrifying?

Qin Hong and others are advancing by leaps and bounds!

Even Fu Qingjun was peeking, studying, and admiring that this cheap is not so big.

He had to sigh with emotion and teased: Qin Hong is really my mascot, and it is true that the whole world is her ancestor.

How terrifying to absorb the background of the civilization of the thirteen eras in one breath? ?

Even Wen Ce Tianzun is extremely jealous.

He was madly chased and killed outside. I nurtured my two good disciples here, stealing the countless achievements of the era, and sooner or later the foundation surpassed him and killed him!

However, Fu Qingjun can be regarded as understanding something through careful observation.

"The information of the thirteen epochs is very precious, but in fact it is not very important, because the prehistoric cosmic epoch, each version is too low, although the strong are enchanting, but they are limited by the simple and wild period of the universe, the prehistoric universe Barren."

The universe is progressing in different versions,

In front of us, we must slap prehistory.

The level of modern civilization in the 21st century is like the civilization of the earth. It must be the Ming and Qing, Tang Song, Shang and Zhou eras.

The times are advancing.

This is the general trend of the universe!

But why do we need archaeology?

Naturally, it is necessary to understand the law of historical development, which has extremely important strategic significance.

By understanding the historical laws and evolutionary processes of all epochs of the universe, one can find a certain way of detachment.

Just like modern people, they continue to do archaeology, excavate historical sites, and study ancient history.

"However, what can be found is that the thirteen prehistoric epochs of the universe are becoming more and more primitive. No matter how strong and evil they are, they will also be restricted by the times. The strongest overlord of their epoch, Black Hand, No matter how strong it is."

It's like the sword saint who swept the world in the Bronze Age.

However, whoever is more powerful when encountering modern gunners with advanced mechanical marksmanship?

Even though the qualifications are very enchanting, it is limited by the ancient times.

"They are too backward in the epoch of the prehistoric universe, and few can beat them, but ~www.readwn.com~ is afraid that those prehistoric existences will smuggle into our modern universe, primitive people to modern ancient Yuanmou people, learning from our modern The skill of stealing our modern avenue seats and overturning us."

"We still have to take precautions."

After all, in Fu Qingjun’s eyes, the reverse of the universe must be driven forever. He felt that Tier 8 was there, and he had to defeat all the powers of the past and return to the original prehistoric cosmic era of z. The population is modern. The epochs add up to thousands of times.

Under the population base, it is not impossible that even more terrifying evildoers will appear.

For example, the great ancestor who founded the 13th dynasty was primitive in his time, so he was afraid that he would sneak into me and take the opportunity to mess with me.

"At present, the most urgent task is to continue to expand the Tianzun rule by 70%."

Fu Qingjun continued to ponder, coldly calculating his plans in his heart,

"Take this Wen Ce Tianzun and find a way to solve it! Use this Heavenly Court of the Houyuan to get all the rules of Tianzun. At that time, I will have complete confidence and go to the prehistoric era step by step."

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