My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 513: As expected of Amiro

In order to keep "Tian Zun Wen Ce" with enough terror and power, deterrence, not to be suspected that this is a fake Tian Zun Wen Ce, she gave almost all the accumulated knowledge and wisdom to each other.

She knows the horror and power of the other party, and let Tianzun of Good Fortune have a headache!

But I never thought that I would lift a rock and hit him in the foot, and be responsible for hitting him.

But also had to go.

This situation is equivalent to challenging oneself and breaking through oneself.

She calmed down, and went all the way with You Tianzun and other Tianzun.


Since he responded in a timely manner, the other party did not **** the rules of the oath with him, so he guessed that the other party might have an idea of ​​playing other rules, and immediately sent someone to investigate, and soon the opposite party was found.

After passing through a verdant forest, they came to a vast desert.

Endless energy and breath rushed here, forming a huge cosmic turbulence, tens of thousands of light years.

"This place has been destroyed, is the other party going to succeed?"

"This is already the second Yuanshou rule."

A famous Tianzun spoke.

"Go to the center of this desert, to the core of the battlefield." The vow Tianzun in front of him is so experienced, he has faced too many such things.

Need to know,

Before, Tianzun of Good Fortune and others fought with him, it was not a real frontal fight!

They don't even dare to fight themselves directly!

As soon as they fought, they always took the opportunity to escape to the past, or to the next era. They kept hiding, preventing him from exerting his true strength.

His frontal combat power can be described as terrifying!

Even after reading the materials of the thirteen prehistoric epochs and knowing the various evil evils in the past, he also calculated his own strength from the opponent's record. Those people are far inferior to him.

He can be called the super **** of war beyond the past, all cosmic eras.

However, even if he is now facing the opponent, he is not too sure.

Because that is another self.

"Can we win?" You Tianzun frowned.

"The other party has already succeeded in two life fighting rules, Yuanshou, immortality"

Qin Hongtian said:

"Although the oath is known as number one, it is not a frontal combat rule, but a dominating rule of the emperor. And this rule, you must understand, has only just been integrated in a few days, and it is the strongest information in the universe that is not enough. No matter how strong the genius is, it is impossible to master the rules of mystery in a short time."

The rules of life also have strengths and weaknesses.

Yuanshou and immortality are battle-type rules, which can be called the most terrifying overlord rules in the universe. It is because of mastering these two rules that the two people of Yuanshou and immortality have become the strongest. Power seat.

The oath is a functional rule, and its combat effectiveness is much weaker.

The opponent is now using combat rules to forcefully confront him!

"Fighting head-on is far worse."

Emperor Qianyuan said: "The horror of the Yuanshou rule has allowed us to rule over dozens of epochs, and it is called the Heavenly Court of Taiyuan."

"Yes, even if we add seven or eight deities, we may not be able to win, after all, we are time and space."

You Tianzun said: "Essentially, they are all fancy, hiding rules. They are directly crushed by mortals and saints. It is difficult to start with the same level. What's more, we have seven or eight heavens to help, and the other party has three or four. Tianzun helps in the fight."

This battle is very hard and tricky!

But it was also the final battle. It was won, the dynasty was reopened, and the Sheng Shijiyuan came completely. All the heroes present, worshipped the king, and divided the heavenly seats!

Some old Tianzuns in Taiyuan Heavenly Court also frowned


As they entered, they eventually ran into a few people sitting cross-legged in the middle of the battlefield.

"Everyone betrayed their relatives, and the entire universe is actually on your side."

Wen Ce Tianzun stood up, looked at the beautiful and handsome young woman dressed up in front of him, and said, "So that's it, are you the first in the legend, Amiro?"


The swearing **** Amelo scolded, "The ones who have won the way will help more, and those who have lost the way will help the Tianzun Wen Ce, your old behavior is too evil, hindering the general trend of the universe, trying to survive, no one in the world can tolerate you! "

"Amiro, worthy of the legendary son of prophecy, very righteous and passionate."

Wen Ce Tianzun was slightly surprised, "When I saw you at the first glance, I felt that there was a trance of similarity between you and me, and there was a connection in the dark. It is indeed the only person who can overthrow me in the prophecy."

But Ce Tianzun was not afraid at all, and slowly stood up and looked at the group of people in front of him, and said lightly: "But do you know, you all lost after all."

"It seems that you were twice as powerful as ours before, and we couldn't beat you in the frontal fight, but what's the use?" He smiled at the corner of his mouth, talked freely, and stretched out two fingers.

"Little girl, you are too young, let me tell you where you lost!"

"Before you, there were two choices."

"The first choice is the rules of hunting vows. We dare not fight with you. We can only hunt for immortality and longevity."

"But, you just got the oath rules, do you know how to use them?"

"You can't even sign an oath. This is a terrifying new version of the rules. No one in the old universe can understand how to use it, even the previous'oath' Tianzun doesn't know how to use it. So, you got the oath. , It's a waste one!"

He calmly looked at the woman in front of him, "Now holding the oath, this is the weakest life rule, and you can't use your strength, how can you fight us?"

The hearts of all people couldn't stop sinking.

"I will kill you and bring back the oath. It will only be in your hands for a moment."

He suddenly smiled again, "So, what if you were going to the second choice at that time?"

"You give up the vows and go hunting for the longevity and immortality that you are familiar with, and other gods know how to use them. I still dare not fight for you. I can only hunt for the rules of the vows, then I am the vows."

"You don't know how to use it. I know how to use the oath. I instantly regained my peak power. I didn't collide with you head-on. I hid it. I promised each celestial **** in the universe one by one, and you lost again."

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, and they felt the terrifying decision-making wisdom in it.

No matter which one they choose, they all lose.

It seems that the previous frontal combat power is more than twice as strong as the opponent. They have the right to choose the priority rules, but choosing which way is a dead end!

The faces of the people in Taiyuan Heavenly Court changed drastically.

"How should this be good?"

"Yes, this oath rule should not be given to the legendary son of prophecy, Amiro."

"He is a young genius in this world, how can our prehistoric heavenly masters know so much? Give us, we must be able to grasp this rule more quickly.

"If it was given to the previous ‘Oath’ Heavenly Sovereign, although the rules have been changed drastically and completely unrecognizable, he may also be able to master it again in a short time."

Everyone frowned.

The first rule of the universe is strong, but I don’t know how to use it!

This is a new version that just appeared in this universe, and the prehistoric Tianzun didn't know how to use it.

"You guys, lost."

Wen Ce Tianzun has the winning ticket, and only he knows the difficulty and complexity of the oath rules.

It looks like a contract, but it is actually weaving the huge rules and information of the universe and heaven, linking the relationship between the universe, creatures, and rules, forming a big net, which is extremely terrifying knowledge.

"Although you lose, you lose at a young age."

Wen Ce Tianzun spoke calmly, and walked step by step, "I have to admit that you Amiro, from a young perspective, is indeed terrifying. In just a thousand years, you can even be with us who are at least hundreds of millions of years old. Fighting, it's a pity, you are after all"

Wow. U U Reading

This young Vow Tianzun stretched his finger, a little flame burned, and the golden flames gradually condensed into a simple golden contract, and slowly said, "Is that the vow you said?"

"You!" Wen Ce Tianzun's face changed slightly.

This? ?

Actually already started to master it? ?

All Tianzun standing in the desert stared blankly at the vow in his hand, with huge surprises pouring out of their hearts.

This is not an ordinary method at all. The talent of this girl in front of us surpasses the scope of the Tianzun-level aptitude that the world understands. In just a few days, she has mastered the rules of the oath of the universe's top and the most informative data Initial use?

"No wonder she is Amiro, the son of prophecy." Princess Nars murmured to herself, "The first in line, symbolizing the great and ancient existence of life."

This is not only the idea of ​​Princess Narsi, but also the common idea of ​​all the people in the ancient prehistoric heaven and all members of the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons.

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