My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 531: Fu Qingjun: I lost my hair

At this time, Wen Ce Tianzun was making a fortune in the war.

If it were the peaceful universe of the old days, such a massacre of saints would inevitably be noticed by Tianzun and be killed directly!

But right now, the heavenly sovereign of this universe is hard to protect himself. The entire cosmic epoch has become a battlefield where the two cosmic systems are handed over. The past and the future universe are fighting at the node of this long river of time. Who cares?

Who cares about ordinary saints, life and death?

But it was their inertia in thinking, as always, despising the rules of the saint, that gave him a huge opportunity and a springboard.

He heard that Ce Tianzun was already impoverished. The body of the universe was defeated by young and passionate heroes. Everyone was on guard against him. Under the horror of the oath, they had become an iron plate, and he had no chance of gaining a seat in the heaven. .

Only he knows how hard it is to overthrow the existence of the rules of the oath in his hand.

However, the status quo has been changed right now.

"Sure enough, I felt that these sage rules are like an endless disc of loose sand, and this disc of loose sand is gathering itself in a certain secret law.

Countless trillions of sage rules condense from scattered sand into a rock, and from a rock into a rock.

In short, it keeps getting bigger.

Countless sage rules condensed and qualitatively changed, and eventually became a heavenly seat.

"I don't know how many seats will be in the material world, but there must be no sage rules at all. Instead, new material seats will have the ability to compete with the three regular seats!"

He secretly said.

He kept studying the material rules in his hands.

The rules of more than one hundred saints all draw and gather together.

It's just that the speed of gathering is quite weak. If it were not for keen perception, he had also served as a seat of tens of thousands of saints, and he was very familiar with the rules of transparent saints, and would almost ignore it.

"Ordinary saints, and even Tianzun, I'm afraid they can't feel those subtle changes."

Tianzun Wen Ce couldn't help sighing, "After all, Tianzuns, from the beginning, look down on the rules of the saints, don't study, don't understand, just go over it, and you will become Tianzun, which can be described as a layman."

After all, for most Tianzuns, the rules of saints are excessive.

The most typical example is Fu Qingjun. He directly got the rules of Tianzun. Where can I study the rules of the saints?

"And the saint? They don't understand even more."

"Although they occupy the position of a saint, it can only be one position, which is appointed by the deities. When they are bound, they cannot understand more other saint rules. They can only hang for a lifetime under one saint rule. Their life is very one-sided. No matter how amazing the talent is, it will be suppressed by Tianzun. He is a puppet, even less noticeable."

"Of course, this is the early stage, and the attraction is so weak that Tianzun can hardly detect it. After tens of thousands of years, the traction will be very clear, and they should be aware of it. But, these tens of thousands. The beginning of the year is the time to decide fate!"

"The general trend, so cleverly standing on my side of the rotten person?"

"The right time, the right place, and the right people, it's all on my side, it can be said that God helps me." His expression became weird, he was decayed and old, and he still had such luck, which is very outrageous.

At this time, there are more than a hundred rules in hand, and the biggest one has more than a dozen self-directed ones.

The rest are basically two and three pulling each other.

"If we follow the natural traction law of the universe, it will only take tens of billions of years before we can fully condense the seats of heaven."

"Unfortunately, the responsibility of our beings is to promote the renewal of the universe."

"We discovered this law, and naturally we won't wait for him to develop slowly. We will plunder and gather frantically! A thousand years, ten thousand years may be completed in the transportation and gathering!"

"We humans never produce rules, we are just porters of nature."

With a wave of his hand, he directly grabbed the largest mass of material rules and blended it into his body.

"What rules can be condensed, let alone how strong it is? I don't know, but first take the largest group, first seize the opportunity, condense it and talk about it!"

He immediately merged into the semi-finished seat that had gathered a dozen saint rules, and felt that his power had risen out of thin air.

"The new era is so wonderful!"

At the same time, countless material fragments stirred and merged in his body, and unexpectedly produced a peculiar effect. The material formed vortex, chaos, and frantically rotated in his body, clearing all the marks and hidden dangers left in his body.

He also felt as if he had turned into a huge cosmic radar, with traction marks in all directions, waiting for him to collect and find.

"This is already the era of collecting rule fragments and condensing the seats on the avenue."

He flashed away and disappeared in place.




In the restaurant, the teacher, Qing Jun, shook suddenly.

His black hair was full of luxuriant luxuries, and one of his hair suddenly fell to the ground, and the connection between this strand of hair and somewhere in the void disappeared.

His expression changed drastically in an instant,

"I actually lost my hair."

"I lost my hair..."

He stood up, whispered, his face full of inconceivableness, and looked at the black hair that had fallen, "The omen of the great evil! The omen of the time of death! The great catastrophe of the universe is here."

He clearly knows that this is the beginning.

One is off, are the others still far away? Maybe not far from being overthrown and losing hair!

"The dependents are out of my control..."

He took a closer look and found something even more incredible.

100% avenue rule.

All the seats of Dao Tianzun are still in the palm of his hand and connected with his hair.

He thought that there was a version update in the Forty-Nine Avenue Rules, out of his control, who knew that this time he didn't play cards according to common sense at all.

The rule of evolution is not the 49-seat rule.

"So, a new seat outside of the seats I know was born."

Fu Qingjun frowned slowly, "A new Tianzun may have been born, and he has a certain means to remove the branding mechanism, which can remove the branding of'good luck rules against a certain family member, and oath rules against a certain contract'. Set him free!"

Fu Qingjun does not doubt this.

Since you can **** people from your own hands, you can definitely **** people from the more ancient rules of vows!

After all, the two rules are the life imprinting mechanism. UU reading

However, Fu Qingjun had a bigger problem:

Why doesn't the other party help Tianzun solve the control rights, and even help me a random dependent? ?

If the other party did this, he might not know that he had exposed himself, and let himself be aware of his existence in advance!

For myself, it is good news.

And who is this dependent who was saved by him?

Fortunately, Fu Qingjun is not a casual person, and there are not a few people besides his Tianzun family members. The gods and demons feast on a group of people, some people on earth,

He probed carefully and found it.

And the moment he found out, Fu Qingjun's expression changed rapidly, "Wen Ce Tianzun unexpectedly lost contact!"

"I really set a flag for myself before, and a hero from the new era really saved him! Set him free!"

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