My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 538: Life is okay

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This passage completely shocked the heart of the young Patriarch.

If the previous "three cosmic stages" were fairly satisfactory, and I had expected it, then the next deeper vision and the digging of the secrets in the dark will completely shock him.

See the essence through the general trend.

The other party has noticed the deeper equilibrium of the universe, something more beautiful and fascinating.


Yes, the avenue is the law.

The other party saw some true meaning of the universe, the future development.

Behind the so-called three general stages, fairness is given to all common people.

This is no longer an era where only Tianzun can compete, only Tianzun can compete for the eighth rank.

Because the Xintianzun seat was born from the rules of tens of millions of saints, and these saints rules can be killed by mortals of the sixth-order against the sky, so no matter if it is a god, a saint, a mortal, all real creatures are treated equally and possess Opportunity for detachment.

Because of the integration of all past and future universes, all the common people born in the universe are gathered here, and the dead beings are treated equally.

"The living, the dead, the past, the future, the poor, the rich..." Patriarch Qianxiu couldn't help whispering softly, shaking with excitement, and flushing with joy, "This is, the so-called fair!"

"And this fairness that has appeared now directly wipes out all the unfairness that has happened in the past tens of billions of years in the universe!"

He suddenly laughed, feeling the vastness and splendor of the universe, "The universe, it's really amazing."

"Obviously it is a dead thing, a nature, but it has its own law of operation, its own way of heaven."

If the universe is like a piece of bread, and human beings are the fungus living on it, then the natural decay and various changes of bread are the general trend and definite number in his unconsciousness.

"So, do you understand the horror of the ultimate universe?" Fu Qingjun suddenly smiled.

"I understand."

He said with a serious face: "In a cosmic era, the early era of Hongmeng, which opened up heaven and earth, only took up less than one-fifty-one times of the time of the universe, and during this time, our heavenly lords were born."

"So, how many geniuses were born in the remaining forty-nine-fifths?"

"It's just a pity that we never paid attention to them. They were blocked by us."

"For a long time, there are countless people like us, and even the qualifications of the three universe emperors such as Tianzun Wence, me, and the immortal ancestor will not be too small. This is a truly terrifying trend. People are all competing for ultimate detachment in the ultimate universe that is about to ascend."

Fu Qingjun smiled and stood up, "If you understand, let's chase the rules of other saints."


The voice of the young patriarch began to admire.

After all, a person's strength is to be revealed in order to be respected by others.

Fu Qingjun undoubtedly used the hard power to defeat the saint faster than him, and deduced the wisdom of the general trend, which moved him.

Even the young ancestor, following Fu Qingjun all the way across several stars, capturing the rules of a lot of saints, while watching his back, a terrible thought was born in his heart:

Perhaps he is not old at all!

He is still very young, very young!

After all, this kind of talent and insight to deduce the general trend, the unconstrained understanding and innovative reasoning, is exactly the thinking that a young hero should have.

It's not like the old people like Yuanshou and Immortal Tianzun at all.

Where is he sacred?

The young patriarch followed behind and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Young, the information contained in this is really terrifying.

"What are you thinking about?"

Fu Qingjun stopped on a planet, looked at his expression, and suddenly smiled: "We have hunted for more than a dozen rules, but we are a little tired. It's better to sit down and rest."

"No problem." Young Taizu Ganxiu stopped with Fu Qingjun and answered honestly.

"Do you understand the sage rules of the universe?" Fu Qingjun said suddenly.

"The level of understanding is not high. After all, the Tianzun rules have been studied before, and the Tianzun rules are already very profound." He answered honestly.

"Then learn the principles of the saint's rules, understand it, and I will teach you a magic method." Fu Qingjun smiled, stretched out his hand, and suddenly a restaurant appeared in the space.

Fu Qingjun asked him to cook in the kitchen.

Looking at the pot handed over, Grand Master Gan Xiu looked dazed.

"Before, I also exercised Chen Nianzi and Chen Weizhu that way. It is an excellent way to understand the rules of the saints, to plan and cook."

Fu Qingjun looked solemn and said, "I believe in your talents. The first time you cook, you will definitely be able to make something interesting. This is the collision of innovation and thinking. Everyone has their own different understanding of the same ingredients. , Cooking completely different dishes."

The face of the young man in white condensed.

That's how it turns out, I just tried the other side's test, this time it's the opponent's turn to test myself?

Just now, the other party gave him an answer sheet exceeding full marks, which shows that the other party's terrifying talent and wisdom, but now he can't be too disadvantaged.

He thought for a while, took the pot and started cooking.

There was a sudden shock in the kitchen.

Fu Qingjun replied at the table, sitting leisurely at the table waiting for the meal. Seeing the Taoist rhyme inside it was constantly colliding, the mysteries were amazing, and there was some expectation in his heart, "I traveled all the way, maybe I followed a good cook."

It’s hot inside, and Fu Qingjun is not in a hurry.

He silently observed the movements of other celestial beings, and the progress was good.

Jiaxia, Bai Long, Amiruo, Chen Weizhu are a group of four,

I also looked at the group of Qin Hong and others who were invisible and Yuanshou Tianzun together, carefully observed and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, fortunately, a few of them did not learn badly from them, and became decay."

"After all, those who are close to Zhu are red, UU reading is black when they are close to ink."

Fu Qingjun shook his head.

After a period of time, the young Master Ganxiu brought out more than a dozen dishes, and the saints' Taoist rhyme flowed, which looked amazing and sold very well.

"Please comment," he said.

"Let’s sit down and evaluate together. I am more experienced in this area. I may be able to point out your shortcomings and make you better next time."

Fu Qingjun saw a great appetite. He just mentioned the chopsticks, but he always felt that something was missing, and he remembered something else. He couldn't help but said: "Friends, have you ever heard of Suona? I can teach you how to blow it. The two former Chen Nianzi used ingredients to make a musical instrument, which contains the rhyme of saint humanity and can also improve understanding."

After all, the little speaker is really a strange person, and he has developed a quirk for himself.

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